The Word Among Us

Latest Praise Reports

Build up your faith by reading about how God has worked in other people’s lives. If you have a praise report that you’d like to share, please let us know by submitting a praise report.

Would you like to us to pray for you, a family member or a friend? Please let us know by submitting a prayer request.

The yeast infection in my mouth has vanished right armpit free of inflammation

I been going to court off and on with my daughter who is a habitual liar very believable. Im shy and dont know how to defend my self against a liar. God send people in my life who saw through the lies and helped me keep guardinship of my four precious babies. I prayed also for my dysfunctional family and little by little Im seeing changes with them as well. God is so good all the time to each and everyone of us every day minute and second of our lives. He and his son and the holy spirit deserves the praise and honor

"Don't be afraid,' the prophet answered. 'Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.'" 2 Kings 6:16

Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Thank You for Your peace even in the midst of the storms of life. I know that You are with me, and I can stand strong because You will lead me into victory all the days of my life in Jesus' name. Amen.

Praise and thanksgiving to God for all things!

Our daughter has returned to Church! For about two years, she had dropped out of coming with my husband and I to Sunday Mass. At Easter time, she decided to return to Church with us, and has been coming with us regularly since the past four months. Thanks to this website for letting us submit our prayer which was answered!

Giving thanks for a successful surgery for cousin Reggie in spite of all complications and all of prayers answered for favors granted.

I read somewhere that if you find that in any given circumstance if the only thing you can ever say is Thank You, that in itself is enough.

I am learning more and more to look at my gratitude list and thanking God for the his grace and mercy upon me. I begin a new work week with fervor and immense gratitude. I need to not be anxious but trust the journey and remain confident that God will come through in every situation because of His unchanging nature - Hebrews 13:8. It is well. Amen.

I am just so thankful to God. He has blessed my life with a new child. I am pregnant right now and I have a promise that he gave me when I found out that I was pregnant. I am overly blessed and forever thankful beyond words. I have been through so much and right now I am so blessed and so thankful I can not tell it all!!!
Glory to the name of Jesus!!!

the lord has answered 3 of my new prayer topics. the lord richly bless who pray for me. praise the lord

God is so so good. He has done so much for me. So much that i wouldnt be able to list it all here. In the past year he was always by my side even when i wasmt fully acknowledging him like i should have been . I was heavily addicted to drugs and by his grace i was set free. The drugs had such a strong hold on me. without God i would be dead , in prison , or still using drugs. If anyone is addicted to drugs. The lord will set u free . In his word he says to submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you . Don't believe that you will always be a addict or say that you are powerless over drugs. Don't give power or thought to the devil. i have been freed frommy addiction and it was only possible with God. Remember with God all things are possible , without God nothing is possible. Three good things that he told me to remember. Love, trust God and pray. praise the lord. He is so good

I once sent a prayer request on this page and this prayer was answer.
Andrew and his wife are happily married as we all had prayed to God.
Thanks be to God and thank you my dear Mother Mary.

Although the matter is not over, I do wish to give a praise report and give glory to Jesus for his help he has done thus far concerning a matter regarding the lose and suspension of my license. Today I received a continuation on my hearing which means I'll be able to drive to my health providers until the next hearing. This very important for my health. Thank God for delivering me one again. Please continue to pray that this matter is dismissed soon without the suspension of my licens

PRAISE GOD SAINTS! I got out of an abusive marriage nearly 3 years ago and I recieved in my spirit that God has already blessed me with a new husband and a man I will remain with for the rest of my life! I am made to be a wife, I have the love of Christ in my heart and it is hard to hold in this kind of meant to be shared and marriage is a ministry that I have inside me. I have not met this man YET...but it is coming...I KNOW IT IS..GOD DOES NOT LIE! So I will praise him in advance and be very discerning..and make sure that he is the one that God has sent to me. Thank you so much Lord, you are my beloved and I praise you!!!!!

I want to thank Jesus for assisting me in making a decision. I needed a quick answer and He provided. Thank you Jesus.

my 4 prayer topics of 6 is been answered of last month's. the lord richly bless who prayed for me.Praise the lord

I had asked for you to pray for my child, Leo, who was hating the 4th grade, and was having struggles related to his classroom. He ended the year on a more positive note. We also had him tested, and the psychologist reports that he has no trouble learning and is quite intelligent. We now have specific areas to focus on and we, as his parents, are feeling more hopeful about his coming year. Thank you to all who prayed and to the angels who I know watch over him.

I am ok to go to California and move, in the name of Jesus. Amen
Confirmation through prayers on 6/18/2018

In the month of Jan2018 I prayed for My immigration file to be nominated/approval, which was very difficult to get because of lot of skilled applicant on waiting list, whereas my application was simple and less skilled as compare to other, but by grace of GOD I got Province Nomination certificate,
During my PNP immigration process time I was praying frequently with lot of faith on God’s word.
In every stage of my PNP filling process, I Got Holy spirit vision and guideline, during that time I experienced a lot of God’s Love and Grace on my application file. Thanks to our Savior God Jesus, its Tremendous Miracle happened in my life, which was impossible to get PNP Nomination during this difficult time.

My purpose is part of God's plan, confirmation that I'm not going to hell.
Praise Report!!! Hallelujah, Amen.

Confirmation of the Holy Spirit.
Forgiveness of abortions

My head is not with taltics anymore, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
Thank You

Prayed not to be used and abused anymore, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Transformed renewal of mind praise report, in the name of Jesus. Amen

Praise report that I have been delivered from this stuff over my head, in the name of Jesus. Amen

God has blessed me with a 14 dollar raise in just 9 months. 11 dollar raise in aug of 2017 and today another 3 dollar raise all praise be to the mos high God is and will always be faithful.

