The Word Among Us

Latest Praise Reports

Build up your faith by reading about how God has worked in other people’s lives. If you have a praise report that you’d like to share, please let us know by submitting a praise report.

Would you like to us to pray for you, a family member or a friend? Please let us know by submitting a prayer request.

God's timing is the best really and truly. Thank you Jehovah God for healing my Dad. Thank you for providing in cash and in kind. Thank you for EVERYTHING Papa!

I want to thank the Lord for providing a job for my husband after 3 months & for providing for our family all this time.

I went on holiday so got prayer that I would be safe (and also that my home would be safe whilst I was away). I also later strained a muscle so got back/hip pain so got prayer for that also. I was in bed for a few days but God healed me and all the pain has now gone. God kept me safe on holiday and my home was kept safe also. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God! And thanks to everyone who prayed for me also.

I have been having waist pains down to my stomach for a couple of days and I couldn't bend or carry any stuff, it kept getting worse as the day Goes, I tried medications but it caused acid reflux cause terrible stomach pains adding to the waist pain. On the 30 December, pastor mentioned my case during the prayers and that was how the pains disappear like it was never there.
I didn't even know how to react, I'm just so thankful and I give God the praise..

With God nothing is impossible! I will give thanks and praise to HIm all the days of my life!
I just had a successful surgery with the removal of cancer cells and recovering well. Thank you all for praying with me.

I ordered a mobile broadband dongle for my laptop for my holidays but it was taking a while to arrive and I then found out that the vendor had a abysmal reputation for customer service, so I got prayer that the dongle would arrive before I went on my holidays - as it has now very quickly arrived. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God! And thanks to everyone who prayed for me too.

My boiler broke down so I booked a workman to repair it and got prayer that the repair would be successful and it has now been repaired very quickly and works well. Praise the Lord! Thank You God! God is wonderful! And thanks to everyone who prayed for me too.

To God be the Glory. We thank Him for a fruitful trip, keeping us safe and journey mercies back home. Amen.

Your group as well as others have been praying for our son incarcerated with severe traumatic brain injuries. He recently was in trouble due to a fight and was in segregation for a period of time. While that was not good, he lost his possessions for a period of time and was given four books which he’d already read. He was given a Bible from the library which he said he read some. While he said it was boring, he made the effort. He is scheduled to have a zoom meeting with his lawyer as well and is more cooperative. Thank you for your prayers and please continue praying

Your group along with many others have been praying for my husband with stage 4 liver cancer following colon cancer. The three types of chemo have been brutal for him. However the scans from yesterday show no noticeable signs of former tumors and the doctor said he was in remission. He will need to continue the chemo to check this aggressive cancer in check but this is so amazing and wonderful. Thank all for your prayers and please continue prayers

I asked for prayers for my daughter’s 2 test results and both came back normal. Thank you dear Lord for these gifts.

Thank you for praying for my sister, Kathy! Her surgery was successful and found zero cancer. Praise God and the power of prayer!!!

I prayed my daughter’s exam today would show her baby is in position and the placenta has moved and it all has. Baby is normal and Thank God that is all we pray for.

My nieces husband has been healed from Covid. He still is recovering, but so far out of danger. Thanks be to God!

Satbir needed healing so I got prayer for him and now Satbir has been healed! Praise the Lord! Thank You God! God is wonderful! And also thanks to everyone who prayed for his healing.

I booked a plumber to repair a leaky pipe and got prayer that the repair wouldn't be delayed and would be successful. The repair was completed very successfully, on time, and very quickly. Praise the Lord, God is wonderful, Thank You God! And thank you to everyone who prayed for me too.

And yesterday as I was going to work, I missed the bus so walked to the train station, but the train I would have missed was delayed just enough for me to get it and I arrived at work on time. So again, praise the Lord, He's wonderful. Thank You God!

Thank you Jehovah God.

