The Word Among Us

October 2023 Issue

I Call You by Name

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

By: Jeff Smith

I Call You by Name: Dear Brothers and Sisters, by Jeff Smith

This month I am delighted to join you on your journey toward encountering the Lord! Together we will seek out Jesus’ presence, listen for him calling us by name, and ask him to show us his face. How is this even possible? By pondering how three heroes from the Gospels—Mary Magdalene, Zacchaeus, and Thomas the Apostle—encountered Jesus. As we begin our journey, I want to thank Jeanne Kun, who wrote the articles that are the basis for this month’s essays. Jeanne, who has authored numerous Bible studies as well as a book of poetry, is a former member of The Word Among Us staff and a wonderful sister in the Lord!

Three Different Encounters. In this month’s articles, we see how Jesus welcomes each person according to who they are and where they are in life. For instance, Jesus met Mary Magdalene as she faced a great inner struggle with seven demons—and he delivered her (Luke 8:2). This encounter led Mary to become one of his most faithful followers. In our first article, “I Have Seen the Lord!” (page 4), we see how Mary was so faithful that on Easter Sunday, she became the first witness of the risen Christ. Hearing Jesus call her name that day changed her life forever!

Our second essay, “I Have Come to Seek the Lost” (page 10), looks at how a certain tax collector also heard the Lord speak his name: “Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house” (Luke 19:5). How amazed this chief tax collector must have felt that such a popular rabbi knew him and was willing, even eager, to share a meal with him! Jesus sought out Zacchaeus, not the other way around, just as he seeks out you and me—and not just once, but every day. Each day he whispers to us, “Come quickly; I want to be with you and stay with you.”

Maybe Thomas, who had followed Jesus for three years, should have already known who Jesus was. And yet our third essay, “My Lord and My God!” (page 16), shows how Thomas, this apostle who had struggled believing in the resurrection, became the first to proclaim Jesus’ lordship (John 20:28). Seeing Jesus face-to-face was a revelation for Thomas. Now he finally knew that Jesus was Lord—Kyrios—the One who rules over all creation! That experience transformed Thomas into a man who would give his whole life for the kingdom of God.

You and Me. Every day this month, you, too, can hear the Lord speak your name. You can hear him tell you, How I long to sit with you in the quiet of your day! You are my beloved child. I came to save and not condemn you. So listen for Jesus’ voice. Look to him in prayer, and you will sense him looking back at you. Jesus wasn’t exaggerating when he promised, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed” (John 20:29). He was saying these words about you and me!

Jeff Smith
