The Word Among Us

Latest Praise Reports

Build up your faith by reading about how God has worked in other people’s lives. If you have a praise report that you’d like to share, please let us know by submitting a praise report.

Would you like to us to pray for you, a family member or a friend? Please let us know by submitting a prayer request.

I thank and praise God for ALWAYS providing for and helping my family and I. Without God I know I would not be positive, healed, progressive, God-led and safe. Bless His Holy Name! God Is Awesome & So Worthy! In Jesus Name! Amen

We thank our merciful and gracious God for answering our prayers:
For Inna's job and accommodation.
For Mary and Helen's ongoing healing from cancer.
For stabilising Arnold's condition and allowing him to go home. May God continue to heal him and may his brain be fully restored and may he wake up soon.
For success of May Marian event.

Praise God for whom all blessing flows.....I receive the help I need to visit my mother and family...Thanks be to God for all he does...Thank you for praying for me....may God richly bless your prayer ministry.

In 2010 I accepted Jesus Christ as my lord a savior, for three years I was a devoted Christian,about 2 years ago I started turning from the lord,and I am falling further away. This past week I have ask the lord to carry me in his arms again , I hope I don't let him down again.

I want to give God praise and thanks for being good to me all the time.I requested prayer for my friend James and he is now going to adoration and praying. At this very moment he is in church..So I thank God that he is healing and delivering my friend from all his afflictions...the holy spirit is working on him...thank you for all prayers. prayer works.....thank you in Jesus name...amen

Praise Jesus! a true miracle! Kai, my grandson, was hit in the eye by a shot rubber ball. Doctors said the pupil was unresponsive and needed surgery. On the trip from emergency room to Childrens Hospital Kai started to see lights and shadows. Doctors were truly amazed! Thanks for your prayers. This truly shows the power of prayer. Praise Jesus our Lord! Thank you!

Thanks and praise for my healthy family and my independent children!

My prayers have been answered! I have been unemployed for quite awhile and finally received word that I have been extended a job offer in my field! I have been praying the rosary and want to thank our Blessed Mother especially for her assistance and comfort in this difficult time. Thank you to WAU prayer team for your kind prayers as well :)

Thank you Lord for a successful hip replacement and a recovery that is going so well...I am walking without a walker and without a cane for the first time in over a year

I want to THANK GOD for supplying the means for me to feed myself and pay my rent next month.

Thank you Lord Jesus for dealing so beautifully, so miraculously, so graciously, so favorably, so mercifully, so gently and so Kindly with me and my baby. You have shown me unequivocal love and given unmerited favor and grace. I could never thank you enough and i'm eternally grateful. Thank you Jesus.

Thank you Lord. For the outcome of an important meeting.

Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers. Thank you for being with Vernon and all of us, he went through his brain surgery. We thought we would lose him but you gave him back to us. Continue to shower your blessings on him as he journeys his way back.

I thank God for blessing my son Michael and his wife Nikki with a beautiful, fantastic and joyful wedding day last Saturday! The weather was even wonderful! Everyone had a great time!

I am very grateful to you for praying for my father (84 y.o.), diagnosed with incipient cancer in the prostate and with high levels of antigens. He did tests again and their antigens went down to ZERO! Praise to God!!! Thanks again!!!

Thank you for my husband and the Wonderful job God provided him.
Also, in Thanksgiving that my brother was able to make it to our Mothers 95th Birthday gathering. Most of all, praise and thanks to God for allowing us to have our Mom for 95 years and that it was a beautiful day for her to enjoy.



Please pray for my older brother who recently lost his job and has a family.

THANK YOU ALL, for Prayers for my friend Kim C. I asked if we could Pray for her to get the job she was so interested in and by the Grace of GOD and all our Prayers she got the job. GOD BLESS EVERYONE, THANK YOU AGAIN.

