The Word Among Us

July/August 2022 Issue

The Lord Is Close to the Brokenhearted

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Publisher's Letter

Consider It All Joy

This issue of The Word Among Us focuses on how the Lord wants to give us his strength through times of trial or suffering. More »

Consider It All Joy

There is so much about our lives that we can’t control. Maybe someone runs into our car on the highway and we are severely injured. More »

Clinging to God . . . Even through Sorrow

I write this as the fifth anniversary of the death of my daughter Kathleen nears. Any of us who has lost a loved one know something of the grief that my wife, Jeannie, and I, as well as our other four children, have experienced these past years. More »

Special Feature

All Shall Be Well

We all have our own stories of the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic. More »

People, Not Projects

In our counseling work, we often find that parents of young children view parenting not so much as a relationship they have with their children as a set of techniques that they use to help them manage their children. More »