The Word Among Us

Latest Praise Reports

Build up your faith by reading about how God has worked in other people’s lives. If you have a praise report that you’d like to share, please let us know by submitting a praise report.

Would you like to us to pray for you, a family member or a friend? Please let us know by submitting a prayer request.

This praise report is a little late! We asked for prayers for our friend Maryjane of Algonac; for the past three weeks Maryjane was rescheduled for her knee operation, three times. The third time it happened and she is doing very well. She was able to traverse the steps going up to the second level of her home, today. The re-scheduling was due to other medical problems and the doctors stated if they would have done the surgery earlier, she might not have made it. "Thanks Be To God", he new what he was doing all along. Thank you prayer warriors@ Thank you Lord.

I was late for work bcoz i took the wrong bus ending at the bus-interchange instead of the airport.I did not bring enough cash and the taxis does not accept NETs or only Master Credit Card which I don't have.I told these to an auntie in the bus.I also told the auntie my job cannot be late.Otherwise,get demerit points.
At the bus-interchange,suddenly,a young lady whom I don't know handled me S$20.00 for my taxi-fare.I thanked her but did not have time to take her contact details
Now,the 2nd problem was getting a taxi.Any taxi you see is always "ON CALL".
As I walking towards the main road,I make sure no one is around.I shouted,"JESUS PLEASE HELP ME!. MOTHER MARY PLEASE HELP ME!
Next moment,a taxi with the "green light" stopped and I got in.
(the lady must've heard my problems in the bus} I got to work on time.
Thanked the Lord and Mother Mary and the "angel" sent by GOD.

This summer I went to Bible camp with my best friend. I felt closer to God there more than I've ever felt before! The only thing that was bothering me was that one night we were at a campfire and we were singing worship songs and I was the only one who didn't know the words to any of the songs. That night I prayed to God asking him to help me worship and praise him. The very last night at camp, we were singing songs with the entire camp and there was a projector that was showing the words. Then, when we were singing one song that I didn't know, the projector went off. I didn't realize until the end of the song that I was singing the words to a song I had never heard in my life! Right then I knew that God had answered my prayer. I was an amazing moment.

Many in Facebook requests prayers for their love ones that are ill. Many times I pray to Raphael to go and heal the sick person that is requested for pray to heal. In my astonishment that person got heal through the help of Raphael by Doctors and Nurses. Today I am asking a pray for my grandson Simeon Scott who is ill of Kidney problem and soon to be in Dialysis. I use to be in dialysis but many prayers after I had Kidney Transplant and never use dialysis again. Bless be to God.

The Lord has been gracious and kind to me, I have held on to His promises and this has kept me grounded when things are going really well and, also acted as a constant source of encouragement when all I had was HOPE.

Thank you Jehovah God for journey mercies and thank you the love of a wonderful husband and, the gift of a new car! Thank you for the growth experienced when I have been constantly challenged by life circumstances and especially those that are close to my heart. It is true and I can say with conviction that you are always, always with me in this journey! Thank you for favour upon me and my family.

Psalm 27:13 When you remain steadfast and hold true to God’s promises, you will surely see His goodness!

Thank you Lord for blessing my daughter with her school money and blessing her to get some of the stuff she want. Thank you Lord for blessing me to get to the interview and for blessing me with he opportunity to get the job. please forgive me Lord that i was not strong enough. Thank you Lord for traveling grace and peaceful nights. Please help me take care of my dad and family. thank you God for everything

Four years ago my husband passed away after a long illness. We also were raising our children, with his illness and the children in school our finances were tight. We own our home but the home repairs were ignored during all the other stress and responsibilities. I have finally been able to start with home repairs, termite treatment, and other necessary things. I am so thankful to the Lord for carrying me through all these rough times and now helping me to get necessary repairs started and showing me the way. Sometimes things seem impossible but God always carries me through

Thank you for your prayers concerning my sister, Sandy Varela. She passed away on September 15th and also thank you for your prayers concerning my niece, Liz Contreras, who passed away on September 20th. I know both are in Heaven and will always be with us!!

Thank you Lord for my family and for continuing to allow my children to do well.

We asked that our cousin, Susan who has been diagnosed with Cancer, be spared. Susan has received her first chemo shots and the tumors have begun to shrink. We thank all and ask for continued prayer.


praise Jesus for a great new job and house in Ca, paying off all my loans & debts, raising my credit score, finding me great friends I can count on, improvements to my car, business succeeding, reputation & health improving, love & social life much better, finally traveling again, and most of all enjoying my life!

Thank you Lord for your abundant blessings. I trust that you continue to order my steps. My trip thus far has been awesome and it can only get better. Amen.

