The Word Among Us

Easter 2016 Issue

I Will Never Forget You

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Publisher's Letter

Remember the Resurrection

We all know how grateful we can feel when someone does something special for us. A husband is touched when his wife goes out of her way to care for one of their children. More »


In Imitation of Mary

If the Eucharist is a mystery of faith which so greatly transcends our understanding as to call for sheer abandonment to the word of God, then there can be no one like Mary to act as our support and guide in acquiring this disposition. More »

In Memory of Me

Judging from the story of Ezra that we looked at in the previous article, we can see how keeping God’s mighty deeds and his unconditional love in the forefront of our minds can help us develop our spiritual instincts. More »

Do You Not Remember?

Alex Haley’s novel Roots tells the story of Kunta Kinte, an eighteenth-century African man who was captured and sold into slavery in America. More »

The God Who Remembers

Happy Easter! May the good news of Jesus’ resurrection fill all our hearts with joy! Christ is risen; he has overcome sin and death. He has vanquished the devil and rescued us from his hold. Now, risen with him, we have the power to live in freedom and peace and hope. More »

Special Feature

Big Truths in Simple Words

Many readers know Jeanne Kun as the author of numerous books and reflections on the Bible. For her new book, The Infinite Tenderness of God, she has selected and compiled Gospel meditations by another lover of God’s word: Pope Francis. In the following interview, she reflects on the project. More »

Enough Is Enough!

Where or when I first saw those images, I don’t remember. It might have been a magazine passed around by curious friends or an X-rated movie I discovered late one night. More »

Not Buried, Planted

It was 1998, and Sister Dorothy Stang was back in Brazil’s Amazon rain forest after a four-month trip to Dayton, Ohio. She had been home to celebrate her fiftieth anniversary with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. More »