Psalm 4:2 Answer me when I call, my saving God. When troubles hem me in, set me free; take pity on me, hear my prayer. Psalm 4:4 Know that the LORD works wonders for his faithful one; the LORD hears when I call out to him.

I was praying about a situation with a friend that had become adversarial and I did not want it to turn litigious. After several weeks and months of following up - he has reached out and that is an answered prayer for me. I much prefer peace over adversary even if I feel that I am the injured party.

Thank you Lord and go before our planned meeting next week. It is well.

I want to start by shouting 7 Hallelujah.
1st of January 2021, I wrote on a sheet of paper all I wanted from God this year 2021 and I bought a white Bible and put the paper in it and I fasted and prayed that 1st of January.
Pastor Bolajiid, am iretech_realestate a realtor in Lagos, and I told God I wanted 10plots of lands before this year runs ends, sir as am testifying I already have 4plots in my name.... That isnt my major testimony sir, on that paper I told God that I wanted a car before the end of June 2021 and I wrote Ford Edge White 2011. When it was 27th of June nothing has happened, when it was July things became hard for me, but I kept on having faith in God.... This hardship continued till I joined NLP, then I prayed and worshiped God more than I did before, now in the month of October just a month after I joined NLP, God gave me back all I had lost since the month of July, I mean back to back blessing and blessed me with the exact car I wrote down.
I requested for Ford Edge White 2011 model but after joining NLP which made me pray harder, God gave me the exact thing I requested for, infact better than my request, I asked God for Ford Edge 2011 but gave me Ford Edge 2013......................
I'm sooo... Grateful to God.
If you listening to this testimony, the only way to get what you want from God is by serving and worshipping him with all your heart.
God bless you.

Prayers for my husband, Jerry, who is in the hospital with a UTI, sepsis and pneumonia. Praying for complete healing with no complications.
Thank you so much.

Earlier this week my teeth were hurting (I had a sharp pain in my teeth), so I got prayer for healing. Now all the pain has gone. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God! And also thank you to everyone who prayed for me.

Thank you WAU for your prayers, my son finally got a job and starts on the 15th. I am overjoyed that he will be occupied and start having responsibilities again.. I am blessed and thankful to God for always watching over my family and I. Blessings to all.

Thank you WAU for your prayers, my son finally got a job and starts on the 15th. I am overjoyed that he will be occupied and start having responsibilities again.. I am blessed and thankful to God for always watching over my family and I. Blessings to all.

I had a strange pain on the right hand side of my chest, so I got prayer for it and within 24 hours I was completely healed and all the pain has gone. Thank You God! Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! And Thank You to everyone who prayed for me also.

A church member prayed for healing for his mother…it was granted overnight! God is an awesome God, all the glory to Him!

I wiped a table with an antibacterial cloth and shortly afterwards bit my finger nail and it tasted as if I'd got some antibacterial stuff in my mouth and I was worried (as this could have harmed me) so I immediately prayed and called upon the Lord to protect me and also commanded all harm to be gone in Jesus name. The Lord said I'd be fine and I am and no harm has come to me (and this is several days later). Thank You God! Praise the Lord! God is wonderful!

Your group has been praying for my husband who had colon cancer turned into stage 4 terminal liver cancer. He was hospitalized for 9 days throughout 2 weeks following a different combo of chemo. While it was shrinking the tumors he could not battle the side effects. The last infusion was at a lesser dose and while there’s been difficulties, he has had some good days. Please continue your prayers and thank you so much

There has been a slow turning of my son Matthew’s heart and mind. Your group has been praying for him for a number of years as he’s been incarcerated and suffered two major traumatic brain injuries prior to prison. He has recently worked out things to some degree with his lawyer and trial for additional charges is delayed to give them time to prepare rather than his plan of representing himself. While he continues to have deviant unhealthy thoughts, he is becoming more focused on getting out in a more positive way and is working toward a time cut. He has not returned to his faith but is less upset when I speak about myself going to church or church classes. Please continue prayers for him and thank you so much

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength! Thank you Almighty Father for your overflowing grace and mercy. Thank you for holding my hand and walking this journey of life with me. Thank you for the peace I feel. I am grateful.

