The Word Among Us

Latest Praise Reports

Build up your faith by reading about how God has worked in other people’s lives. If you have a praise report that you’d like to share, please let us know by submitting a praise report.

Would you like to us to pray for you, a family member or a friend? Please let us know by submitting a prayer request.

Thank you God for my husbands successful surgery.
Thank you God for my successful surgery.

Our dear sister in Christ Janice S. died last week from breast cancer and severe suffering for the last 3+ mos. Not once did she get angry at God, for taking her away from her husband of almost 30 years. She praised God to last breath, happy that she would see Jesus, and children she miscarried in heaven. She was happy and serene until the last breath!

Thank you Lord, my son is now permanent in his job. thank you for all your prayers

I praise my son in law had a safe flight and experience on his business trip and he did. Thank you dear Lord.

Abba, I come before you in Jesus name, Thanking/Praising you for blessing Andre with a dwelling place, for hearing/answering all my prayers for my children, for divine supernatural protection, Thank you! for our victories, for LaToya divine supernatural contracts. Thank you for all that the enemy meant for evil against us you have turned into blessings, victories, favors, healings!. Thank you Abba, I give you ALL the Praise, Glory and Honor!! in Jesus name. AMEN!!

Your prayer warriors along with many others have been praying for my husband George who had his colon removed due to cancer and recent surgery for his arm with nerve damage. His arm is healing and he is doing OT.
We just arrived home from a cancer appointment. Good day at cancer center. Scans were both good and bloodwork good with one showing an elevation that needs to be watched but not treated. Doesn’t go back for 4 months. Very excited Thank you and Thanks be to God

Thank you God for helping everything go well with my husband surgery and recovery

Thanking God for prayers answered in the reconciliation of my sister during the Divine Mercy.

I submitted a prayer request here this morning and the Lord has answered me. I prayed for God to work through a mistake that my friend Gabriel made yesterday, which would have set him back. He just told me that the issue has been sorted. All praise and glory goes to God.

I can’t remember what it was but I submitted a prayer request here and God answered it. Even though I don’t remember what it was I know it was answered because of the peace that came

We have been praying with your help for our daughter Elaine who had lost significant vision to a form of macular degeneration which there is currently no treatment for. She began feeling nauseous and that her vision was going in and out. She went today for an exam. Her vision in the worse eye has improved 20 points in 2 weeks. The doctor said this was unheard of and seemed to be moving toward more improvement. If so at that point they can do exercises to maintain or continue improvement. Thank you for all the prayer power. Keep it coming!

Last month the love of my life had a cancer report. Now, weeks later after surgery and waiting for test results she has today been declared cancer free.

It is the power of prayer that has brought this wonderful and happy news.

I’m praising and thanking God today.

Easter has always been precious to me but this year even more than ever.

Please join me in my thanking God for healing my darling Susan.

I asked for prayers for an unknown area of an ultrasound in early pregnancy. It turns out that everything turned out to be normal. Thanks be to God.

Thanksgiving and praise as my husband had surgery yesterday to help with damage to his arm and hand. The surgery went well and there is hope of recovering use of them again Thank you for your prayers

Thank you God for healing me this week and the provisions I requested. Thank you God for what you are doing and going to do in my life. Blessed. Amazing Father

Pray for all my friends and family

Heavenly Father I praise your Holy Name for all that you have done, are doing and will always do for us. In the midst of so many hard moments, there you have been by our side. May our faith and love for you continue to grow with each day. Where would we be without you? All Glory, Honor and Praise to you

We were stressed about getting the Covid-19 vaccine regarding the serious and standard side effects especially since my wife has a lot of allergies. We prayed and received our first doses. Everything went well with only very minor side effects!!

On Wednesday I got an extremely hard poo making it very very difficult to get my poo out (into the toilet) so I got prayer for God to heal me and to make my poo soft again and a few hours later God healed me and made my poo soft again - so I got all my poo out and now I can poo easily like I did before this happened. God is wonderful, praise the Lord!

God healed my dad of his bad liver and tumor and he doesnt need dialysis and I'm healthy, and I make so many more better decisions, thanks for making my brain bruise heal. Thank you Lord for freeing me of the want and need to drink liquor, party or go to bars anymore!! I'm grateful to the Lord for what he has blessed me and my family with. I’m grateful God healed my ex bf, Lenin of thyroid cancer, we’re not together but that’s ok.

