The Word Among Us

Latest Praise Reports

Build up your faith by reading about how God has worked in other people’s lives. If you have a praise report that you’d like to share, please let us know by submitting a praise report.

Would you like to us to pray for you, a family member or a friend? Please let us know by submitting a prayer request.

This is a thanksgiving prayer in response to an answered prayer I had submitted here last week. . I would like to thank God and praise His name for the answered prayer. I would also like to thank all people who are in constant prayers and helped prayed for my request. Thank you God, thank you word among us community.Thank you Mother Mary, St JOseph and Holy Spirit.

Thank you God for everything you have done for me and my family,what you are doing in our life’s now and what you are yet to do in our life’s, thank you for everything and for answering our prayers in Jesus Name Amen

There are blessings slowly starting in our son’s Matthew’s life despite his brain injuries and his incarceration. He recently sent a rational letter outlining realizations of my caring and love and his appreciation. He has been so angry, bitter,and confused as well as hurt both physically emotionally and spiritually. It’s a good start Thank everyone for your continued prayers and support.

Prayers for my young child were answered. He had been struggling last year in coping with a domineering teacher. This year, he has a better fit with his teacher. Incredibly, he just received all A's on his report and he is having a much better time of it in school. Gratefully, K.

Thank God and thank you for your prayers. Kristin's bulging discs are not to blame for her pain. The doctor found another cause. We just continue to pray that physical therapy and steroids will be all she'll need.

God, I just want to thank you for my amazing fiance and actually giving me a sign that he is the one. I am so thankful for him and everything he has done and will do for me, and for us.

Praise God for your mercy, grace and love endure forever. I have my family, a home, a job, a car, and everything I need daily. I have loving parents and loving kids who are my world. My two oldest kids have a muscular disorder, and God has brought them so far! They have done many things that people thought they never would because God has been so good to them. Also there is a child in my area who has cancer and his family had been so faithful. After just a few rounds of chemo he has improved drastically. Mom gives God all the glory and I am overjoyed to see the miracles God is doing in his life. He had neuroblastoma, full blown, in 3 areas, and it has gone down to one, plus the lesion in his liver has shrunk tremendously. Please remember my boyfriend in prayer. He needs a closer relationship with God, and although my kids aren't his, he treats them like they are, and I want him to be a good role model for them. Thank you Lord, for all that you do and are going to do. We love you and we praise you...and we know that "every good thing comes from God!" Praise you Lord!

I can't hold this in I am so thankful to God. Our dog was very sick and the vet diagnosed her with a life threatening condition. The cost for the surgery was too high and we couldn't afford it. Last night I didn't think she would make it through the night but we started praying over her annointing her and claiming healing. This morning she woke up 100% better. Running around back to her peppy self. Praise God! What matters to us matters to him.

My daughter in law, Dana, that you were praying for gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Emma! Mother and daughter are doing great!

The lord has answered my 4 out of 6 prayer topics. Please pray that remaining topics to be answered. Praise be to Jesus

Praise our Lord! Thank you because your prayers made it possible for my daughter to contact me again. Thanks very much!

Lord help my daughter find a job at home so she can watch her kids too work on line. At home I pray for her pain to go away too she is so sick Thank you her mom

I thank the Lord I feel so much better after you praying for me . I had pneumonia and I i'm on my way to recovering Thanks Jesus ...

I requested prayers for my husband before his heart surgery last December. I praise and thank the Lord that through your intercessions, the surgery went well, my husband is doing great and is now back to work after 10 weeks. Lord, it is good to give thanks to You, to sing praises to Your name, O most High, to declare Your steadfast love, Your faithfulness and Your healing grace. To You be honour and glory. - Amoxicillin <a href="">Amoxicillin 500mg</a> - Amoxicillin Without Prescription <a href="">Amoxicillin 500mg Capsules</a>

He is preparing to spoil me again as I'm being hyper obedient and in need and also am faithful. Also I'm sowing seeds and drawing closer. I'm quoting Malichi and Colossians and bringing some tithes, meat, and bounty into the church locally. I'm putting him and kingdom first and inviting people..and maybe finding a church. IRS debt forgiven and my insurance rate went down to my budget. Credit was open for my business. An invoice was forgiven for 15.00. Etc. Favor is happening. I love the holy spirit and the people, family, and team of God. I'm bringing my flesh heart back to life. Hopefully, first loves and all that. My last 3rd or half of life will be Summer and Pedro...better than first half. I pray for you to have ideas and a loving tone with words. Useful and kind? What you looking for?