Thanksgiving to God for instantly answered prayers for reconciliation and clarity through the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help and Saint Jude Thaddeus

Thank God for He is good! He performed a MIRACLE and the life of a good man was saved. J has a road ahead to get better, but thanks to all the prayers, he is still alive. Thank you and Thanks be to God!

I prayed Joe’s surgery would be successful and it was. I’m so grateful to our Lord!

Thank you Thank you! Prayers answered. I found my sports buds after I feared I had lost them! Seems mundane but I am really glad because they were costly and I enjoy wearing them during my workout sessions! The days are unfolding well by God's grace and I am thankful. It is well.

God has been good to me and every suffering is a sign to wait upon the Lord in prayer.

God paid my phone bill He blessed me and I praise HIM thank you Lord please keep bless me oh sincerely please bless me amen

I had a leaky tap that my landlord was taking a very long time to get repaired, so I got prayer for it and now I've been given a new basin with new taps and this has obviously stopped the tap leaking. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

Thankyou Thankyou Lord for restoring Suzannes speech and giving her a cooperative attitude to accept help.

Papa God Thank you for journey mercies and for everything! It is well. Amen.

Thank you Lord Jesus for your Blessings galore. Grant me journey mercies and to those I leave behind keep them safe. Thank you for blessing my coming and going. Grateful for making this trip happen. Amen.

I want to encourage someone and testify that when The Good Lord is all you have in this world or in any situation, he is all you need. He has all the power and the last say. He can and will do the impossible. Every situation I prayed about has been resolved ahead of time. I lack nothing. Home, Income, Job, Needs, Wants, Peace, Health, Joy, and Restoration …all handled. Thank you Jesus!

My sense of smell is starting to come back after Covid 19! Praise the Lord!

Your prayers helped resolve a terrible lawsuit our family was put into. We won last year and actually got a judgement in our favor. We still owe money but we know it was due to Gods grace that we endured the stress. Our marriage was almost destroyed as well. But your prayers got us through.....we stayed together and by a miracle are closer than ever before..
We give our entire family subscriptions to the Word.
Our children read it and share about the articles and readings every now and then. What a comfort to be able to send the magazine to our family. the true gift of life..The Word.
Bless you all and thank you again for such inspiration.

My husband’s biopsy was negative. Thank you for prayers and thank you dear Lord. In Christ name we thank you!

I prayed my daughters exam would show a healthy baby and it did. Thank you Dear Lord.

Thank you God for your mercy and grace. It's going well so far and I trust all will be well. Amen.

Thank you for prayers for my son who is now recovered from COVID.
Thank you for prayers for my niece who was on a ventilator for 11 days but is now off the ventilator but on oxygen and is making a slow recovery from COVID so still needs lots of prayer.

Please pray for me and my family for a place to stay and financial provision

Three times over the weekend I got a started coughing had phlegm and had shortness of breath and each time I commanded the bug/virus to go in Jesus name and each time it stopped immediately (I stopped coughing and can breath easily). I've since taken a lateral flow test which showed a negative result. Thank You Lord! God is wonderful. Praise the Lord!

Lawndale CA
This is a Praise Report of Victory!
My car was being vandalized, My reputation was being ruined, I was so scared and frustrated a few months ago I was Hospitalized I couldn't take anymore attacks on my life. I asked for a Huge Miracle and I was given a Financial Miracle of $1 Million Dollars! I am so grateful for that I wanted to thank you I must have contacted every prayer request form I could find. I am so grateful that I was given a Miracle of $1 Million Dollars! Thank you thank you thank you for praying for me! I'm Winning in my Life and Everything has really finally gotten better for me! Thank you thank you I really needed this Financial Miracle and I am so glad I got it!