Good morning pastor Bolaji.
Thank you for your prayers
Indeed God is Good and kind to me and I Have felt his power In my health
I was diagnosed of stomach ulcer some time in 2020
I have bn living with it ever since and doing the needful stated by the doctors to avoid getting to a chronic state
I started feeling frequent pains recently ,eating little n always waking at night to eat,I even lost weight n it has bn a source for worry me over weeks now
You mentioned the case of someone with a stomach issue on Monday last week and u decreed (be healed)
I knew It was for me n I received it and started thanking God
From that day till now I have not felt any single pain ,no more loss of appetite
I feel like I have a new stomach already
I am sending this confirm that the power of God is real n he truly heals the sick and can make a man whole..
I am establishing my testimony and I know I will testify more of Gods goodness...All the glory to God

Thank you for your prayers for my husband Louis. His procedure at the hospital went great yesterday. I thank God for all these great doctors and their skills. May my husband continue to be healed by God spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Good morning pastor B,my God is good and kind to me. I'm a student and I've been working rigorously on my academics in the past, so that I'll finish well. But when I submit my work,the grades I see is no where related to the effort I put into them. Now that school has resumed online, I've been slack. Later I realized that I'm in my final year masters and my end grades are very important. I decided to go back to being a serious student but I wasn't serious like before still. I then put my academics into Next Level prayers. The first miracle God did for me is to take me out of a negative environment and put me in a positive environment without me even knowing. We submitted an assignment last week. Lo and behold I woke up this morning and I saw our grades, I got the second highest grade. The joy of waking up to receive good news this morning is unexplainable. I had told God that I must finish with a Distinction this year come what may and I'm sowing a seed of #1000 every week to God. That offering is another testimony because it is 5xtimes that which I usually give to God weekly.
Also I submitted another assignment and this time I scored the highest.
Another amazing testimony is that I've been on a group chat for one of the top Architectural bodies in Nigeria but I haven't been active since last year. In January a post came out requesting for people to take up certain roles. I took one of the roles on February 15th and I've been functioning. You won't believe that one of the top people that controls that body noticed my work and has given me double promotion in less than a month. Today is March 11th. I am now on the same platform with people who have gone ahead in life and it takes certain qualifications and achievements to be on that platform (Remember that I'm a student and I don't have any qualification yet talkless of experience) but look at what God has done for me. This can only be God. I know that God will perfect the good work he has began in my life and I'll come back and testify of my distinction,my scholarship and my dream job. A very big thank you to you sir and the entire team. God of Next Level prayers hears and answers.

Last week I was so broke and in debt too. It wasn’t looking like I have a way to come out of it, I couldn’t even afford to buy myself food. I participated in the 3 days fasting and prayer and before the end of the week, I was able to pay off my debt, eat good food and still have abundance. Thank you Jesus

I had a goal to manage my own lab and a position had posted. I applied to it, prayed for this opportunity and for it to be my dream job. GOD answered my prayers. Not only was I offered the job but I find more and more happiness in my job everyday. I can’t thank God enough for giving me this chance and to prove that I’ll always praise him.

Jesus did it!! I had been praying for a while to relocate with specific needs and expectations. ALL my needs were answered and confirmed. Not one thing was left out. I am safe and happy with a new home, new job, good pay in a new city. Glory be to God!! Thank You Father for hearing me, helping me, and rescuing me in perfect timing in multiple areas of my life. You are worthy to Praised Jesus. Be encouraged people. He will bring you through and out.

A few weeks ago I got prayer for financial provision which I now have! Praise the Lord! God is wonderful!

I submitted a prayer request for my son prior to his surgery last week. Between the WAU prayer warriors, family, friends, acquaintances and beyond, heaven was bombarded and we are embracing a miracle(s). Please continue to pray for our son’s physical and spiritual healing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all with a trust that only grows stronger.

I praise you Lord. Please take away my anger towards everything. Please allow people to forgive me

Special thank you to all who joined me in prayer to our Lord for the recovery of Lydia Ramos who was hospitalized on Sunday with covid 19 in New York. She became stable two days later and will now be released tomorrow. What a blessing! I continue to pray for all others which remain hospitalized with this terrible virus. Thank you for your prayers my family in Christ.

Praise the name of the Lord. On Monday morning first day of February, I got an email confirming my offer of appointment for a new job as COO at a private equity firm based in the United States.

I had applied for a Chief of Staff position and gone through 2 rounds of interviews with the CEO and had been told to wait for a response by 8th of February. Not only did I get a response before then, the position I was offered was greater than what I had applied for.

I had been out of work since March last year and had started looking for work initially within Nigeria. God laid it on my heart to start searching for an international remote job around May last year which eventually culminated in this new job offer. I thank God for His faithfulness indeed and pray God will perfect what He has started. Praise be to God. Hallelujah!