My daughter was admitted to the grad school program of her choice. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you, Jesus and Mary for your guidance.

My mother recovered well.

Thank You Lord for prayers answered concerning my husband and decisions of his business. Lord I know the road is rough but powerful prayers are answered.

Praise Report For Relationship With God, The Law, My Choices, Finances, and Career. I am Happy and Free! Allah Adonia & Faith

My friend has been the scapegoat in a very nasty situation where he works. Today he was told that the situation has been taken care of, he is no longer "in the hot seat," and he will be getting a promotion! God is GOOD!!!!!

Thank you, dear Lord, for answered prayers. Many thanks to the prayer team as well for the comfort you give. You are truly a gift from God. May you be richly blessed.

All Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ! After my prayer request to you concerning our lack of Eucharistic Ministers for the homebound, just a few days later lo and behold, I called our parish office and the very next day our new Vicar appeared at our door, ready for the Eucharist as well as Confession! After we received the Sacraments we explained the very extensive need for someone, and our new Father said he understood, and that he would speak to our Father Pastor about the problem. Right now my heart is nearly bursting with joy. Thank you to the 100th+++ power for your prayers. Thank you with all my heart. May our wonderful God bless each of you a thousand-fold for your prayers, for your caring. Sincerely, in the Love of our Jesus and Mary, Barbara Badeau

Thank you, dear Lord, for so many answered prayers. I am so very thankful for your grace and blessings.

Thank you for my tests showing everything is ok....and thank you for continuing to allow all of my children to excel in their career endeavors....amen

My dear prayer warriors! Just a couple of days ago, we asked prayers for our grandson, Alex who is attending the Naval Academy. He was losing weight and dehydrating. I am please to report that Alex is recovering from an extreme sinus infection. He's back on track with his studies. Dear Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for responding to our prayer request so promptly. We all LOVE you very much. God continue to bless our prayer warriors.

Let us give thanks to The Lord Almighty for my daughter has decided to smoke K2 - she's been sober for 3 weeks now, thank God. Also I want to give thanks for all of the Blessings showered upon us at all times!! For this let us pray to the Lord!

Thank you Papa for coming through for me, I feel settled and at peace, that in the end, it is well. I choose to be anxious for nothing. I choose to set aside my worries and concerns. I thank You for Your faithfulness to meet every need in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

I thank for the alleged recovery of my grandmother in her nineties in sickness in Scandinavia at an old age sickness southern Scandinavian home ready to be returned home I thank the Lord and for the Lord´s remembrance of the fight for Christian justice and severity of her ancestors.
Inez Deborah Emilia Altar

Thank you God!
Thank you for the prayers too. My husband was given a clean bill of health after all the tests.

I have seen good days and not so good days but in the end, the Joy of the Lord is my strength. Whatever you are dealt in the circumstances of life, know that God is always with you.

I want to thank Lord for protection during my 3 week trip abroad. I really felt his presence and his hand guiding me. The trip was smooth, everything was peaceful, I was patient and during one incident I was delivered and felt his protection. You are my true Savior. Amen

Praise and Thanks be to God! My husband's prostate biopsy results came back with the best outcome - no cancer found!!! Yes, God is good and faithful! Right now we are waiting one more bloodwork result to confirm a chemical trace found in one of the ten biopsy samples that could indicate that there could be cancer later. As always we ask for prayers and pray to God for the best outcome on this blood work - that like the no cancer result on the biopsy - that this bloodwork result will come back the same - no cancer present or ever!! Thank you Lord for answered prayers and thank you for God's ministry through all of you for prayers!

Praise God for my new teaching job. Nothing is impossible with God. I prayed that truth over and over. When He was ready He opened all doors.

Thank you God for giving me peace. Despite the challenges in our family, I still find comfort in Jesus. Thank you God for being there for us.

I want to give thanks and praise this morning. God knows the end from the beginning... It is well. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I started my new job and its very peaceful. I feel that I'm in the right place. Thank you for your prayers.

Thank you for my moms weight gain. Thank you for all the blessings. Thank you for repairing my relationship mith my mom.

Thank you for praying for our daughters wedding and all the responsibility that goes with putting on a wedding. Our 10 year old down son walked down the aisle with the flower girl and was all smiles. Think we were witnessing a "miracle".. It was a beautiful "Catholic" wedding.