Last month I had asked for Prayers For Cassy. She is a young mother of two, who had surgery of her spine. She began leaking fluid and was in the hospital medicated with morphine bed ridden. I am happy to report Cassy is now home with her husband and two boys. It will be a long way to recovery but she has the will and faith to continue. I thank you all for your prayers as this is another miracle our Lord has performed.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

I have seen this manifest in my life in ways that I find truly amazing. I am grateful for answered prayers and even more grateful for the grace to wait through delayed answers. I am confident of this, my God will never leave nor forsake me. Thank You Lord for the gift of relationships, you are working behind the scenes and know the desires of my heart. I trust you. It is well.

Thanking God for my new job role as SHIFT LEADER IN REICHHOLD UK LTD without submitting my original passport holding my valid documents but only the photocopies.
And I pray that the job should be PERMANENT AND IRREVERSIBLE regardless of what the new Hr will say.

My son and his family lost their home and all belongings he needs prayer for god to supply him with a job in his town or a job he can work at night

Thanksgiving prayers for intentions being answered especially for my brother Lawrence. Lord according to your will for all the situations.

Praise Jesus for my sister getting engaged!

Physician heal thy self. Most African Americans still suffer daily prejudice. Let us pray in unison for the strength to forgive our oppressors, who suffer under the inability to acknowledge their sins and the sins of their fathers. Until self forgiveness starts and the true identity we have with God is received,We all remain stagnant and without joy.

In all of my years as a practicing Catholic I have not made a practice of saying the rosary. We have a senior going off to college in the fall. I have been struggling with anxiety over college costs and how we'll handle this challenge. I was listening to EWTN on the radio while painting in our basement and a gentleman called in and spoke of learning the rosary as an older cradle Catholic and how it has changed his life. I found an interactive rosary on "Laudate" to help me in learning how to say the rosary. About 3 weeks into my attempts at saying a daily rosary we received a letter from one of our state schools that my son was granted a scholarship offering 50% off of tuition for all four years. This brings tuition to an affordable amount without taking on debt. The scholarship is not anything we applied for, it was completely unexpected and arrived in our mailbox one day . My son attends a small Catholic school, although a good A-B student, he does not have straight A's and would not normally have been considered for such a scholarship. I can't help but praise God and thank our Blessed Mother for easing my worry. I feel as if God is saying, "Don't you understand? I've got this..." The rosary has been a blessing to me in giving me great peace and has drawn me closer to our Blessed Mother something I knew I wanted and longed for but couldn't quite figure out how to get there. I'm so thankful!

My daughter whom is a 13yr dialysis patient, had her rt kidney removed due to cancer in Nov. 2016 and on 3/29/17 had her left kidney removed, inspite of. all the set backs that kept postponing it. Because it had cancer in it too. Now the Lord blessed her with 3 kids . The last 2 are dialysis babies who are healthy..Now she is recovering. She will remain on dialysis, BUT GOD HAS BLESSED HER TO STILL BE ALIVE AND I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL AND I THANK JESUS FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYERS....PRAISE THE LORD, THANK YOU JESUS FOR BEING FAITHFUL.

Today in the First Reading it says:
"Thus says the LORD: In a time of favor I answer you, on the day of salvation I help you;
and I have kept you and given you as a covenant to the people" Isaiah 49:8.
Truly, today God has answered my prayers for a good jobs for my children and a successful business trip for my husband.
How gracious is our God who listens to our prayers and grants them according to His holy will! How beautiful it is to have the communion of saints and prayer warriors praying for our concerns and our deepest desires. How good is our God!

Thank you God that my son and his wife have reconciled and commit to save their marriage.

I just want to 1st of all,THANK-GOD for the show of mercy,blessings and UNCOMMON and UNMERITED FAVORS he has just given me.i got a call this morning to be told that i have just been offered a interview i was AFRAID to honor at 1st because my ORIGINAL PASSPORT CONTAINING MY DOCUMENT WAS MISSING(SEIZED BY MY EX WIFE). i only gave them my photocopies during the 2nd stage interview and they were accepted without complaints or i have been offered the position in the company....i want to sincerely thank you ALL THE PRAYER PARTNERS HERE AT WAU.ORG for the prayers,i will continue to recommend this prayer group to all and sundry ,may God also meet you all at the points of your various me to praise the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I PRAY THAT THIS OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT SHALL BE PERMANENT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD,AMEN.

