The Word Among Us

Latest Praise Reports

Build up your faith by reading about how God has worked in other people’s lives. If you have a praise report that you’d like to share, please let us know by submitting a praise report.

Would you like to us to pray for you, a family member or a friend? Please let us know by submitting a prayer request.

I requested prayers for my cousin who has MS and was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. The Lord took away the metastatic and it can be cured by surgery. Thank you so very much!

Thank you for all the times you blessed me to be triumphant over those who were seeking
to afflict me!

We give God the Glory. 14 years in marriage today. May our days be filled with Love, Joy and Companionship! Akish and Mesh

Celebrate the victory of the lord. He has done mighty things yet again. My 1. & 2. & 3. & 4. & 5. & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11& 12&13 & 14 prayer topic is answered. Faith is the substance and proof of things unseen. Praise the lord!!!

Praise Father God for my new penthouse in San Diego in Jesus mighty name amen!

Yesterday I came to you desperately asking for prayers for my grand-nephew Brandon Stakemann who is in critical care in a hospital in New Jersey. I thank our Lord and you for your prayers he is showing signs of improvement a week later. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless all.

You are God’s child, and he is pleased with you...I am filled with a heart of gratitude and abounding love. Thank you God for your overflowing grace and mercy. It is well.

God is amazing. My fiancé died two years ago, I was left with an emptiness that no one but the Lord could fill. I was worried that I’d be alone for the rest of my life, but just a few days ago, God sent me a husband. The best part is, I love this guy more than the last one and I did not think that would ever be possible. Praise be to the most high God!

My prayers for my sister have been answered in more wonderful ways that I could have imagined. She is moving and although answers as to where she would live, how it would all work out, etc. were unknown to all of us for a quite a while, the Lord answered our prayers in a most surprising way. It is all good now and she is actually quite excited about her new home and looking forward to the upcoming changes. God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!!

Prayer request : please help me not to lost my job in the Administration Wing to preach the gospel.

Praise for breakthroughs in my sons life! He is moving forward.

I'm so overwhelmingly grateful because the LORD has delivered me from the new-age! For years I believed in and practiced demonic things but suddenly God took the veil from over my eyes and I feel more light and at peace than ever before! THANK YOU GOD for having patience with me and thank You for helping me fight the spirits of the darkness! PRAISE JESUS!

I asked for prayers for my daughters migraines and they are finding ways to help her. Thank you God for leading us to the right people!

My sister inlaw, Mardel is doing better. She is still hospital but was able to get out of bed and take a walk. She made it through two surgeries. Thank you and give the good Lord all the praise. The power of prayer. Amen

Thanking God for my successful eye surgery and also Eds fear of his eyes as it is slowly healing.

Praise and Glory to you Lord! My father had a successful surgery. Thank you for everything Lord!

For past two years, I have written promotion interview to qualify to the next grade level without success. Every time the exams reaches, I find myself very week and unable to prepare well for it. I will be rewriting the examination on the 18th December, 2019. Please pray for God's Grace to prepare for the examination and promotion to the next grade level. Thank you. To God be the the Glory.

“Thank you, Lord, for your many blessings in my life!”

It has been a rollercoaster but I count my blessings and they are many. Thanks for favour so we were able to enjoy An's 10th birthday with no incident and what is more the perfect wedding and set up!

All is well that ends well. I will sing your praises oh Jehovah God for you have been good to me. Amen.

Wiser. Faith increased. Feeling back on track. Job offer signed today. Thank you Jesus!!

John 14:13-14 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Thank you Lord for your overflowing grace and mercy. It is well.

I would like to thank you for your prayers for my son Brandon and his wife Brandy. She has agreed to Shared Parenting. I also have noticed their hearts softening towards one another. Continued prayers for healing and reconciliation if it is God's will. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ :)

Thank you for healing my wife's condition and taking care of our baby and keeping the hospital stay uneventful.