Good afternoon pastor bolaji .
Have been trusting God for a good job for since September 2019 along the line, i have to relocate to UAE this year. Have been joining the online prayer in the morning believing and trusting God that he will do . But at the beginning of this month because it my birthday month i told God if there will be the best birthday gift he will give me for this year is for him to give me a good job. Where have submitted my cv to for months they called me on Tuesday ,that am i still looking for job and i told them yes, some they ask me to come for interview so after the interview ,they said the principal was going to call me , so i was like normal thing that they use to say but to my greatest surprise God did it for me, i was given the job and with a good salary and some other benefit. I thank God because he removed me from the waiting room and make me fruitful in all area's of my life. I return all glory and adoration back to him.
Thank you jesus.

Dear Yeshua,

Immanuel: "God With Us: Emmanuella, Immanuella: Goddess With US?
Black or white, African American or Caucasian?.**>> "Immanuel": " Good With Us". "Daily Bread Prayer is interfered with, changed".. The Goddess, Spiritual Feminine, Female Principle, Cults who want the Goddess, The Female Principle to be in harmony with the Male consciousness whatever race?!*
I have not come here for Prayer for a while because I was researching that Sin, Original Sin for a while.
Thanks you Yeshua, and "The Word Among Us": "Pay in Kind"**>>.

I am handing over " Americanblackbusiness" to Word Among US/ and to Evelyn (Shakur*) Mohamed. To be the oversight in case when I go home to Christ, black, or white, African American, Or Caucasian. I am free of Debt. "Do not die with debt"*****>>. Sin is "criminal"*?! Sin****>>.
Thank you for your Prayers: I am in your books. Thank you.

Faithfully Yours,
Heba Mohamed

I had a really bad sore throat on Thursday so I got prayer and by lunchtime the sore throat had completely gone but I then started coughing phlegm every hour but now that's gone too and by the end of Friday was completely healed. Thank You God! Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! And He always heals me. And thanks to everyone who prayed for me too.

Dear prayer group, just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers, my daughter and grandson are doing well, she was induced and her son, was born via c section and both are doing well, she struggles with anxiety but her son is nursing and sleeping well, i thank you all and so deeply appreciate your prayers, May God continue to bless the Word among us and all of you, thank you all.

I would like to ask for your prayers for my son Shawn who is struggling with crippling anxiety and other mental health issues. He is an awesome human being but is lost and can’t seem to find his way back. I’m asking for prayers for his healing and courage to willingly seek help and find peace through this difficult time. Please pray for him and also my family as this has been very difficult for all of us. My God bring us the miracle we’ve been praying for!
Thank you!

I asked for prayers for my daughter’s pregnancy test and the tests showed a normal healthy baby. Please pray she has an uneventful delivery. In Christ name we pray for this.

Good evening pas bolaji, the lord has been good and kind to me, I joined NLP in the month of April and be consistent with it, I wrote my letters of congratulations and one of it is for God to change my job, this month the lord did it, i got a triple blessing, I got a new job that that is very stresless and peaceful, I wrote a professional exam that i pass successfully, I also applied for a master program in one of the school abroad and I was given a scholarship worth $2400 for the tuition fee, indeed God did it, to him alone be praise.

I got prayer for healing for work colleague Alexandra and now she has been healed. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God! And thanks to everyone who prayed for her as well.

I've had major throat pain i was healed from the same night after praying and believing i would be healed. Glory be to God!

Please 🙏 help Pray for the quick recovery 🙏 of my Mother & Blessful Blessing of the work of my and fevour upon my company D-Pyramidvision

Please 🙏 help Pray for the quick recovery 🙏 of my Mother & Blessful Blessing of the work of my and fevour upon my company D-Pyramidvision

My daughter is expecting her first child, at needs to be induced early because of pre eclampsia concerns, please pray for a safe delivery for her baby and for healthy outcome for my daughter and grand child. thank you.

Dear Father God, I want to express my thankfulness for my husband and me to find our wedding video from someone. Although it was not from someone we expected but it was lost then found. Thank You Father for watching over us.


