The Word Among Us

Lent 2017 Issue

Publisher's Letter

A Letter from the Publisher

Back in 1977, when I was a graduate business student, one of my professors taught us a saying that he felt was vital for us to understand: “Time is a statement of priority.” It’s really quite simple: The way we spend our time says a lot about what we consider important—and what we don’t. More »


A Simple Plan

Think of all the input that most of us encounter during the day. There’s television, the radio, e-mail, text messaging, and Internet sites like Facebook and Twitter. More »

Keep Being Filled!

Part of the appeal of the Gospel of John are three lengthy, beautiful stories about people who encountered Jesus. These stories are so moving that they became part of the Church’s Lenten tradition very early on. More »

A Vision Both Bitter and Sweet

Ecce Homo! “Behold, the man!” These were the words that Pontius Pilate used when he presented Jesus to the crowd on Good Friday (John 19:5). Every time Mass is celebrated, the priest urges us to do exactly that: “Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world.” More »

Special Feature

A Visual Homily

When I used to give tours at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, The Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico was a must-see stop. More »

The Couple That Prays Together . . .

Many people look back on a first childhood memory with fondness and longing for those more innocent days. My first memory, though, is a painful one—forever etched in my mind as a reminder of the miracle of God’s mercy that has taken place in my life. More »