Thank you all for you time and continued prayer. They help a great deal

last year I sent a request for prayers for my family especially my husband.. Our family has definitely grow in union with God and my husband has had his spirit renewed ..our love for each other has become stronger only because of Jesus' mercy and love for us..
Thank you team and all God's blessing

Just to let you know that the Life in The Spirit Seminar is going very well. Very good turnout and almost all are finishing. Two of my friends from AA are going. So many people are recovery from alcohol, drugs and horrendous life experiences. Our God reigns! Thanks so much for your prayers and holy lives. I cannot put into words what your prayers mean to me. You will see someday in Heaven how your prayers touched Jesus' Heart and so many lives. God Bless you all!

God answered my prayers last week Friday.i went for an interview in a multi-national company here in the uk,God saw me through the 1st stage and i was invited again for the 2nd interview,have done that and i have been asked to write a feedback letter which i did yesterday being Saturday. The truth and shocking part of the matter is,my passport has been missing which contains my original document that enables me to work,but in faith in God the PHOTOCOPIES were collected and accepted without them asking any question with regards or reference to the original passport ! I am still in shock as to how it happened! praise God. I asked God on the 2nd day of the interview to let them accept it without asking any question and he answered me! i praying and hoping i get the job by this week in Jesus Name:Amen.

thank you for your prayers for Kay. she had melanoma and was told by the dr. that it is now gone. God Bless all of you.

Want to give Praise to Our Lord for He has my daughter Sally Cruz sober for over 6 months and my son in law Oscar Navarro sober for over 2 months, for this, we pray to the Lord Almighty!!

I feel a sense of a accomplishment, I am moved and thank God for making it possible. I have offset an outstanding debt (the lender has been very patient and I pray that God will bless him in multiples for his kindness) and, I also made out several payments since the beginning of the year...I am temporarily tight for cash but grateful that I am in a position to do this. I know I will continue to prosper and create wealth that will serve me well and be a blessing to others too. Amen!! Surely, I say with conviction that my God continues to meet me at my very point of need. Glory to Him! Philippians 4:19

I just want to say how good Jesus has been to us, he got my sister and I out of trouble, and got our life back on track and got the case against her dropped immediately. March 7th 2017 was the start of a new beginning for us, with faith and trust in the lord, Jesus fought this battle and intervene and made this situation right, he met with the prosecutor and my sister case was dropped miraculously and our life was back on track and we have been blessed with a new start. I just want to say in our darkest hour the lord was there with light and showed mercy on us and got my sister and I free! Thank you lord for getting the Prosecutor to drop this case against my sister because she was innocent and protecting me from harm and changing this mistake into a miracle. Thank you for protecting us and getting us out of this trouble and guiding us back on track ASAP, Thank you for showing mercy on our life and getting my sister case dropped on March 7 2017. Thank you for always being there for us everyday of our life and getting us through these battles and trials. Thank you for protecting us from all harm and getting our life back on track ASAP. Thank you protecting my sister from being charged, arrested, convicted, jailed, having pre trial or trial. Thank you for immediate victory and defending us in this case and making everything be handled outside of court. Thank you for our new life. Thank you for our life. Thank you!

giving thanks for all the blessings and favors received especially my job.Lord fashion me in your likeness that I may be your servant.

Praise be to the Almighty. He has blessed me in many ways and has been merciful to me even when I didn't deserve it. I love the Lord with ALL of my heart and I want everyone to know of His goodness. May God bless you all with the desires of your heart.

God bless

praise Jesus for healing me overnight!

giving thanks for the healing of Fr.Al Furtudo recovering from his stroke. Lord continue to bless him.

prayers for Edna in the early stages of breast cancer.