Prayers answered regarding a mass in my left breast. The results were negative for cancer. Bless the lord.

Please pray to the Lord, Jesus Christ for a safe delivery on the birth of our second great grandchild, Mathew George W. He was born on November 7th. Praise God!

I asked for prayers so my eye exam would be fine and it was. Thank you so much!

The Shelter I am in, I Have to Leave. Praise God, on This Last Day, God Provided a New Place, A Shelter for Seniors, In My Affordable Price Range. FREE! Thank you JESUS, & JEHOVAH. sincerely Michael Moore.

The Shelter I am in, I Have to Leave. Praise God, on This Last Day, God Provided a New Place, A Shelter for Seniors, In My Affordable Price Range. FREE! Thank you JESUS< & JEHOVAH. Sincerely Michael Moore.

Thank you Jesus for the great test results and thank you for letting our baby be more than okay. Thank you also for the other things included.

Finally, thank you also for the help, prayer team!

I thank God for answering my prayers and blessing me w/the opportunity to have a successful first interview today and request for a second interview next week. Thank you in advance Jesus for the successful, long term career you have blessed me with.

Our son got his paperwork from the military & his loan was approved, so he's going to be able to buy a house. Thank you for your prayers.

Praising God for my little kitten whose results came back negative. May God please continue to watch over him and for his next big test to come back negative.

Praising God that the closing of my daughters house went through last week. We are so grateful to God and all the prayers.

Thank God that I didn’t fail a math exam. Thank God for the little things in life.

Tonight the Lord answered our prayers in a big way and we had to tell somebody!! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!!

Holy spirit ,Thou make me see everything. Thou show me the way to reach my ideal. Thou give me divine gifts. I in this short dialogue want to thank you for everything and never want to be seperated from you. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen. Please note my 6 prayer topic is answered and waiting 2 more for replies. You can pray the above prayer for 3 consecutive days and 4th day after prayer is answered please publicize the prayer to the maximum. Praise be to God.

God is faithful

I would like to praise God for always being on time and I for truly being a great father. I recently was going to be evicted from my apartment due to financial hardship and through steadfast prayer and obedience God made a way for me to pay my rent and to make things right with my landlord. Through that stressful time I learned a lot about being Christ like to all I encounter and even when I felt frustrated and anxious, I praised God for just listening to me and smoothing out my anxieties. God is so good and loving, my heart is full knowing that he has my back and loves me unconditionally despite my sinful nature at times. For those who feel withdrawn from the Lord at times, know this.... he hears you, he knows what you need and if you are suffering inside...but he needs to hear from us, to lean on truly surrender ourselves to him. And most importantly even when times get tough... genuinely praise him even than.

Recently I keep praying & I sent prayer requests because there was an internal leak in our house kitchen. I'm living for rent & did not want my parents to be troubled & the house owners too. I was very worried & scared, & day by day the water kept seeping in more. I believed that no prayer is too big or too small for our mighty LORD. My only hope & my strong faith is in Him alone! I kept praying & sending my prayer request too. However, just 2 days - God fixed this issue very soon & in a beautiful way. He brought our house owners to fix it itself & though it costed quite an amount, I know the LORD will provide that to us too. I asked God, we prayed, with hope on Him & Great Faith. The LORD answered, & I'm extremely grateful to Him. I know my thanks is never enough to God but I'm extremely grateful from the bottom of my heart. I encourage you all to never give up. Keep praying, & have faith in God alone! In the presence of you all I thank the LORD our God! Mighty God! Praise the LORD! He is simply beyond awesomeness! Oh Bless the LORD my soul. I praise You LORD! HALLELUJAH! I love you so much God. All Glory goes to You Alone! Amen Amen & Amen!

Thank you for blessing my wife and I with a child. I know this is still a long long way to go but thank you for this miracle. Please continue to be there with us on this journey.

I have got my 4 prayer topics answered but struggling with 2 prayer topics very badly since long time. Please pray for the fulfillment.