Lord i ask of u the bone of untightness in my perception of order, in order to free my nit pick outbursts i have to loosen up free my own fire today i beg of ur guidance throughout all light of day. For i now understand i and i only are ruler of my destiny, build it n they shall come.... i too need the strength to keep my mind else where today rather than on my LONG AWAITED prize, this being extremely diffucult considering the physical emotions are strong enough to consume the overly thought ofs let alone. Thank you jesus and today : i want to be successful, w ur help, of course. Amen

praise Jesus for curing my food poisoning, getting me a new car, getting me a great work assignment, finding me a home, and finding a great husband for my sister

Thank you so much for prayers for my sister, who had cancer surgery. The surgery went perfectly; she recovered quickly and without complications, and will not have to have any further treatment. She was back at work in a few weeks and is looking forward to getting married next year. I am so grateful to God.

I want to thank and praise the dear good lord Jesus ,due to the fact ,that while doing walking excersize last evening I perceived the lord telling me to be more simple in my life and and not drag baggage from being some one I thought I was in a past life,and let go of my too complex life.

After my wife underwent a major operation in 2014,her monthly flow ceased last year, married for 12 years without the fruit of the womb,it was a big blow to us
We have continuously prayed for restoration and believed that God in his infinity mercies will turn his face of mercy towards us. Suddenly her flow is back and we are believing that this is the beginning of the healing process from God to bless us with the fruit of the womb

I have requested prayers for members of my family for years, and for some more than once. I am very happy to say that most of them have been answered. I truly appreciate all the people who have prayed in response to my requests, and I pray that their prayers are also being answered.

The Lord helped me to feel His Love and Peace after every Confession! His Holy Virgin Mother, Mary, has so generously shared Her Blessings and Graces with anyone who asks. Our God is an awesomely Generous and Merciful God!!!

I would like to thank the dear lord and the blessed mother for my staying with my sister ,it will be 5 years on October 5 th ,have emotional illness ,had candida ,it is better now ,off of three and 3and 3/4 mess ,feel great doing it with doctors help ,thank st daphnia and st brother Andre and my spiritual director st pio ,

praise Jesus for a new contract that let me pay off the last of my debts and have enough for a vacation!

I had asked for prayers for my son's Police Academy class to pass their final, state-mandated test. They all passed, graduated, and are now working with training officers to continue to learn the job. Thank you for the prayers.

I want to praise God for my grandmother,s fast recovery from her illness,she is old and weak,but i know with God by her side ,he will grant her many more fruitful years to live praise God.

I got a job in the company that I wanted and with very nice people. Also, my boyfriend Tim is changing his ways and straightening his life. And, we are communicating better and listening to each other. I am able to travel with my dad this September and he is visiting me.



Thank you Jesus, thank you God, I am so grateful and so happy, you never forget me and I am thankful. My brother got his results and he passed. Thank you dear Lord, thank you sooo much. I pray I make you proud with my life. Thank you God

I requested prayers for my husband of almost 55 years (June 24) the first of Feb. He was in 3 care centers and at first looked like he would not return home. Well, he and he is doing well. Physically, especially, walks w/out cane at home for 3 months most time spent in wheel chair. Short term memory damaged a lot but all the rest doing well and he is home after 3+ months out of the home.

I sent a request for a dear friend, prayers answered, she's now planning how to make the best of her study time. Thank you God

I'm sad & down. Thinking about my grandma that returned 2the spirit world last year 2day. Just need prayers & strength 2carry on. Thanks, Lord hear our prayers.

My husband's back surgery was successful and he is on the road to recovery. I am very thankful to God for his goodness. Thank you, too, to the prayer team. May you be blessed by the blessings you bring to others!

I have made it to the next round of interviews for the job that I really like. There has been peace, love, and unity between Tim and I.

Thank you God for answering prayers for my son and his wife. They have jobs and have been able to save their home from foreclosure. Praise Abba all his angels and his saints. Thank you Mother Mary for hearing my prayers for my sons.

I had a big medical bill that i had no way to pay. I prayed to God that he would make a way for me and pay the bill for me. I was determined not to worry and leave it in God's hands. Yesterday I went to close an old bank account that I had to open as part of my old car loan, thinking it only had about $5 in it. Praise God, praise God, praise God, there was enough in that account to completely pay off the medical bill!!!! Isn't God amazing? His word says he's a father to the fatherless and a husband to the widow, and that he will meet all our needs. Thank you Heavenly Father for your goodness and faithfulness! You are the miracle-working God!

I have been praying to Our Lady Undoer of Knots since last week. Then after not speaking to my boyfriend in 2 months, he called me on Monday. I also got a job interview, since I haven't had a job for months. Jesus' mercy and love triumphs over fear. Thank you Jesus and Mother Mary.

Thanking God for all the favors received and freeing us from all anxieties especially with all of our business transactions.