I prayed my daughters test would show a healthy normal baby and they did show that. Please pray her pregnancy continues this way and an uneventful delivery.

My employer's daughter was walking on crutches, so I got prayer for her healing and she has now been healed and is walking normally without crutches. God is wonderful! Praise the Lord! Thank You God! And also Thank You to everyone who prayed for her.

I have visions of my children in my dreams. I don't physically have my children with me yet but I feel the biggest joy I've ever experienced when I dream these dreams. I'm not sure if other people have had this experience but I am trying to understand what is the purpose of God giving me these dreams? I think it is too prepare my heart and show my how joyful it is to have children since God calls them a blessing. Every time I dream it's always a girl. I see her face in my dreams. And just once did I dream about birthing my son. I am thankful for these dreams.

Thank you for your prayers for my grand daughter, her rash has improved and it was something very common but appeared grotesque, thank you, Dios es Grande.

I have seen the Glory of God. Thank you God for answered prayers and grace to patiently pray through those desires that are yet to come to fruition. It is well.

I was pulling out a plant from my garden and I thought I got a splinter in my finger, which I was unable to remove. So I got prayer for it. Over 2 days it has completely healed (and turned out not to be a splinter) and the scar has sealed over with no pain and no infection. Praise the Lord, God is wonderful! Thank You Lord! And also thank you to everyone who prayed for me.

Thanksgiving prayer for Betty Jo of reprieve of her cancer cells being negative.

Today's meditation is on point! I mean that literally because I made a request to God and the very time I was reading today's meditation - the sign came through as clear as crystal. I say THANK YOU! I am really encouraged and for the days when I am not - I pray that I will Trust God's timing. Amen!

praise and thank God,,, our Lord, my daughter got the job. Our Lord knows what is best for us,,, Thank you my dear Lord God,,, Praise your name forever...Thank you for all your prayers, thank you

I want to thank all those who prayed for me to find employment. God has blessed me with a full-time job doing fulfilling work. It's close to home, and my co-workers are friendly and easy to get along with. I also have a wonderful boss. I am so grateful to God and for all of your prayers.

I asked for prayers for my daughters first visit to the doctor regarding her pregnancy. All good. One baby with a very strong heartbeat. Thank you dear Lord with blessing her with another life. Please continue to pray the baby develops well and remains healthy. Thank you Jesus.

Pastor B, the lord is good and kind to me.I have been looking for a job since last year, I started submitting applications to several place but I got lot of rejections. My friend invited to NLP in February and I participated in all the prayers and fasting, I also listened to the messages about faith on you-tube. I decided to focus on God and build my relationship with God. This year, I would get a positive news about the progress of my job search suddenly I would be disappointed again. It made me question my faith sometimes but I go to God in prayer and hear his promises for me which strengthened me. I decided to write my IELTs exam, and before writing it the devil was already instilling negative thoughts in my head and I began to doubt myself, I prayed, fasted and wrote down my congratulations letter.The day of exam came and I didn’t do well in 2 of my papers , I cried after the exam and I prayed to God and told him I had no job nor money because the exam was sponsored so I can’t afford to fail. Afterwards, I started praising God as pastor told us to. I fasted from 30th June , instead of panicking I praised God instead
On the 1st of July, immediately I woke I got a text that I got a job at Abuja, a year after I applied😁😁, God did it. Not just that, on the 3rd of July I checked my IELTS result, I passed beyond my imagination. God gave me a testimony, he turned my situation around and I I'm filled with joy

I praise and thank God for all the answered prayers,,, my son is not full time in his job, my daughter is clear on her health issue.. thank you Lord