I have got my 4 prayer topics answered but struggling with 2 prayer topics very badly since long time. Please pray for the fulfillment.

Praise Father God for giving me excellent results on my physical and improving my health, mentally, emotionally, and physically

God is good, he’s gracious, and longs to bless us. I’m not praying in vain. He hears sees everything I do and say. And also everything he has showed me in visions and dreams will come to pass. Because he did it before and he’ll do it again. Thank you Jesus Jehovah Hoshe’ah

I Would like to thank all who are praying for my grandson Josh. I have another praise report to share with everyone. My grandson who was diagnosed four days before his 21st birthday with a rare form of cancer Epetheliod Sarcoma has been blessed again with some wonderful news. A miracle and answer to our prayers has been granted by our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of our Blessed Mother, St Jude, and St. Peregrine. The doctors thought the cancer had spread to Josh' lymph nodes based on a CT scan so a biopsy was done and came back not malignant. They wanted to be 100% sure so decided to remove some of the lymph nodes for testing and pathologist report came back no cancer in the lymph nodes. We are continuing to see the miracles God is performing.All glory and honor to You Lord.!!Thank you Blessed Mother, St. Jude and St. Peregrine for your intercession. Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given you.

Thank you Jesus for making this very successful and relaxing trip happen.

God is good

i have conjestive heart failure and monday i started coughing up some blood so i went to columbus ohio osu hospital and the whole time i was in the waiting room i began praying for jesus to give me a devine healing over me illness and heart disease and i prayed that all test would come back normal and blood work came back normal and chest xray and ekg all normal and my coughing up blood has stopped glory to god praise the lord forever he so good to us i just love him with all my heart i would appreicate that everyone keep praying for continued healing. i cant thank jesus enough he is my everything to me. please continue praying for me thanks so much.

I have been praying and praying, and submitting prayer requests during my medical school application process. First, God blessed me with a secondary application and then with an interview at the medical school of my dreams. I thank him and give him all the glory for anything great that I am and have done.

Praise and Glory to our Lord Almighty for another blessing have been received. Early Birthday gift indeed! Thank you Lord for the financial breakthrough and provision. You are amazing in all your ways! Thank you for making things I thought impossible. Truly nothing is impossible when we believe! Thank you Lord!

All glory and praise to you Father God.
Thank you!

praise Father God for bringing in this great abundance, in Jesus mighty name amen!

Thank you Lord for the blessing that the doctors who will be working with Joshua Palma are now part of his medical plan. We were told they were not part of his network but through your Mercy and goodness Lord you have made this happen.All Glory and honor to you Lord!!

Thankyou for the safe fun travel with my Nephews. That all went well with no issues.

I asked for prayers for a 8 week old baby girl named Kai for heart defects. After two surgeries and a few complications she has now recovered well enough to go home! The parents thank you so much for your prayers. She will have to go back to surgery for one more repair in 3 months, so please continue to pray for Kai. And I thank you for your dedication and ministry of prayer for those who need it the most.

God has protected me from evil.

God has kept me safe when I was all alone and did not know a single word in another country. Thank God

I thank and praise God for always preserving my family! The heat was too much for my traveling elderly mother. She almost boarded the wrong train. Thank God a wonderful female human angel pointed her to the correct transportation! Praise God! Thank You God for bringing mother home safely. In Jesus Name! Hallelujah!

Hi Prayer Team.

I want to say Thank you for all your prayers and Praise and Glory to God for my friends' brother is nearly going out of the hospital but still under observation but what important is, there's an improvement. Thank You for always praying with us. Please continue to pray for him until he'll be totally healed.

God Bless us all.

Thank you God for my job, sublet, medicine, car, health , parents, siblings, church, beauty, prayers from people , him , her, her, her , patience. Amen

The answer to my prayer turned the other way round and still favored me. My husband is employed!

Dear Lord,

I come before you today with a grateful heart for everything you have done in my life.