When pastor Bolaji Idowu was praying for healing on the 2nd of February 2021, he said that God is healing a lady’s right ear and she does not even know. I’ve been having issues with my ear since 2016 but I didn’t notice anything before he said it because I was so busy praying for the breast pain that started not quite long but has also ended. Immediately he said it I stopped praying and I noticed that my right ear was very warm inside and I wish I can describe the feeling but I knew for certain that something was going on. Since that Tuesday my normal routine of pains in my ear or having to clean my ear consistently in order to feel comfortable has ended. This is my first time testifying and the beginning of many more testimonies by God’s grace.
One more thing, pastor Bolaji also mentioned a lady that’s scared in her relationship, so she started dating two guys in case one fail her and that she has lose because she’s scared.... because she’s meant to have faith. I’m not so sure if I’m this lady because I’m still thinking about it and I’ve not done it yet, I’ve been dating a guy for close to 6years now and I’m ready to get married as I am but I’m just frustrated cause my partner will sometimes say things like he’s not sure if he’s going to be ready in 7yrs time or get married at all, he says that he’s joking but he says it a lot . So I’ve that makes me really insecure in the relationship, I’m really scared just like pastor Bolaji said and I’ve been considering dating someone else but since I don’t know if he’s joking like he keeps saying, I don’t know if I should leave him. So I’ve been thinking of dating him and someone else together for months now but I’m just too scared to do it and I’m too scared to trust the relationship. And now after listening to the message I’m more scared than ever because I don’t want to lose. I just can’t stop praying about it.

I have asked for prayers to help me with my anxiety. I am much better and have found things to help me. Thank you Dear Lord.

ryan- 5 yr in prison heavy sentence

shela- in need of employment; hasn't seen son in over a year bc of pandemic

We have been praying for our son Matthew who is incarcerated following poor decisions after two different traumatic brain injuries. He is talking about a friend he’s made there that is speaking of God and faith to him. This inmate reminds him that there is good within him. While he says he no longer believes in faith, I feel seeds are being planted and watered. Please continue prayers for his faith

My husband’s cancer numbers continue to go down, and his nerve issues with his hand and arm are improving with expected healing within six months. He continues to experience pain from the removal of his colon and difficulty regulating his body but the doctors continue to work on solutions. God and St. Peregrine are hearing our prayers and responding with hope and positive changes. Thanks be to God and to all the prayer warriors.

Thank you WAU prayer group for your intercession. My son was hired last Friday and started on his new job. That will definitely keep his anxiety controlled and to a minimum. I am thankful to all of you and to our Lord Jesus for always protecting, guiding and blessing my family and me. <3

Jesus I Thank you in advance for full restoration, great health, stability, and a family of my own. Bless your Holy name!

I give thanks for your prayers. I am starting to get well. It is so relieving, knowing when I ask, that I will have relief coming so quickly. I'm still not 100%, but feel the healing going on. Thank you so much! Thank you God!

God healed me....I have been on several medications since last year February that I cannot do without my drugs on a daily basis..... Since I started the fast on Monday I haven't taken any drugs....which has never happened in a long while.....God healed me a d I believe it is permanent in Jesus name....


After years of praying, God has come through and helped me relocate. He has also provided for me financially in an incredible way as I navigate life. Thank you God.

2 Corinthians 12:9 God's Grace is Sufficient indeed. It is only by His grace that we are able to say thus far we have come. In an unprecedented year where uncertainty dominated our lives, it is a blessing to be alive today. To those who have preceded us we pray that their departure remains a reminder to our need to prepare ourselves to that final journey.

Thank you God for EVERYTHING. You have been overly generous with your grace and mercy to me and my loved ones. We remain hopeful that 2021 will carry a Blessing for me and my family and we only need TRUST that all will be well. Amen.

Thank you God for your healing powers, protection, breakthrough, and deliverance. Thank you God for the blessings, Holy Spirit, the abundance of financial blessings, and new House

We are so grateful that the chemo is lowering the cancer cells for my husband. While he still has cancer there is improvement. We thank God and all who pray for us.

it will not let me play among us

I praise the Lord for the confirmation about my breakthrough. I praise him for what he's doing right now and behind the scenes.

My mobile phone worked perfectly for many years but today (Sunday 6th December 2020) developed some faults and stopped working properly and didn't respond to key presses despite being rebooted. So I got prayer for it today - and now God has fixed it so it works perfectly again as it did before. Praise God! God is wonderful!

Praise Jesus!! My wrist surgery was a success! Thank you Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance for Dr and team. Healing and free of infection. Thank you for your prayers! Praise Jesus, our Lord and Savior!

Praise God our Father for his mercy and healing our marriage and keeping us together when all seemed lost. Never give up on your marriage.Pray fervently and Trust in Our Lady to Intercede.

My mobile phone worked perfectly for many years however it today developed several critical faults (for example it didn't accept the 'OK' button when I entered its PIN number; and also I couldn't click my inbox to see my messages). But I like my mobile phone and didn't want to replace it, so asked for prayer for God to fix it for me. Today God fixed it completely and it now works perfectly as it did before. Praise God! God is wonderful.

God miraculously blessed us with peace in our family. He gave us more than what we had asked for! I praise God for the happiness he continues to give us!

I want to share with everyone that miracles do happen and God does listen to our prayers, no matter how impossible they seem.