I would like to lift up my hands in worship of the King of Kings and thank Him for all that he has done. Thank you that He the mighty one Jehovah-Jireh continually reminds me of His great abundant and unlimited life for me. Thank you that He even sends people personally to tell me that he loves me. Thank you He fulfuls his promise to hear my prayer,answer my prayer and provide for my needs. Thank you that he blesses me and that He is active in my Life. Thank you for the change that I can see in my Life. In Jesus Name, I believe.I wholeheartedly trust and am dependent on Him. Oh, what a wonderful God He is to serve.

Prayers of thanksgiving for successful surgery on my Mother. No Cancer was found!!! The
doctors repaired her colon and now is at home healing. We are so thankful and truly feel blessed. Thank God also for the Doctors and Nurses who were put in our path to take care of her. They have truly been a God send. Amen

I am nothing without the love of God. When I walk through the storms of life it is surely by the power of His strength that shields me during the tumultuous times. Psalm 28:7 I will praise Him for He has been good and merciful to me even when I do not deserve His grace. Thank you WAU prayer warriors for praying with me. May God meet each one of you at your point of need. Amen.

St Expedite for answering my prayers. I also said prayers to St Philomena and Our lady of Knots. Thank you

Praise the Lord!

It has just been about three days ago, when we submitted our prayer request for Aubrey who was suffering from blot clots in the legs and lungs and the potential to go to the heart.
He was released from the hospital and was told by his doctors that he did not suffer any permanent damage to his vitals including the heart. He will have to remain on blood clot medication for some time, for assurance. Again we thank our prayer warriors at The Word Among Us and all those faithful Christians who lifted Aubrey up in prayer. We also pray now that Aubrey will see the need to approach the Lord Jesus Christ and make a commitment to honor Him. Thank You All!

I want to praise and thank God that my son who have been jobless since December 2015 have been offered a job. He will be starting his 3 months training on the 9/5/16 prior to be offered a post as Plantation Officer. Thanks to prayer team for praying with Blessed Mother Mary and interceding for the success of my son's interview for the post. Alleluia Praise and Thank God.

praise Jesus for bringing tremendous joy, love, faith and hope to my relationship with Nicole iN Jesus name amen!

Thank you for a wonderful, safe, enjoyable vacation.

I make a joyful noise. The favour of the Lord is upon me, I will surely see the goodness of our God in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13 Thank you God, all the glory is yours for my business opportunities that are on a upward trajectory! With humility and confident gratitude, thank you. It can only get better. Amen.

I requested prayers for my husband of 55 years who was gravely ill, Emergency room, hospital stay, rehab place where he declined, care center in our home town. They OT/PT called to do a home visit next week in preparation of his returning home. Thanks be to God and your prayers.

My sinus surgery is a success. Praise the Lord!! Please pray that my reoccurring headaches will end. Thanks for your prayers.

Praise and Thank You, God! My wife's doctor called this afternoon to tell her that there is no evidence of disease in her bladder and that her bladder looked fine. Thank you for your prayers. God has heard and answered each and every one of them.
God Bless!


I suffer from Depression & Anxiety. And I'm in remission with Hep C. That I will get relief from these illnesses. Thank You.

My son was born in the 2000 with disability. He could have been crippled. I sent prayer request to wau prayer group. He went for surgery three times and came out successfully. Today he can walk, run and play football. Help me praise the Lord.

My husband travels a lot for work, so I pray that God will keep him safe as he travels. About a month ago, he had a rollover crash in his work vehicle that partially crushed the driver's side roof. His only injuries were bruising, soreness & minor cuts. He developed a infection about a week later that was cleared up with antibiotics. Thanks be to God for taking care of him.

We put a deposit on a rv trailer against my better judgement but my wife insisted. But we prayed a prayer through the word among us and the Good Lord convinced us not to do this and we got back our deposit. I felt a great relief. Thank you Jesus and Thank You Prayer Warriors!!!!

Please for me, I have liver cancer. My doctor said that he cannot help me, but God can.
May the Lord our God Bless you

Lord has done so much for as a sinner as I just because I wanted to do things My way & not wait on God's timing. So I prayed let candles did my petition I keep praying for others as I do then It happen God is so kind and Generous As some of us know this and have seen these Miraculous but I owed the IRS 11,000 dollars & need help with 1100 to pay H & R block to do my taxes for 3 years Praise him to Help I once again it happen the H & R manger calls I and only paid 300 dollars and owe Nada Nothing Wow I just cried & cried because even I that like Peter Struggle my mind pushes forward toward GOD but the Flesh struggles with the worldly but I do it I do not hate this but I stand firm and wait on the O Lord almighty himself I give him all the Praise's and more has I am on my knees for him always I lay on the ground as David to and prayed for him that he loves me and helps me and uses Man to attained this matter..
Tahnk you o Lord ..for so much

Thank you Lord for getting my son back on track, healing his illness and allowing him to get back to work with his existing group....I am so often amazed at how things work out so well, and then realize it is your doing!!