Bishop Taiwo discribed me, I have being having migraine headaches for so many years, everyday I take drugs to reduce the pain, It got to the extent that paracetamol doesn't work for me anymore and each time it starts, I trow up and also it affect my eyes i won't be able to see anything clearly until the pain reduce so i started taking sudres and some times I take cenpain night to kill the pain and make me sleep. But on the 5thday of 7DG when Bishop Taiwo climb the stage and mentioned my case, I was at the over flow outside immediately I felt a sensation inside my Head and the pain Left, up till today as am typing the pain is no where to be find. I usually take drugs everyday but since that day bishop mentioned my case I haven't tasted any pain killer. I want to give glory to God Almighty and thank BABA and mummy D for this Great privilege God will continue to strengthen them in JESUS NAME

While we have not had the results of the special MRI to determine cancer in the liver officially explained, what the report in my husband’s portal appears neutral to positive that there is less concern of the cancer having spread to the liver following the removal of the colon. We are cautiously hopeful and appreciate every prayer from all of you and others. Thank you but please keep praying

I woke up at at about 1:30am, sensing the presence of fowl spirit, trying to suppress me. l called upon the name of Jesus thrice and slept back. And At about 2:00am again, l woke up and noticed that my left toe was being twisted and l was hurting. I reached out for my annointing, calling upon the God of Rev. Biodun Fatoyibo, l splashed the anointing oil on my toe. And sundenly, the ignation sized and l was able to sleep bark like a Baby.
And on the second night, l woke up with strange & excruciating pain around the pectoral girdle. I couldn't turn left, right nor lift up my arms.
But, just yesterday at the DAY5 of the 7DG in the Evening section, While Pastor Taiwo was on this Highly exalted Podium of the Most High God, teaching on the Healing ministering of Jesus, Saying"Jesus came to Heal all that were oppressed of the devil. And that, Jesus Himself took our infirmity "
I got home,woke up this morning to realize that all the pains are gone & gone forever. I have come to Celebrate this great and Awesome God of my Father & Mother. Rev.Biodun Fatoyibo and Pastor Modele.
Thank you Jesus

I woke up at at about 1:30am, sensing the presence of fowl spirit, trying to suppress me. l called upon the name of Jesus thrice and slept back. And At about 2:00am again, l woke up and noticed that my left toe was being twisted and l was hurting. I reached out for my annointing, calling upon the God of Rev. Biodun Fatoyibo, l splashed the anointing oil on my toe. And sundenly, the ignation sized and l was able to sleep bark like a Baby.
And on the second night, l woke up with strange & excruciating pain around the pectoral girdle. I couldn't turn left, right nor lift up my arms.
But, just yesterday at the DAY5 of the 7DG in the Evening section, While Pastor Taiwo was on this Highly exalted Podium of the Most High God, teaching on the Healing ministering of Jesus, Saying"Jesus came to Heal all that were oppressed of the devil. And that, Jesus Himself took our infirmity "
I got home,woke up this morning to realize that all the pains are gone & gone forever. I have come to Celebrate this great and Awesome God of my Father & Mother. Rev.Biodun Fatoyibo and Pastor Modele.
Thank you Jesus

I've to celebrate the God of Rev. Biodun

Thanks Be To God.
Yesterday returning from my physician's appointment in a larger city fifty miles from home on a metropolitan freeway, a harrowing experience occurred. At one of the most intricate set ups for the mergers of vehicles as I was beginning to feel the task complete!

Bam, a large Semi pulling a trailer full of something turns from the furthest right side of the merged lanes and crosses 3 lanes to get onto a completely different highway interchange cutting me off, missing me by inches, and almost turning over its trailer by performing this deadly trick!

I visualized God seriously orchestrating the Guardian Angels, Prayer by All Saints and Heavenly Hosts Singing Glory To God For He is Merciful. Merciful to me and at least forty other cars slamming on their brakes while all the car contents not buttoned down move to the front of the vehicle.

What a Kind and Merciful God. Praise Be To God.

My Aunt Marilyn that you were praying for that had Covid with bronchitis has now fully recovered. Thank you so much for your prayers!