I recently asked for prayers for Isaac, a 28 year old young man, who was on ventilator.Thank you for the prayers for Isaac. He is out of ICU and doing much better. Hopefully he will be discharged soon.
May God bless you all.

In All things we should give Glory to God! The last couple of weeks have been heavy but I know Jehovah God is still on the Throne. By His Grace and overflowing mercy I am still standing proudly as a child of the Most High God. The best is yet to come. Jeremiah 29:11

It is well. Amen.

Yesterday I had a strange thumping in my upper left arm and tingling in my fingers, so I got prayer and today those symptoms have disappeared and I'm healed. Praise the Lord! Thank You God!

Good morning Pastor, I joined this fellowship through my younger sister September 2020 and have been following up in the next level prayers since the month of October, firstly, I thank God for the renewal of my mind and change of mindset I have been having since I started to fellowship at Harvesters on Sundays.I was promoted to the position of a Supervisor with an increase in my salary, and this, month without any promotion,my salary was raised again.I struggled to get fund to subscribe for data so as not to miss out on the week of Supernatural help and on Monday morning I was connected,after the Ministrations by you and Apostle Arome, when I got to work that Monday morning, someone blessed me with some money and as if that was not enough, a guest also left some money with my staff in my Organization for me that same day even while I was already home and he said the money should be given to me.I just want to thank God because this shows that indeed God is on my case and will perfect all.Thank you Pastor for all you do for the body of Christ.

Praise Jesus! My daughter, Natalie ,delivered a healthy baby boy ,Cash Christian! Thanks for the prayers!! Please pray for Natalie to recover from swelling and elevated blood pressure caused by delivery. Thank you everyone!!

Than you for all the prayers for my 31 year old son Michael that had a brain bleed ten days ago . He seems to be completely healed .He still has to see specialists to see when he can return to work and when he can drive again . May God continue to be with him and bless him and his wife . Thank you also for the prayers for my husband Louis that had internal bleeding. He is doing very well now . But I ask God to protect him from a stroke as he can’t be on his blood thinner medicine any more . He needs another procedure - May God protect him until this can happen.

Than you for all the prayers for my 31 year old son Michael that had a brain bleed ten days ago . He seems to be completely healed .He still has to see specialists to see when he can return to work and when he can drive again . May God continue to be with him and bless him and his wife . Thank you also for the prayers for my husband Louis that had internal bleeding. He is doing very well now . But I ask God to protect him from a stroke as he can’t be on his blood thinner medicine any more . He needs another procedure - May God protect him until this can happen.

God heard my heart when I first heard Him at St.Valentines. I held Him in my heart while the world distracted my path. Finally it's all in the gospels for me. Amen

Please lift up our dear President Donald Trump. Give him all the blessings and graces he needs to continue the work You called him to. Thank you, Jesus!

I asked to pray that my sisters heart test was negative and it was. In Christ name I thank you.

The terrible chronic anxiety and insomnia are lifting, and I am able to rest more and more and receive the deep healing from the Lord that I need. I am feeling more strengthened and hopeful and able to cope and am even experiencing times of peace and joy as my faith in God's perfect providence increases. Thank you for your prayers and God bless.

s bless me with financial miracles, protection, and peace. Hallelujah

I praise the Lord because he has told me today that my husband and I, our infertility journey is not because of finances or doing anything wrong in the past that all is forgiven and he is working all things out . The devil tells lies. Our god is able to let us conceive and he did it before (miscarriage) and we will have a beautiful baby girl/boy/both in his timing and we trust him in and declare over our marriage and being able to conceive. Love Never Fails. Thank you . God Bless. Amen.

Praise and thanksgiving to our Lord God on high and thank you for your prayer intercession, my son got his job,, continue praying that he will perform well in this new job. Thank you

Praying that God should grant a job to help my family

Finding a job that I had been asking the Lord for. It has been one of the most satisfying jobs I've ever had. It is different from my previous roles and similar. It is something I've enjoyed as a warehouse clerk.

I praise and thank God for uplifting me and seeing me through a difficult day at work. Lately I have been going through a lot of health issues that has caused my body to be in pain and at times almost debilitating. I praise and thank Jesus that he has given me the strength and endurance to see it through this week. He has given me peace and a sense of calm in stressful work situations. I’m overwhelmed with emotion because I know Jesus is always with us he loves us and is our way maker.

The underside of my right foot was hurting making it difficult to walk, so I got prayer and it has now been healed and I'm walking normally again. Thanks be to God! And Thanks to everyone who prayed for me.

The underside of my right foot was hurting making it difficult to walk, so I got prayer and it has now been healed and I'm walking normally again. Thanks be to God! And Thanks to everyone who prayed for me.