I thank God for the New Year 2019. Some patches have been a bit rough for me but 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Kings is a reminder that I should take it all in good stride. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Sometimes it is not easy but by the grace of God, we make it a habit and we adjust easily to it. Amen.

I,ve collected my pgd result,i,m so happy,i had two carryovers,but i believed God for his wondrous works and he did it am now a pgd Amen!

All Glory and Praise to you LORD! Thank you for the answered prayer for my Husband! He just got Promoted! We are so grateful for this year he deserve all the blessings and your Love Lord! Thank you! Thank You!

I requested prayers for my sister, Nina, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, her husband, Joe, who has diagnosed with cancer in the throat area and even their dog, Milo, who was diagnosed with cancer. Nina had a lumpectomy and began 5 weeks of radiation and just today finished her radiation treatment. Joe had 3 rounds of chemotherapy - became quite ill but overcame the side effects - I'm sure due to all the prayers being offered for him and is now going to start 5 weeks of radiation, and Milo received his last chemotherapy treatment and clearance from his Veterinarian. I thank you for your prayers for Nina, Joe and Milo, God's most precious children and pet. I know that all the prayers saw Nina and Joe through this difficult time, and it is the prayers that continue to strengthen them and their faith that God never leaves us and always hears us. Thank you for your prayers and thank you God for the hope you send us and the love you pour out on us each and every day. Please continue to pray for Nina, Joe and Milo for continued healing. God Bless you.

I am so thankful the reconstructive foot surgery I had in November is doing well, I have had to keep total weight off the foot for 6 weeks and then for 6 more weeks use crutches and have partial weight on the foot. I have had 3 casts. I still am in an aircast for 2 more weeks but I start physical therapy tomorrow. I thank God for my healing and so far successful surgery. I thank God for my gifted surgeon. I am so blessed. Praise God and thank you.

Praise and Thank our Lord God, my daughter got the job. Thank you so much for your intercessory prayers. God bless us all

Dear Pastor Prince,
I have watched your Teaching Ministry on TBN for many years, but I truly fell more in love with God in reading your book "The Power Of Right Believing"! This book opened my eyes to so many wonderful things of Jesus that I never fully comprehended until I read this book, and especially the chapter of seeing yourself as God sees you! I have been a christian for 53 years and love the Lord deeply, but I have never had anyone to explain to me the way you did of how God doesn't see my sin, or my imperfections, only the BLOOD OF JESUS, his darling Son!!! This has opened to me an entire concept of Jesus's blood and what he did for me at the cross! I have always wondered at a Father's love, even the love of a man and a father's love to his children. After having 2 failed marriages and fathers to my children that didn't care anything about them, I truly didn't understand about the love of God. Oh i have always been taught God loves me and just how much he loved Jesus, but each time I still looked at him through the Old Test. as being "God", and not really liking women, always ready to punish the woman and not the man! This book has given me a new revelation of God and just how much he truly loves us all! Thank you for taking the time to write this book! As soon as I get the money, I plan on getting Destined to Reign and Unmerited FAVOR! May God continue to bless you and your family.

His love and mine,
Bernice Matthews

My mom had pneumonia,the clot in lungs,I give highest Praise to
Jesus for she is out of ICU and doing better.All the Glory and thankfulness to Jesus.
Thank you Lord

Erica a young woman who was battling breast cancer a few years is now back in the hospital. Her cancer has spread and now is in her bones and spine. Worried because her treatments have exhausted her savings and doesn't know where to turn. She needs prayers

God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, our health, a job, and great work family. Thank you for everything.

I am very thankful that the Lord has restored my marriage and healed my family after so many years of deception, anger and hurt. We have been blessed to have our adult children together for Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time in about 15 years. Now our adult children are all living nearby each other as well as us. Communication is joyful, loving and respectful. Another blessing is my husband's deliverance from crack cocaine that brought destruction to our marriage and family. Now we are celebrating God's promises every day.

I want to thank God for working a miracle in my marriage. My husband started going to church and he came home! He want's to honor our marriage and work with me and serve God together! Thank you Jesus for answered prayers! It looked impossible but He honored my prayers and sacrifice. He made a way!

O Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for Thy intentions regarding all abuse victims, mostly clones, both humans and animals, who I will see in my visions and dreams and other revelation by Holy God throughout the month of February of the year 2019. Amen.

All Glory and Praise to you Lord! for Me and Mark are now Married. I've been praying for this Gods perfect time. He answered all my prayers especially with this one. Thank You Lord!