Thank you Lord in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Praise Jesus, this is yet another doctors appointment that my husband has done extremely well by Jesus Hand. He has kidney disease they bad kind , and God has allowed him to keep this from further taking away his life , by the power of Jesus through prayer and leading us to doctors who try new things we are still going. We serve a Big God , wonderful , faithful and always is there. Amen

Dear Lord,

Thank you for how you have been my God.

I return all thanks all all the goodness you have given to my family all this years. Thank you for spearing our lives, blessing our marriage with children. Keeping the children in good health and allowing them to make progress in school. Thank you for keeping my husband's job and for the eighteen years that I worked in Society for Family Health.

I am grateful for everything o Lord.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen

I prayed that my doctor had a safe and fulfilling trip to Africa and he did. Thank you for your prayers.

I prayed that my doctor had a safe and fulfilling trip to Africa and he did. Thank you for your prayers.

Thank you for helping everything go well with my husbands radiation treatment

I prayed that my daughter and her family had a safe trip to Iowa and they did. I praise the Lord for this and I am very grateful!

Thank you Lord for all the blessings you have poured into my life and for always being there to protect me. I love you Lord.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for making it possible for me to disengage from Society for Family Health in peace and good health. You kept me in this employment for over 18 years and I was not accused of any indiscipline or embezzlement.
I return all glory to you for all the promotion I received while in this service. The places I visited and all the good things that came with my working in Society for Family Health.
Receive all thanksgiving in Jesus Name. Amen.

Dear Lord,
I thank you for over eighteen years that I worked in Society for Family Health.
In the course of my work in Society for family Health; I was blessed with children. My marriage continue to grow. I was able to purchase and drive cars, built a house and do many more things with the fund that I received as salary.
The job expose me to local and international travels and I have met various personalities.
From the bottom of my heart; I appreciate you Oh Lord for this job that you have kept for me these past years.
Receive glory, honour and adoration Oh Lord.

The Lord removed the lightening for Torrey and her family’s trip to Iowa.
Thank you dear Lord.

God answered my prayers. Thank you God👏🙌😇

God gave me an abundance of financial blessings. And delivered my sister, her daughter, dog and I from the hands of evil.

I have been going through a lot with this current job I have and now God has open up a new door to work at a better place. I am grateful and have not been bragging but keeping it amongst my family. I just wanna give God all the praise and glory cause without Him this would not be possible.

God has lifted me up among my family. I thank God for my life. AMEN

I asked for prayers to relieve me of my anxiety and I am doing much better. In Christ name I am very thankful and grateful. Thank you.

I prayed that my sister’s broken wrist would not need surgery and it doesn’t. The break wasn’t too bad. In Christ name I am so grateful. Thank you

I prayed that we would have a safe trip to San Francisco, there and back with a toddler. We did indeed have a safe trip , uneventful. Thank you dear Lord.

I prayed that we would have a safe trip to San Francisco, there and back with a toddler. We did indeed have a safe trip , uneventful. Thank you dear Lord.

“Jesus, thank you for your constant mercy and grace!”
John 16:33

I humbly want to thank your God and my God bcoz miraculously I was stress free whole day n was able to laugh away the quarrels at which I used to agitate everyday plus I got some extra bucks.I was able to experience love for my mother n sister n I boosted my other sisters confidence.I have felt very different today.I thank God n I pray that He blesses me everybody around me like He did today.Thank you beloved people of God

thank you so much for your prayers..I found my car keys...such a relieve that i did not have to pay $350 for a new was actually a key fob. I made a promise to myself that if were found I would donate money to St. Vincent de Paul, for those in need. praise God for all who took time to pray for my need.

Thank you so much for your prayers to our Father Almighty for my brother will be able to start a new employment. May God always bless us all.

Thank you for bringing my husband safely home

I asked for prayers for a young man who was near death and his mother reported that he is improving. She attributes it to prayer and I said that I would share her praise report.