I am so grateful still for your prayers regarding the lawsuit we were wrongly dragged into. Like I reported months ago, we were vindicated and actually "won" the suit after so much stress and horrible financial drain. We are paying some legal bills but are so appreciate
you being there!! I never doubted your prayers and God's power. Amen

Thank you Lord, for Retrouvaille, and saving our marriage.

I give praises and thanks to the Lord with my whole heart that thru the prayers I requested from the WAU intercessory group and from many others, my daughter had a safe, easy and natural delivery. The baby was breech on my daughter's 26th week pregnancy (caesarean was the option). With all our prayers and expectant faith in God and with the intercession of our blessed mother Mary and St Anne, the baby turned to normal position on her 36th week pregnancy and the baby was born naturally on her 38th week pregnancy. Both mom and baby are healthy. Everything is possible with God. He works miraculously. To Him be honor and glory.

Prayer Request.
Rob and Lindsay-
Healing for their marriage and seek Christian counciling. 2nd marriage for both.
Healing for Rob- Severe Crohn's Disease.

My monthly furlough payment was late so I got prayer and it has now been paid. And I may also get a sizeable redundancy payment as well. Praise the Lord. God is wonderful.

Over the years, God has given me about 5 rapture dreams and 1 dream about Hell. I can only remember 2 of the rapture dreams and the Hell dream. I thought they were just for me personally, but recently having watched the many rapture dreams on youtube realised I should give testimony of them. But then I realised I actually have a bigger testimony I should give as well. All of the following is my personal testimony and personal opinion:-

Many years ago, I was backsliding as a Christian and was watching a lot of pornography. At some point, I was walking outside my workplace on lunchbreak and I encountered 2 women claiming to be “The Queen of Gypsies” and they asked if I wanted to make 3 wishes. They said I should put my right hand on a crystal they had and make 3 wishes. Without thinking I put my right hand down on the crystal and asked for “women, women and women”. They also said I would have long life and be successful. They also gave me 3 small sea shells which they said I should keep with me. But afterwards I soon came to my senses and threw the sea shells away and got deliverance ministry and got myself covered again by Christ’s blood.

In the first rapture dream, I was raptured and quickly started rising up through the air with the other people being raptured. As we were going up, I remember looking down and seeing the other people (who hadn’t been raptured) still below and my initial response was (for the first time) realising just how many people I could have reached for the gospel but hadn’t. I started saying to myself “I could have reached them; and them; and them” and my heart was sad for them because of that fact. And then I woke up.

But I later re-backslide into pornography and later made another agreement with demons concerning women.

God showed me a dream/vision of Hell. I was asleep but that was the most realistic dream/vision I’ve ever had (and it completely changed my life). In my dream I was lying in my bed and suddenly I was transported into a dark torture chamber with narrow walls and ceiling like a castle dungeon with cells dotted around and I was lying on a table and this large demon was sawing off my leg. I could see, feel and smell this dream and it was like an out of body experience. I was there a fair while and I was screaming and then I woke up terrified. I woke up and immediately realised that God had given me a very severe warning of the eternal consequences of my actions. I immediately thanked God for the dream. There and then I renounced pornography and demonic and asked God to cancel any agreement with demons; and repented and re-committed my life to Christ (confessing to Jesus Christ I got myself covered again by Christ’s blood).

From that point on I was often attacked by demons in my sleep and was constantly harassed by demons verbally but every morning I have quiet time with the Lord and He often confirms I am in Him and has both spoken to me and given me many pictures confirming what’s going on. I started writing a prayer diary to record what I was hearing and seeing. Among the many words and pictures I’ve heard and seen are:-

• “The bride and groom are preparing and being prepared for the wedding feast”.
• “You should evangelise”
• “Angels are testing your resolve, that is all they are allowed to do”
• God showed me a picture of an infinitely long wall which had armed guards along it and then said that God has put a wall between me and the enemy and has posted angels along the wall. Me and God are on one side and the enemy is on the other.
• Jesus said that I was spiritually cleansed (He said it several times).
• “You will be severely tested by God”
• God showed me a picture where Jesus was reviewing books. He came to one with my name on it and Jesus wrote ‘he’s covered by my blood’ then He stamped it and put it back on the shelf (to the right).
• God showed me a picture of a flame and someone kept trying to blow it out but it could not be blown out and ended up stronger than at the start. Jesus said the flame was me.
• God often tells me to persevere.

God called me to personal evangelism and that is something I used to do (before the coronavirus lockdown) each Saturday and will do again (once the current restrictions are removed, if they are before the rapture). Of course I still contribute to evangelism in other ways.

Jesus told me that my name has not been blotted out but has been reinstated in the Lamb’s book of Life in paradise and that He has declared my name to the Father. I say this not to be “like a Pharisee” and make a false show for man’s approval (as of course I am saved only on the basis of Jesus’s sacrifice alone) but rather as encouragement to others to show them that it is possible for such a Christian to be forgiven (as I was). I personally believe that although a Christian can lose their salvation, they can also gain it again (but only in this lifetime). Once they pass into eternity they cannot change their mind. But all of this testimony is just my personal opinion based on my personal understanding of scripture.