Please pray for Barbara and Andrew. Barbara is having health issues causing some problems with her blood. She is scheduled to undergo a procedure, removing her blood and transplanting back into her body. They are feeling anxious and scared. Please pray for healing and peace.

Thanking God for using the Home Office to grant me my permanent residency in the uk

Thank you God, for assisting Melissa to get into the class that was originally completely filled, so she can keep her teaching license.

Thanksgiving for Christmas holiday with Nicholl and her change in attitude; she was nicer. Thanksgiving for chatting with Tim and his change of attitude. I praise for his openness to talk and admit that he missed me. Pray for meeting with Tim; may his heart and mind open to God, reconciliation, and compromise. Pray for God to reveal to me my role in Tim's conversion/return to God. Praise God for both surprises!

Greetings my brothers and sisters! My wish for you is a Happy New Year filled with Peace and Joy! May success be your's and the grace to go through the hand you are dealt for we can be confident of one thing, we shall surely see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Amen. Psalm 27:13

You prayed for Juvencios healing and he is now stable. Please pray he continues to heal.
Thank you through Christ

You prayed for oppression to Lea e. and. needs to. e .et. Well it has...But I also feel this tangi le peace love t t t

praise the lord for he is faithful. I HADNT talked to my dad in over 10 years. until today. god gave me the courage to call. I spoke to him and Im going out to see him after chrstmas. to everyone who might not have seen a loved one for one reason or another pick up the phone and call youll be so glad you did!!! This christmas will be the best one ive ever had dispite the fact im homeless, and drive an old beat up van around. that doesnt matter family matters and most of all jesus is the one i give praise to and thank him . Its never to late thank you lord

Thanking God for the speedy recovery of my sister from a quad bi pass as this was very sudden.
Please continue to pray for baby Justin with his skin problems and also my marriage.

it looks like the Lord has helped us with our mortgage and we are incredibly grateful to say the very least and also he has helped us with food and some Christmas presents and were very very grateful and we're asking salvation for our lost loved ones to the glory of God in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for family reconciliation and restoration and protection and deliverance from evil including addictions and abuse. Amen thank you Lord as we worship and praise and seek your face and surrender ourselves to you, in gratitude and trust and service giving you our past and present and future and our entire selves and our wills because you are everything Lord.

I just want to give God praise for all His blessings and help in my life. I know I have been down and need get my life in order but God still makes a way to bring me joy despite where I am right now. So I want to thank Him for all that He does because without Him I don't know what I would do honestly.

I have learned how to forgive!

Glory be to God. Thank you for healing Jose. Thank you for your countless blessings. Praise to my Lord Jesus Christ for your boundless mercy.

Thankyou for prayers for Riley. That he passed a critical test that is allowing him to move onto a very important trainging and class within the Submarine division of the US Navy.

Thank you for your prayers for Braden that he passed a very critical test to stay in a class for the rest of the year.

I requested prayers for Karen who had a tumor removed from her neck. She had a successful surgery and it seems like no spread of cancer. Thank you dear Lord. Please continue to pray for her recovery. In Christ name I pray for this.

Praise report! I do not need periodontal work. Healed!

Thanking God for all his love

Thank you God for the help and success of Braden passing his test.

Praise and thanks God, my son arrived safely back home from Japan. Thank you for your intercessory prayers.

Thank you for your prayers for my son to get a job. He has been blessed with a temporary contract job, and it has helped him to get back on track financially.
Thank you Lord and THANK YOU for your prayers.

I graduated in 2014, since then, I have always been working underpaid jobs. Fast forward to 2018, I got a good job in a twinkle of an eye. God indeed does things in his own time, indeed his time is beautiful. Praise the Lord!

For a special intention that was granted.

I Thanked God for He already answered my prayer. I almost gave up but I'm glad i didn't. All Glory and Praise to you Lord ! Thank You so much for answering my long time prayer and by next month, finally.. I'm getting married.

Thank and May you continue to Guide and Protect us.

I praise and thank our Lord, my daughter arrived safely in Indiana. Thank you for you intercessory prayers

God answered my prayers about my dreams, in the name of Jesus, Amen

Yesterday, October 30th, we asked for prayers for Asia Bibi who was found guilty of blasphemy. I am happy to announce to all prayer warriors that the verdict was overturned by the high court in Pakistan. Asia, merely offered a drink of water to a Muslim, which is a crime in Pakistan. The verdict acquits her of this crime. "Praise The Lord"

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Glory be to God for His faithfulness. You have come through for us and it is not yet over but we are thankful for thus far you have brought us. All will be well. We will come out of this situation stronger and better. Amen!