Lord Jesus, thank you for answering our prayers for our son's completion of this years studies and our grandson's improvement in his behavior and attitude. Oh thank you Father for watching over our grandchildren and allowing them to complete another successful school year, All honor, glory and praise be given to you Lord. I love you

praise Father God for letting me rest while he forgives my oppressors with time, love, and grace, in Jesus name amen!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Praise the Lord for healing of my mother's brain infection. She had very severe brain infection 5 weeks ago.The doctor said that her case was very complicated based on her MRI. God is doing the impossible. Now, she has recovered. i also thank God that he strengthens our faith in him through this incident, letting us know that he is the Lord of resurrection. I also express my sincere thanks to those who pray for healing of my mother. Thank and God blessed.

Blessed be God.Thank you for the prayers. My daughter has a job for the upcoming year.

Thank you for praying for the successful outcome of a legal problem for my son.

Hi yesterday I found out of 1000 people who applied out of 30 who made it I was accepted into the state police academy!

All Praise and Glory to You Lord. I have been sick with worry that I had offended a dear family member that I didn’t mean to, I had not heard back from her and was praying to hear from her and my prayers were answered. I know it was the Lord’s mercy and grace that brought her to reach out to me.
Thank you St Jude, St Rita, St Anthony, St Expedite and other saints for intercession.

Yesterday I received the book by one of the Medjugorje visionaries, "My Heat Will Triumph" by Mirjana Soldo there was a very strong scent of roses. I couldn't find the source of the smell....both the book and the packaging smelled just as they should and it wasn't from my hands or clothing. I went out to the store and while driving was questioning myself...did I really smell that/ am I crazy? and then at a stop light I looked up and the car in front of me had a decal of the Blessed Mother holding Jesus and I laughed out loud. Clearly the Blessed Mother was telling me to pray, pray and then pray some more.

I praise and thank our Lord, God on high, our application for senior housing was approved, we will be relocating this coming June. Thank you for your prayers. God is so good.

My husband has been unemployed for over a year and last year I started sowing a seed towards a house and a wedding party, cause we only did a blessing ceremony. The lord this year stirred me up to apply for a home loan, and I was scared that I could never afford it as I was the only one working, but praise be to the Lord, I got approved for a home loan, not only that we received a discount 21.7% on the property. The Lord is so faithful and is genuinely a provider; He will meet all of our needs and desires, there is no God like Him, He is worthy of all the praise and the honor. Thank you so much for all you've done for me and my family Pastor Hubbard..

Tel. +2349036378920

My husband has been unemployed for over a year and last year I started sowing a seed towards a house and a wedding party, cause we only did a blessing ceremony. The lord this year stirred me up to apply for a home loan, and I was scared that I could never afford it as I was the only one working, but praise be to the Lord, I got approved for a home loan, not only that we received a discount 21.7% on the property. The Lord is so faithful and is genuinely a provider; He will meet all of our needs and desires, there is no God like Him, He is worthy of all the praise and the honor. Thank you so much for all you've done for me and my family Pastor Hubbard..

Tel. +2349036378920

I asked for prayers so my daughters procedure was successful and it was now praying for her recovery goes smoothly. Thank you Lord.

My daughter has been dealing with a failed pregnancy. I have been asking for the best case scenario for her and God blesses us. She will have a procedure tomorrow. Thank you Lord🙏🙏🙏

praise Father God for giving my sister a terrific marriage, for the better every day, in Jesus mighty name amen!

God has healed me daughter. I am so grateful!

Glory and Praise to You Lord!
Finally, my sister got her BS Diploma in Accounting Tech! After all her she have been through these years, all the hard work, sacrifices and the efforts she put even it gets harder each day. As a Wife, daughter, a sibling, a mother and a School Performer, it is not that easy as she does everything all by herself just to be in this journey.

Thank You, Lord, for guiding and helping her and giving her the courage, wisdom, and strength. All for You Father God! Thank you!