God gave me another rapture dream and in this one it was a sunny day and I was walking in the open in a park and suddenly I started rising up through the air in the rapture. This went on for a fair while and I was happy and talking and smiling with others. Then I woke up.

Needless to say over the years, demons have often challenged me and attacked me in my sleep. They often try to falsely say that I’m sold out to them. But I’ve also found the following things:-

• Since God gave me the Hell dream and I finally and completely repented and recommitted my life to Christ, I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in pornography or demons or any of the former things I had before; my previous worldly motives and desires have completely disappeared (for many many years) and now I only have Godly desires to serve God in line with His calling for me.
• God bears witness to me that I am saved. I know that I know that I know. I have more love, joy and peace than I’ve ever ever had.
• Whenever I do personal evangelising, God fills my heart with real joy, like streams of living water rising up inside of me. I actually get more joy through personal evangelism that any other activity. I believe God has hidden the things that give real joy where only the Church will ever find them.
• Whenever anyone tries to insult me, I simply say “I forgive all humans, no matter what they accuse me of” and it’s like in my spirit the insult is converted into a compliment and rather from “bringing me down” actually “lifts me up” and makes me joyful. I think this is another one of those things where God has hidden the things that give real joy where only the Church will ever find them.
• Whenever demons try to attack me in my sleep, I simply call on the Lord (in my sleep) saying “Jesus save me” or “Jesus, make me wake up” and I wake up.
• I find it’s best to rebuke demons with applicable Bible scripture but also with what Jesus has personally revealed to me. So any time demons try to say I’m sold out to them I rebuke them for blasphemy (as Jesus has told me my name is rewritten in the Lamb’s book of life and has not been blotted out) and that therefore demons are effectively saying that Jesus is lying, which is blasphemy (as Jesus always tells the truth). And I declare Colossians 1:13 “God has delivered me from the power of darkness and has translated me into the kingdom of His dear Son”.

Demons sometime try to challenge me by saying “How can Jesus forgive you if you’ve committed the unpardonable sin?” referring to my past Christian testimony (see above). I firstly rebuke the demons for blasphemy as Jesus alone is judge (John 5:22). I then ask God if I should answer the demon’s question. Sometimes God says I should. So for the purposes of testimony (if this helps others) this is what I personally believe:-

I personally believe there are actually several types of sin that may fall under the category of “the unpardonable sin” but that even these sins can actually be forgiven (but only in this lifetime). I think the unpardonable sin is any of the following:-

• Where a Christian also or subsequently practices a different, false religion (i.e not Christianity) because the Bible says “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils” (1 Corinthians 10:21).
• If a Christian deliberately and specifically renounces Christ. I fear and tremble to even write this one down as it is so terrible a sin, so I asked the Lord and he said to write it down (presumably as it might help others reading this testimony).
• Any of the sins mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

The reasons why I think it is possible for a Christian to both lose their salvation and to regain it again are as follows:-

In the New Testament Jesus said:-
“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come”. (Matthew 12:31-32).

In the Old Testament (under the old covenant), God stated the following through Ezekiel:-
“But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, because of them he shall die. “Yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord is not fair.’ Hear now, O house of Israel, is it not My way which is fair, and your ways which are not fair? Again, when a wicked man turns away from the wickedness which he committed, and does what is lawful and right, he preserves himself alive. Because he considers and turns away from all the transgressions which he committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die. (Ezekiel 18:24-27). I think the principle still applies (in relation to “unforgivable sins” under the new covenant through Jesus). But specifically I believe such a Christian must:-

1. Confess each of the “unforgivable sins” (naming each one specifically) in prayer to Jesus.
2. Renounce each of the “unforgivable sins” (naming each one specifically) in prayer to Jesus.
3. Repent of each of the “unforgivable sins” (naming each one specifically) in prayer to Jesus.
4. Say the sinner’s prayer again.
5. If not already baptised, get baptised.

Demons sometimes try to challenge me with “Jesus said such a man cannot be forgiven either in this world or the next”. But I believe that if a Christian has committed the “unpardonable sin” and hasn’t yet renounced/repented/asked Jesus to save them, then (whilst in that state) they cannot be forgiven. When Jesus said in “the next world” I think he is referring to Judgement Day when I suppose many such Christians will (shortly before being thrown into Hell) beg Jesus saying “but we were once saved” …

I also think Jesus’s parable of the prodigal son actually has 2 very similar meanings (or applications). The first obvious meaning is well known throughout the church (and is central to the gospel). But I think it has a second meaning (or application) concerning a Christian who has committed an “unforgivable sin” and then renounced/repented/re-committed to Jesus because it says the Father had 2 sons and the younger son said in effect that he didn’t want his inheritance in the future but wanted to spend it in the world in riotous living. But after so doing, he later came to his senses and repented and returned to his Father and was received.