Thanks be to God, the car journeys between Laurel and Randallstown yesterday to obtain computer repair were largely uneventful, and I am deeply grateful for the intercession, which contributed a sense of peace. The "check engine" light on my low-mileage 1995 Oldsmobile has been illuminating occasionally since last summer, and the engine begins to idle roughly at stop lights--problems a mechanic has been unable to diagnose. My greatest fear is that the car will stall in heavy traffic with catastrophic consequences. As it happens, the "check engine" light lit up again when I was returning to Laurel yesterday, but the car thankfully continued to operate. I had the sense that the Lord's hands were resting on the car. This morning when I drove to Mass the car problems did not recur.
Thank you once again for the intercession!


praise Jesus for getting me a great deal on my new car even though I had bad credit!

The Lord in His graciousness answered our prayer .My niece was enabled to take up a job as a doctor abroad against all the odds her father placed in her path to prevent her from leaving. After a year of intercessory prayer the Lord through various events and circumstances directed her path enabling her to leave her home without rancor and accompanied by the good wishes of family and friends. Praise the lord everything went smoothly .We now pray and know that the Lord will heal the sadness and the fears of her father. We continue to pray for him

May the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised! I give God all the glory. I have consistently submitted a prayer item and God has answered my prayers at the right time. The revelations is a bitter sweet taste but I am grateful that God has shown me mercy and grace in a big way.

-- Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time...

Pray for my family will have a safe and good night and good night sleep.A.F and family can lose weight,exercise and eat healthy.Pray for my marriage and family. AF. and family can lose weight,exercise and eat healthy.Pray for health of Liz,Scott,Aiden,Ella.A.F,Mary,Linda,Josh.Pray for Liz and Scott marriage and Aiden and Ells.Pray for Tom and Alysha engagement,new home,van,girls.Pray for Ryan and Kylie.Pray for Ryan conversion,health,grades,jobs,finds good spouse and does well in college.Pray for babysitting goes well. Pray for family will have happy,healthy and holy vacation.Special intention for husband and family.

Thanking God for his goodness,kindness, good health, open doors of opportunity he have shower upon every member's of my family I want to say thank you Jesus, oh thank you Jesus, oh thank you Jesus, oh thank you Jesus.

Surgery went well prayers were answered Praise be to GOD! Bless all who believe, thank you LORD

God is in our living, i want Lord spirit that support me,give me strength so that i will worship him in the bottom of my heart with my family in my entire life.

Thank you, Lord for answering one of my prayers. I will continue to put my faith in You because I know You will always look out for me and my loved ones. Thank you again for today.

giving thanks for Peter's operation that went successfully.

We praise and thank you Lord for keeping us safe and whole on the road yesterday while driving in the middle of a snowstorm with white out and blizzard conditions. Mother Mary and Holy Guardian Angels thank you for your protection and intercession as well!

I want to thank the Lord, for protecting my son last night while he was asleep! The false ceiling in his room fell down ALL AROUND HIM INCLUDING one of the fluorescent light tubes and he was not hurt!! Thank you Lord for protecting my son!!

Please pray that my husband and I remain healthy on our holiday. Please grant us the time to pray, to reflect and to feel the love of the Lord in the beauty of the vacation spot.

Interviews going well. I appreciate your prayers

I was frantic I had no money to buy Christmas presents for my few family members, let alone money for gas to get to work to earn money. I prayed to Abba, to help me, to Jesus, and to blessed Mary. That day when I went to work I was told that I had won a drawing (which included money) and my picture on the business board for doing a good job. I immediately cried out to: Abba, Jesus, and blessed Mary for their intercession, I did this throughout the day. I was able to purchase some small items for Christmas presents. Praise be to God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit, and Blessed Mary Mother of God!

