The Word Among Us

January 2022 Issue

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

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Publisher's Letter

Living the Call to Christian Unity

As you probably know, every few years, The Word Among Us publishes an issue focused on Christian unity. We often do this in January because it’s this month that we celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18 through 25). More »


“We Preach Christ Jesus”

From its very beginning, the ecumenical movement has been composed of two equally important elements: official, doctrinal ecumenism and spiritual ecumenism. More »

“That They May Be One”

I was only thirteen years old when my father died, and the only neighbor who came to console and pray with my mother was the pastor of the small Methodist church across the street. More »

An Exchange of Gifts

Children born into the same family can display quite different personalities from one another. One might be outgoing; another might thrive in solitude. More »

Flying into Prayer

I used to fly through the air in my younger days. My flight path took me from the top of the tall spiral staircase in my childhood home down to the waiting arms of my father. More »