I was worried that I wasn't going to get paid this month, so I got prayer - and now I've been paid. And I got a tax refund as well. Praise God! Thank You God! God is Wonderful. And also thanks to everyone who prayed for me.

I accidentally sprayed some deodorant into my left eye, so I got prayer for healing and to prevent blindness - and God healed me so I can see clearly and there is no damage to my eye and no blindness and no pain. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful. I thank God and also thank everyone who prayed for me.

It can only be God. I give Him all the glory. A prayer close to my heart has been answered in the form of 4 unexpected phone communications. May these positive vibrations continue to align in accordance to God's will. Amen.

God is helping my son through his efforts in quitting alcohol drugs and hatred for himself.

Father your will be done. Grateful for Ron, and David, who prayed for me we had such a powerful pow wow in the Lord. After prayer Ron lead me to a another man who then lead me to Brenda who is coordinating programs for helping those out of work in the Community, Brenda gave me a huge opportunity where I can train and at the end of it I'll have a job working in a Hospital that's right around the corner from where I live. Grateful for God leading me into a great position.
Its only going to be be better.
Funny I admitted to having a poverty mindset and got totally delivered from it Selah.
Look up your redemption is drawing closer...

A met a friend in a depressed mood simply because things weren't working out well for him relationship & career wise to I invited him to join NLP sometimes March....
To the Glory of God is engaged to be married to the love of his life in October. I believe God to come through for him concerning his career too.

I asked my pension company to move my pension fund into a drawdown account. They opened a drawdown account for me however the balance was zero (instead of the balance from my original account, which they closed). So I got prayer - and now my drawdown account is showing the balance from the original account (so I can withdraw my pension). Praise the Lord, God is wonderful! Thank You God! And thank you everyone who prayed for me also.

I prayed my daughter would have another child and she is pregnant. Please pray it is an uneventful healthy pregnancy , birth and child. In Christ name I pray for this. Thank you.

We have all been praying for our son Matthew for a long time. While there is much to continue prayers for such as his loss of faith, his incarceration, his upcoming trial, and his brain injuries, I want to share some positives. He recently had his annual review at the prison and was told he was only a few days short of having a year without major infractions there which is huge for him. He has been doing positive things for other inmates as well. Please keep the prayers coming as there is change happening

I was on State benefits and I got a new job (and they paid me) so I requested my state benefits to be stopped, but there was a delay so I was worried I'd get into trouble, so I got prayer and they've now stopped my benefits.

I also emailed my pension company to place my pension funds into drawdown mode (so I could withdraw from them), however they emailed me back to say they were instead withdrawing it as a lump sum it into a bank account (contrary to my instructions). So I got prayer and they've now emailed me to say they're following my instructions and putting all my pensions funds into drawdown mode for me.

Praise the Lord! Thank You God! God is wonderful! And thanks also to everyone who prayed for me.

I asked for prayers for my blood tests and they were fine. Thank you dear Lord

I want to sing praise to the Lord for the "God-incidences" experienced recently. It can only be God working behind the scenes. Amen.

That’s something we can all offer to God: our praise and gratitude. Oh yes indeed. F

All's well that ends well. Thank you Heavenly Father. For the gift of friendship and family. What a wonderful afternoon - enjoyed the camaraderie. And what's more the rains held it! We give God the Glory for time well spent and for providing in many ways. Amen.

Thank you for your prayer for my daughter ...glory and praise she is pregnant !!

I'm starting a new job soon and the terms and conditions said I might have to do international travel, which was scaring me, so I got prayer about it. The employer phoned me today and I mentioned this and she said not to worry as it was generic T&C sent to all employees but that I would only be working from home or their local office. That is a massive weight off my mind - praise the Lord! Thank You God! And thanks to everyone who prayed for me.

I praise and thank God for His continuous love and presence in our lives. Thank you for your prayers my daughter's fallopian are both open. Please continue praying for her

Thanks so much

I prayed for my son’s safety on his business trip and he came home safe and sound. Thank you dear Lord!