My friend's tests are negative for ovarian cancer. Pls continue to pray for her health and abdominal issues.

this about our son who was diagnosed with melanoma,and his tumors are from the waist up, 16 in his head they called it brain cancer, the medication is experemental,he has been on this since sept. and on Friday 23 he was told that all of them are gone but 1, very big releave but the cancer is still in his upper body, so we need more prayer, and he will be going on different meds, because they only work for about 5 months, we hope the next meds will work for him also exp.for the last 2 years, so we hope for the best and with your prayers and Gods help he will get through all this he is only 52, thank you so much for prayers we need them peter our son still has an 8 year old his name is Jude who needs his dad, I also pray to st. Jude may God bless you all Nel

I want to Thank the Lord for getting my wife a new
car and for getting the paper work straighten out. Thank You Prayer Warriors for your prayers.

Praise Jesus for getting my bank balance up to 35k and supernaturally paying off my debts and loans down to the last penny!

Dear prayer warriors. Once again you interceded for us in our prayers for David who has undergone live cancer surgery. Thank You!

​​I am exceedingly grateful that the Lord responded with unexpected power to my concerns about a journey by car yesterday. The travel to and from Randallstown yesterday afternoon proved to be a far more tranquil experience that had been anticipated, and I was blessed by peace and a powerful sense of the Lord's presence. The GPS device unexpectedly led me through a rather circuitous but pleasant rural route that spared me the hazards on Route 29 and I-70 I had been dreading. The engine on my ancient car, which has been manifesting an intermittent rough idle problem a mechanic has been unable to diagnose, withstood the mechanical stress. May God be praised!

Several months ago I asked for prayers for a friend of mine who was going thru some bad times. He had lost his job, and was in a bad relationship and was going through a lot of emotional problems. I didn't know what else to do but pray with him. Then I got the letter from the Word Among Us about the prayer center. I posted a prayer about my friend and praise be to God! my prayers have been answered! His life has been completely turned around and he is so full of joy! He now has a job and is out of that relationship. He is an executive director with an organization for recovering alcoholics. The only thing we need to pray for is that they add health benefits to his contract. He has no health insurance. We praise God and Jesus every day and thank them for his job and all the joy and happiness in his life.

Praise means what

I had good first interview and made it to second interview. Thank you for prayers!

Yesterday we prayed for a repair of my daughters furnace and the good lord found her a repair guy who came out at 7pm. and fix her furnace and only charged her $40.00. Thank you Jesus from my Heart and thank you prayer warriors! Keep praying for my daughter in law to get a car. THANKS


I finally have a phone interview for Health technology. I have prayed to get an interview for this entire year. Our Lord Jesus does answer prayers.





I pray for my family and friends daily for protection . ON 11/29/16 my granddaughter Amanda was involved in serious car accident were her car was flipped upside on her roof and she crawled out with minor bruises and glass in her finger. When we showed the DR. in E.R. the pictures of her car he said it had to be divine intervention . I want to Thank Jesus with all my Heart with Glory, Honor and Praise for keeping her safe!

My God is an awesome wonder! He is ever so faithful. In my lifetime, I continue to see His goodness in my life. Thank you Lord that you are meeting me at my point of need. I will continue to TRUST you! Psalm 27:13 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Amen.

I had you pray for my deductible of 500.00 dollars would be covered in a minor accident and insurance said no. God showed me were to look in my policy and we proved them wrong and its covered . Praise God and thanks for praying.

I am thankful for your answered prayers for the lord working it out to provide my granddaughter with new tires before winter sets in. THANK YOU JESUS!

Please pray for me I'm a college student who goes to school in a different state, I was just served with an eviction notice from a Marshall to vacate the premises the day after thanksgiving and I don't have the money and I don't even know where I would go. I coudn't go home to see my family because I don't have the money to buy a plane ticket. I just want you guys to keep me in your prayers. Thank you and Gob Bless! GOD IS GOOD!


I want to thank you for prayers and Thank Jesus for answering the prayer should I sell my truck to my son and he found me a great deal on an suv so I could give my son a great deal.

For two successful meetings and God's will of the outcomes.

Thanking God for this election. Praise God for he knows the hearts of this nations prayers. Lord keep this nation close to your foundation.