We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for sending a sufficient number of people to our Church for its annual cleaning of the pews. Thank You!

We had asked God for a safe journey from California to Kansas City and we arrived safely yesterday with no problems along the way. the roads were good and the weather cooperated. Praise God, now on to the next Big adventure.

My dear prayer warriors, Father in Heaven, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit of God. I come to you today to announce that our prayers for our grandson Alexander have been fully answered. Alexander wanted very much to be a part of the Naval Academy; he acquired a grad point average of 4.3l in Catholic High School. He was made aware of the fact that he accomplished all of the requirements of the Academy with the exception of his medical examination. Alex had an allergy to the vegetable, peas. His application for admission was put on hold for several weeks, until this week. He was accepted into the Academy. Our joy in hearing this good news was very heartwarming. We let God know what the circumstances were and turned the entire case over to his providence.
We did not stop praying and asking many others to do the same for Alexander. If you were to meet him personally, you would never forget him. We thank our God, for taking Alexander under his wing and ask him further to protect and guide him through the years of college and his participation as a naval officer. Thank you Lord God, Father Almighty.

Thanksgiving praises for Joann who is off all her medications. Her arm is now progressed thru therapy and she is in better spirits.

I praise God for helping my brother to show some sign of response this morning as he slowly move his feet. Please continue to pray for Bladamir Dimla Jr to regain his conciousness and for his infection to go down and go back to his stable state.

I prayed for Gods wisdom for my finances and Praise God for his great wisdom and trust!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim has been found and is heading home! Praise God!! Thanks to all on the WAU Prayer Team. All of our prayers have been heard and answered!!

Thanking God for my daughter's baptism. It's great to see her join the league of God's redeemed



A great blessing can come from what may at first seem to be a heavy burden.

Breakthroughs come much more often from persistence than from brilliance. The way to persist is to remind yourself of this. It’s not what has already happened that matters most, but rather what you do next. The way to persist is to focus on your purpose, on what you have chosen to achieve, and on what you can do about it right now. Look not at the past disappointments, but at the current possibilities. And most importantly, be reminded of God's promise, Deuteronomy 31:6. You never walk alone, God will never leave you!

Thank you Jesus for the great possibilities and for your infinite grace and mercy. Thank you! Amen.

Thank you for helping Mike

Had you pray about a decision about buying a new RV and so far God has worked out all the details Give Glory to God!

Thank you for successful surgery

Blessings from above are amazing. Without Him, we can do nothing. We praise and thank the Lord thru the WAU intercessory team for my daughter Christine's success in passing the NCLEX-RN exam on February 10th. We thank the Lord for all the guidance and victory over her struggles while in school and now given a job as registered nurse. Lord, we pray for Your continued guidance in doing her job. May You extend your healing power as she use the gift You have given to Christine. Cover her with Your precious Blood O Jesus and protect her from any injury and transmission of any diseases from work. Grant her also wisdom and knowledge in administering medications and treatment to Your people, free her from any mistake and bless also her co-workers. To You Lord be honour and glory. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

I praise and thank our Lord for my answered prayer, my son francis joseph visa application was approved, thank you for all of your prayers. Thank you Lord.

Thanksgiving prayer for my husband on a job site as the angels and saints were protecting him on a near fatal accident to his face due to a blown compressor. Praise you Lord for all the blessings and requests received.

Thank you, dear Lord for your grace and mercy. I am overwhelmed. Thank you, too, to the prayer team. Your prayers lifted me up during a time of trial. May the Lord bless you as you bless others.

Giving praise to the Lord as my nephew Carl is now off of medication and is slowing coming out of his
depression a slow process but still not of the woods. Please keep him in prayer.

I will praise the name of our Lord, for thus far He has brought me. I wouldn't trade anything for the relationship I have with God and the journey of it all. It is true that our peace of mind and the joy we get out of living does not depend on where we are, or what we have, or who we are but solely upon our mental attitude. This has been part of my amazing journey and I have seen myself grow and mature spiritually because of it. The Lord has been kind to me and I will continue to reach out to Him 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 no matter what. Thank you WAU prayer warriors for praying with me. Amen.

Maureen (sister) originally diagnosed with a stroke and brain cancer. The stroke is no longer considered true but she does have an impaired memory; possibly from the brain tumor. Cancer is treatable; she is going to live. If she has an alcohol problem as well we pray for that healing as well. Praise God!!