My daughter received her apartment today, praise God. Thank You Jesus. Amen

My name is Gregory Jerome I thank God for His grace His mercy His favor unto me . I want to thank Him because He protects me from all danger . He gives me a roof over my head and provide food on my table .

I am from Haiti my biological parents died when i was a young boy they left 3 boys and one girl by the Grace of God , God sent missionaries to bring us to canada .

I thank God for all he had done for me and for all He will continue to do for me

My name is alishba by the grace of God my issue has been resolved God has embarrassed the devil Undoubtedly God hears prayer praise the Lord all glory to Jesus Amen

My name is Gregory Jerome I thank God for His grace His mercy His  favor unto me . I want to thank Him because He protects me from all danger . He gives me a roof over my head  and provide food on my table .

I am from Haiti   my biological parents  died when i was a young boy  they left 3 boys and one girl   by the Grace of God  , God sent missionaries  to bring us to canada .

I thank God for all he had done for me and for all   He will continue to do for me

I would like to give all the Praise , The Glory and the Honour to my Lord Jesus Christ for blessing me with R58000 to pay off my debt. Jesus is My Provider.

Thank you Papa. The Judge was not present today however the date has been postponed by a week. This gives us temporary reprieve. Like the parable of the The Unjust Judge the the Widow, Luke 18:1-8. We trust God that justice will prevail and above all unity of family and mending of relationships will be top priority.

I give thanks and praise to our Lord and God, my daughter's interview for immigrant visa was approved. Thank you for your prayers.

I want To thank God for answering my prayer for someone to put a new roof on my camper but he even had my insurance pay for it. Praise You Jesus for such a Blessing.

Thank you adorable Jesus for the successful breast cancer surgery for Debbie.

Destiny received an okay with her own place, thank you Jesus!

I will sing praises to the Lord for He is good. Thank you Father for your love. In a world of wanting more I know you take care of me. I am enough. Psalm 139-14

It has been a wonderful vacation and now it's time to return home and continue the good work. Thank you Lord for making this trip a resounding successin Jesus' name. Amen!

Thanking for all the prayers on our elected Judge in to the Supreme Court and continue to pray for him into this new journey of obstructions.
Continue to pray for this country that our Christian morals will be installed

Thank you Heavenly Father for making this trip possible. I was able to set foot inside St. Peter's Basilica. Thank you for your gift of provision and immense favour thus far! He truly makes all things beautiful in His time. Amen.

Prayer of protection is over my father's life in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Preliminary blood tests showed that I had a high creatinine level which my kidneys were having difficulty processing. However, a subsequent ultrasound showed that the kidneys were normal. The specialist insisted that since the creatinine level was slightly above 'borderline' set by health standards this had to be Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). In a flash my world changed - I was put on a diet of veges & fruits and lost weight. I was told that CKD cannot be cured and is a progressive illness. That was in June 2018.

My family and I stared praying fervently for God's Healing.

In August I consulted a 2nd specialist who after blood tests, then examining me and reading the ultrasound reports taken earlier said that there was no way I could have CKD. This was good news but it conflicted with the 1st specialist views.

Not knowing what to believe I searched for a nephrologist; someone who is well-regarded with several decades experience diagnosing, treating and operating on people with kidney ailments. In late-Sept 2018 I sought advise. I was sent for another ultrasound and for a 'nuclear' test - which is regarded as one of the gold standards for imaging and measuring kidney health - both structural and functional aspects..

Dreading what may show up I prayed fervently asking Jesus to please heal me. After a 24 hours wait the results were in and the specialist explained that there was no way I could have CKD.

3 months of uncertainty in very difficult, tearful, circumstances came to an end on 21st Sept '18. I learned 4 or 5 valuable life lessons in the process - things I'd never thought of before. I believe the Lord wanted to open my eyes to things I never considered before. But importantly I again saw the delivering power of Jesus, His grace and mercy. He heard my prayers and the fervent prayers of my mother and brother. He wiped away our tears. He healed me.

I hope this Praise Report encourages others in difficult circumstances. God Bless.

God is so good! He answered our prayers...offer on the house.. praying for smooth closing. My husband has a great job with wonderful people. I just got another job that will pay more.

the lord has answered three of my prayer topics. the lord richly bless who prayed for me. praise the lord

Let us give thanks to the Lord Almighty for we had a wonderful time celebrating my mother's 90th birthday! For this let us Pray to the Lord!