Several years later, in quiet time I received a picture from the Holy Spirit where there was a deep rectangular hole in the ground next to a tombstone with the enemy’s name on it. I saw a coffin being raised from the hole and carried into paradise where it was placed in a large group of coffins to the right hand side of Jesus who was sitting on a throne. I saw my name was written on the coffin. And I heard Jesus say to His angels to protect those coffins. I later heard (and not sure who said this) that Jesus had collected a group of coffins from the enemy and placed them into His stack in paradise. I later asked the Father whether the picture represented something that happened in the past or just now and He said ‘today’. So I asked Him why since my name had already been rewritten in the Lamb’s book of life several years previously and He said He knew, but that the enemy had contested it for years. So I asked Him how could the enemy contest something that Jesus had already decided and done, and the Father said the enemy couldn’t, but that I was being severely tested. I’m happy, the Lord knows how it all works, we just follow Him (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

I also have testimony regarding healing:-

• Once I got a sore underside of my left foot so that I couldn’t walk properly and was limping so I got prayer for it. Soon afterwards I was lying in bed and suddenly I felt this intense heat in my left leg and it felt like something inside my leg was being re-arranged. The next morning I got up and the pain had completely gone and I was able to walk normally again.
• Sometimes I get odd aches and pains but I believe Jesus gave the church direct authority to command healing in Jesus name (Matthew 10:7-8, Luke 9:1-2, Matthew 28:19). My approach is as follows (NB: I’ve only tried this by myself a few times at home, but it works for me):-
o First I (speaking out loud) thank God that the ache/pain/issue (naming it) cannot come upon me because it was already placed on Jesus on the cross and was dead and buried for all eternity with Jesus, though obviously Jesus himself was resurrected and seen by the people of this world and ascended into Paradise and sits at the right hand of God from whence Jesus will judge the living and the dead.
o I then declare (out loud) “He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities; The chastisement for my peace was upon Him, And by His stripes I am healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
o I then declare (out loud) “In Jesus name and applying the blood of Jesus shed for me on the cross, I command“ … (then state the ache/pain/issue by name) … “to go and stay away from both me and this house”. NB: I’m unsure if I should say “applying the blood of Jesus” (as I think it’s implicit with Jesus name, but I just add that for emphasis).
o I then declare (out loud) “Amen”.
o Then I listen to the Lord who usually says “So ordered”.
o Then the ache/pain/issue immediately disappears.
o I then thank God for healing me.
o I then write a praise report.

I first give God the glory for seeing this day among the living,and my thanks to wau prayers group,i want wau to pray for my new business i'm about to start that may God protect,guides,guard and grand me success and open doors to all the living in Jesus name Amen.

Your group has been praying for our son Matthew who is incarcerated with two serious traumatic brain injuries. He has been denying his faith for a long time with much hostility. He reported he was sending a cross that he has been wearing to his ex girlfriends daughter whom he considers his daughter for her birthday. The fact that he was wearing a cross and considers it important for her is a starting point. Please continue your prayers and thank you for them

Your prayer group along with many others have been praying for my husband George who is suffering from colon cancer, removal of the colon, and cancer in his lymph nodes. He was to start chemo on Tuesday but was denied due to low platelet counts which has been a problem for many years. It seemed to be a death sentence as they were going to wait for the platelets to increase which has happened only a few times in years. A new doctor has devised an alternative plan to do chemo and the oral meds will start on Monday. We received Holy Water from Lourdes on Tuesday which we have used with our prayers at this point as well. Please continue prayers for his recovery. Thank you

I've been praying for a girlfriend for a long time now, even longer than I've been in college. Still single (despite my best efforts!), but the amount God has taught me during this time has been so much more important. The sting of loneliness still comes, especially during prayer, but this brings me into union with the loneliness Christ had on the Cross, and that makes it all worth it. I'm still looking & praying for my future wife, but God has been truly wonderful during this time.

Thanking God for finally revealing Zac's illness to Doctors. Thanking God for giving them the wisdom and compassion to care for him now he is on admission

ente eesoye najgalude kudubahathe samadhana undakanne....jyothy mole anugrahikanne avalude karyangalum eesoyke samarppikunu...avalude overseas scholarship vegam kittanne eeesoye..thank you eesoye

