The Word Among Us

September 2006 Issue


In our first two articles, we talked about how potentially devastating situations—as global as terrorist attacks or as intimate as a broken marriage—can convince us to shrink back from the calling of the gospel. We saw that when things look their darkest, God calls believers to shine the light of Christ more fully, transforming the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. More »

Five years ago this month, the world looked on with shock as the United States was subjected to the worst terror attack in its history. On September 11, 2001, radical Islamists hijacked four commercial airplanes and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York City, into the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C., and into a field in rural Pennsylvania. Nearly three thousand people were killed that day; thousands more were injured; and countless others were reduced to stunned silence. More »

It was a narrow escape. Moses and Pharaoh had been locked in a test of wills, but plague after plague wore the Egyptian king down. He finally relented and set the Israelites free. Not long after issuing his decree, however, Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army to recapture the Israelites. When the Egyptians caught up with them, the Israelites were camped by the Sea of Reeds. With an army on one side and treacherous waters on the other, the people were trapped. More »

Special Feature

She's so young to be in here!" That was my first thought on meeting Gloria. At forty-eight, this Mexican-American woman had recently been admitted to the nursing home I was visiting with my Legion of Mary group. Though I liked her right off, I had no idea that our friendship would evolve into one of God's greatest gifts to me. More »

I saw her at the park a few times. We made small talk as we shared the bench. But we had never spoken about God. Recipes, sure. Gossip, yes. A great sale on school snacks, most definitely. But mentioning God, faith, or church sounded too much like "evangelizing." Besides, Catholics don't do that, right? More »