Giving thanks for all of the prayers for the recovery
of Mathias in his delicate heart surgery. Still in ICU and a slow recovery.

My daughter is in school, thank you for answering my prayers Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!! Praise God!

I can read now! Thank you Jesus!

convert assaination gone in the name of Jesus. Amen

Greetings! The more I seek Him, the more I find Him...It has been a good week and I want to say Thank You God. You know that which I desire and I place it before you King of Glory. I know in your perfect timing you will grant it. Ecclesiastes 3:11.

Thank you for the update on the baby, the timing was perfect!

Thank you Jesus for your healing, merciful love. I thank you for helping me in the time of need, I thank you for removing that "stuff" from around my head and not seeing things anymore. I praise you for expressing love towards me and not forsaken me. Lord and Savior Jesus Christ thank you answering prayers about my son's thoughts of suicide. Amen

I requested prayers about my anxiety.. actually twice as I was feeling so bad .Thank you for praying for me. I do believe I am relieved of this anxiety. as I am feeling 100% better. Just knowing that all of you were praying for me was a wonderful feeling.

Prayer works. Prayer touches the heart of a merciful God. I am writing to thank Jesus for his healing, comfort and peace during a very difficult time when I faced physical, emotional and mental health issues. I continue to need Jesus help and mercy each day. I trust in HIS mercies and love.

3 of my 4 prayer topics is answered. please pray that my remaining prayer topic is answered. the God richly bless who pray for me. Praise the Lord

Praise God for his grace and blessings asked prayer for Ray in Amarillo Tx he had surgery on Tuesday morning took 7 hours his recovery went so well he’s already home Dr’s were amazed now instead of his 2nd surgery being in 8-12 weeks will probably be in 4-6 weeks.Amen to the power of prayer thank you’ll god bless

I was feeling devastated after being diagnosed with a breast cancer recurrence last week. When the doctor said something abnormal showed up on my chest CT scan, I thought my life was over. I prayed and prayed to God to save me. I asked Him for four specific things: 1. Clean scans. 2. Perfect health. 3. A total cure. 4. Miracles. When I met with my doctor Friday, she told me my new scans were clear and I was healthy except for the one area I already knew about. She talked to me about the possibility of a cure. I know this is a miracle from God, and he’s been answering my prayers. I have faith that He will continue to listen, and will save me and cure me completely. God is always good!

Thanks be to God for the wonderful news of our son's latest career success/advancement..he works very hard and we are thankful he has completed this latest step.

I give glory to God and His Son Lord Jesus for their faithfulness. We continue to see God's goodness in our lives even in the dark areas, God shines a light of HOPE. Thank you Papa for making a way. The story behind the vehicle is special and we thank God that it arrived safely. For hubby's job opportunity,we know that good things are lined up. Psalm 37:4. Even if evil seems triumphant, Jesus’ light is still stronger than the darkness.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Amen!!

I asked for prayers that my daughter and her family would have safe flights and vacation to Hawaii and back. They did and I thank God for their protection.

my two prayer topics has been answered recently. the lord richly bless those who prayed or me. praise the lord

I praise the Lord Jesus for healing hearts.

Thank You For The Power Of Our Lord's Holy Spirit, AMEN!! Thank You So Much For Answered Prayer!
Holy Spirit Prayer To the Holy Spirit
Holy spirit
You who Makes Me See Everything And who Shows Me The Way to Reach My Ideals
You Who Gives Me The Divine Gift To Forgive And Forget All That Is Done To Me
And You Who Are In All The Instincts Of My Life With Me
In This Short Dialogue Want To Thank You for Everything And Affirm Once More That I Never Want To Be Separated From You,
No Matter How Great The Material Desires Maybe,
I Want To Be With You And My Loved Ones In Their Perpetual Glory,
To That End And Submitting To God’s Holy Will I Ask From You; (Your Intentions ...)
This Prayer Should Be Said For 3 Consecutive Days. After the 3rd Day The Request Will Be Granted.
While Making This Request One, A) Promise To Publish It On Granting Of The Prayer;
Or B) Promise To Circulate Copies Of It To As Many People As Possible.
The Idea Is To Spread The Wonder Of The Holy Spirit.

Prayed for the safety of our daughters flight to Hawaii from CA and the time they are spending there. Everything has been great and now praying for safety on their return August 4.
Thank you for you prayers.

Mark’s colon cancer tumor was removed and did not require any other chemicals or surgery. Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray for his recovery.

Thank you for the answered prayers!!

giving thanks for prayers answered as I passed my drivers test. Continue to pray for my family for unity and for my husband.