I have been going through difficult financial times for over 10 yrs and grow weary. This week i felt unsafe and asked Jesus Christ to cover me, my home, my pets and added m travels this morning. Coming home from work i was by human standards justifiably crabby. The roads were empty, not a car in sight. Suddenly the sun peaking through curb lane trees felt sharp in my eyes. I changed lanes and in almost a blink of an eye a car was broke down under one of the trees. It blended in color with the shade, street and heavy trees so perfectly i would never have stopped in time. The funny part is as soon as i changed lanes i thought, oh, now i am in the sun all the time but felt more comfortable. Just as that thought barely fibished i saw the broken down car. I praised God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I laid down to rest and thought why do i think myself unworthy of God's Mercy? If the Holy Trinity in Its Divine way answered me to keep me safe of course God wants to give e His help through His Son and the help of The Holy Spirit. I am not believing myself worthy but i did believe i would be kept safe and i was. It is so difficult to feel i deserve God's help. Thank you and please pray for my faith to understand and feel God's love with more belief to live in health , safe and quiet home with good people as neighbors for me and my pets health and well being. Praise be to God our Father in heaven, Jesus Christ our only Lord and Savior and The help of The Holy Spirit..All guiding me safely especially today on way home from work.

My husband is prostate cancer free. Thank you for prayers.God is good.

My monthly furlough payment was late, so I got prayer and it has now been paid! Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Also thanks to everyone who prayed for me.

Thank you Lord God for granting my brother, Dante his most loved job in the medical field. May You continue to guide and guard him from all dangers and problems he might encounter in his life and at work. Bless us all with much graces and mercy. You are the greatest God, thank you in the name of Jesus Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Thank you Jesus and Praise God for the intersession of St. Maximillian Kolbe!

I want to give all glory and praise to God for prayers answered. My son passed his licensed exams and will be allowed to practice as a pharmacist.

I want to give all glory and praise to God for prayers answered. My son passed his licensed exams and will be allowed to practice as a pharmacist.

My drive to work takes about an hour round trip on a rural road. There were multiple accidents per week on this road due to drivers not paying attention. I was never in an accident but I had so many close calls. I would either show up at work in tears or home in tears. I honestly felt I was going to die driving this road. Then I started praying the rosary daily. What a difference! It felt like there was a bubble protecting me when driving to work. I felt so safe. Praying the rosary daily to our Blessed Mother Mary has made a huge change in my life.

My brother was recently dying in the hospital. I requested prayers from many family, friends, co workers and acquaintances. Within 24 hours he was given a new chance at LIFE. I thank GOD for answering Our Prayers. He was a Miracle!! He is home recovering.

Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered

God is an awesome God. I give God all the glory, all praises, all honor, all thanksgiving. Father, there is non like you. Thank you Lord for everything you have done for me, I thank you especially for making it possible for me to surpass my sales target after so many years. I praise you Lord and I believe you will bless me with a promotion in Jesus name. Amen

My God I give you thanks and praise you holy name. In the name of Jesus Christ I thank you for healing me last night when I became ill. Upon going to bed I prayed to you, to take this cup from me and restore me to health. Praying for your will not mine. JMJ

My brother has been cancer for 5 years and recently was told he is cancer free. 5 years of praying it was answered. Most recently he was very sick in the hospital and we were told he won’t survive the night. We were he had a 10% of survival that night. We continue to pray and had all our families,friends, coworkers and anyone we knew to pray for him. The next morning the physicians didn’t know what happened but he had 70% chance to live. Make a long story short- he is home recuperating. He has a long rode to recovery but he was and is a miracle. Our prayers were answered. I THANK GOD everyday! I do my best to have others believe in Our Father!

Two months ago I sent my prayer requests concerning REJECTION FROM MY PARENTS IN-LAW, last month my husband suggested that we go visit his grandma who had been unwell and on our way back we passed by my parents in-laws to greet them. They have since been welcoming and kind to us, they love our two sons and they are always calling to find out how they are doing. I thank God for answering my prayer and also the WAU group for praying for me my our good Lord bless you. I pray that God will help me to forgive my parents in-law and forgot as we start a new chapter in life and that God may bless us with a wedding to solemnise our marriage. Amen.

Thanks Jesus ( black Jesus), I have knowing that a woman who stole my ideas for my book, and a man who stole my idea about my talking with an Actor are now criminals. I found out people are tortured by companies and how they are tortured and forced to sign a will. These people who work for these companies are crushed so they can kill themselves, and these people who are tortured are tortured by the Mafia and companies that work with Mafia. The 20th century for African American men when cover record labels were created and puppets, informants, were put there so they can incarcerate African American in the conscious, they created a wiretapping network ( electro magnetic, heart, brain) that is placed in the body like a camera so they can incarcerate these African American men in the Ghetto, Inner cities, working class places, middle class etc. places. They made them into concrete and enslaved these African American through collapsing their systems and making these African American live again and again, each time collapsing a system inside of them, their brain being totally rewired instantly evey nanasecond.

Thanks to your prayers my son came out of heart surgery well. Praise God!

Sorry to report the loss of our dear loved one, Sue Morton who has been on the prayer list.
We offer our thanksgiving for your many prayers from WAU. God bless all!