Thanks be to God the cardiac catherization successfully undertaken on my 85-year-old mother Katharina one week ago at Walter Reed in Bethesda failed to disclose any blockages in her coronary arteries, and thus the scan performed earlier in the year that suggested such a possibility had yielded a false positive result. She was, however, experiencing mild congestive heart failure that responded well to conventional treatment with diuretic medication and was released from the hospital at the end of last week with no restrictions on her activities. Cardiologists expect that it will be possible to manage her cardiac problems with medications for several more years, although it may be necessary to replace her aortic valve once again through a new minimally invasive procedure. We pray the Lord will grant her some more years of activity. We are exceedingly grateful for the intercession. May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Please pray for my family, May the lord forgive our sins and continue to give us strenght. pray for my aunt Jacqueline Baya who is very sick and can't talk or do anything! may the Lord give her strength to keep fighting for the sake of her daughter. Pray for my sister Vera Kaljob who just wants to finish her medical school but can't go back at the moment because my parents don't have any money to pay! and last but not least please pray for me I'm struggling with school and my grades, im distracted by temptations I need the Lord more than anything! Please pray for us! God Bless You All!

Hebrews 13:5 is a promise from God and it is the one promise that kept my heart calm when we were faced with what seemed like an insurmountable situation but I trusted the words in that Scripture that God was with us all the way! He showed up in His glory when we were wondered how we would offset my late sister's hospital bill but what is impossible to man is POSSIBLE with God! We just have to believe. It is oh so true. He took care of the situation. Thank you for praying with us WAU prayer warriors. Thank you so much.

Mimi is doing much better with the episode of her memory loss. She is in the hospital one more day getting antibiotics . Please continue to pray for a strong recovery and create a lifestyle to help her avoid these episodes. In Christ name I pray for this. Sincerest thank yous!

Thank you WAU for your prayers. Thank you Mother Mary for interceding and Lord Jesus for always blessing our family.

Thank you, Lord, for a good medical report. I thank the prayer ministry as well. God bless you and praise be to God!

Listened to pastor 77 financial prayer video on YouTube and the Lord used the pastor video to bless me with four job opportunities within 24hrs. The Lord's blessings came down like rain. Amen!

Thanking God for healing my sister Vickey from her chest pains.
The results came out clear.
Thanking God for my nephew Carl as he sought counselling to overcome his depression and anxiety. Praying that this does not occur frequently. Praise God

Praise and thanksgiving to you, Lord!!!

Thanksgiving prayers for my sister Vickey as all tests from her previous surgery were clear.

Thanks giving for my nephew Carl in seeking help in his bouts of depression and anxiety. Lord we know the road is not smooth for him .

We asked for prayers for Susan H., Toms River, NJ. Susan was diagnosed with cancer and is currently under chemo treatment. We received a report that the chemo has finally taken effect and Susan is doing much better in toleration. Thank you Prayer Warriors for your prayers.

Thank you Lord for guiding my nephew Carl in overcoming his depression and anxiety. Lord I know the road for him is a rough one protect him that this does no occur frequently. Keep him from a relapse.

Let us give thanks to the Lord Almighty that my daughter has stopped smoking for 3 months now, and ask that she doesn't go back ever. For this we pray to the Lord!

Giving thanks for the recovery of my nephew Carl as he is seeking professional help. Please keep him in prayer that no more anxiety/depression occur continue.

I want to praise and thank God for His marvellous mercy and love upon my son. He just received his appointment letter after completing his 3 months course at a Plantation Company. Thank Mother Mary for Her Powerful intercession. Thank you Prayer Team of for praying for my son. May the Mighty Name of the Lord be Praised, Honoured and Worshipped forever and ever.

Dear Lord,
I praise you, I love you, I adore you.
Please make all of my family and Helen's family happy in the Spirit of the


I asked God to help everything go well for my friend Diane she was having surgery for an brain aneurysm when they went in with a camera found no brain aneurysm! Thank you God!

My interview went well. I am waiting for news this coming Tuesday. thank you.

Please pray for me that the almighty God will show me mercy and heal my diseases and forgive me of my masturbation sins. Thank you