Praise report of sexual sin prayers being answered. Amen

Transformed renewal of mind praise report.

I thank God for delivering me from a relationship that wasn't of God, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

I want to thank god for letting me be able to provide for my one year old son as a single mother with a job that I only work two days . I can’t complain for what he has done for me and Aiden I thought I couldn’t raised my son on my own but I’ve accomplished a year with god by my side .

I woke up in the middle of the night in pain-there was a big lump in my breast. I was afraid I would have to go through breast cancer treatment AGAIN. I sent out prayer requests and had others sending them out, too. Went to the cancer center today AND THE LUMP IS GONE!!! The Dr. said I was feeling my rib, not my breast. I know the difference between my rib and my breast. Besides, the lump was NOWHERE NEAR my rib. God did a miracle for me, and I will be eternally grateful!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! By Your stripes I am HEALED!!!

The open heart surgery of my wife which I have submitted for prayer request has been successful. She is now recuperating at home.
We would also magnify and praise the Lord for the great blessing accorded to us. The specialist surgeon has made us not pay anything for the whole process though it was done in a private hospital, when it was supposed to have been done in a public hospital. We thank the Lord as well for the hospital and the staff and nurse that assisted in her operation.

Thanks be to God for this beautiful earth!

recently 3 of my prayer topics is answered. the lord richly bless who prayed for me. praise the lord

recently 3 of my prayer topics is answered. the lord richly bless who pray for me. praise the lord

My boyfriend and I broke up, answered prayers, in the name of Jesus. Amen

I praise and thank God for the answered prayers the application of my daughter gelyn was approved last May 18, 2018. Thank you brothers and sisters for your intercessory prayers, more prayers for her for this is only the first stage of the process.

I ask for support and prayers for my family and for me bless me god and thank you for all my blessings I’m sick with lupus take care of my two grandkids their farthest aren’t in their life I ask god to bless me with better health I’m all they have just give me blessings to b there for them I love my granddaughter she is 15 yrs my Justin he’s 6 they love me and I love them so wish me luck thanks god bless

As an international student living in London without family it was a difficult decision to remain committed throughout the PhD. There were so many low and overwhelming moment, through prayer, fellowship and support from family and friends, I am happy and proud to say that after an exhausting 4 years, I am coming out victorious at the end. I offer my work and degree to our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank the wau prayer team for offering their prayers for me, I am so grateful to God for the service you do all over the world.

Praise God... May the Lord be with us.

Praise God for answered prayers!! Bless The Word Among Us prayer warriors for their sincere devotion in offering prayers for us. Thank you Mary for untangling the knots in my family and being my intercessor. Hope and faith has been restored.

Please I pray you give me more strength more patience to take care of my family and kids they need me they don’t have theirs parents so I ask you lord keep me in good health and strong god bless eg

I give God the glory. No prayer is too mundane or too heavy a task for Him. Thank you Lord for meeting me at my very point of need. It is well. Psalm 86:7 In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, For You will answer me. Amen!

Our minds are stable, praise report. Amen

I got the job that I was praying for. thank you and God bless.

We are in economic bad situation. Please pray for us. Thanks.

Thankgiving that my presentation went well, for prayers from friends, my family, and to be able to serve others while I wait to get a full time job. God bless you.

Thanks and praise to the heavenly Father from letting my mom escape death twice this week and His miraculous healing. Amen

I praise and thank God for saving my daughter Klaire from a serious injury when she fell with her car seat at the Restaurant. God protected her and showed God is always watching and in control when everything is beyond our control
Thank you Jesus for being with us and for protecting our family as we continue to serve and trust in You
We love you Lord

A group of acquaintances lost their jobs recently due to the workplace apparently being excessively staffed with not enough work for the workers, and we had given up them getting their jobs back anytime soon. Many of us prayed for a long time, a few of them giving up that this job was God's plan for them. Some good news came very suddenly today that the managers had a change of heart and everyone has their jobs back! God answered a very specific and impossible prayer, and I am grateful. Blessed be His name!

Thank you for praying for me! I received my Va disability increased.

Praise report - The lord has answered two of my prayer topics. Praise the lord abundantly

Thank you for continuing to pray for me to get a job in Seattle. I had two good interviews last week for the same company and liked the woman who interviewed me because she was kind.

I was in hospital for a week,became ill Easter Sunday and came home April 6. Thursday of that week was praying from Psalms 24 and felt Holy Spirit just come over me. Felt a peace and as if I heard a voice saying,( I have you in the palm of my hand,everything will be alright) the urologist came in Friday, said,this has cleared and you won't need dialysis. I am sending you home, there is no follow up. You will be fine. He was amazed. I was acknowledging God's healing power. Praise the Lord. I was able to even attend Divine Mercy Sunday. I talked to the Father after mass privately and he agreed. God's healing power. Thank you for allowing me to share with you a moment of praise. By the way I am 70 .

Thank you Papa for the blessings you have bestowed upon me. May I be a blessing to others as others have been touched to be a blessing to me through being moved by the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Praise Jesus and thank you for your prayers. My daughter passed her Praxis exam today!

I am so grateful to have Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Thank You God Jesus , Mother Mary, st Anne , St Faustian St. ANTHONY St Jude Holy Spirit and Guardian Angel Arch Angel Michael Angel Gabriel. For all answered prayer Glory to you all.

Giving thanks for the on going recovery of Nicholas as he has finished his last dose of chemo and now has to be checked from time to time. Thank you Lord for all of the past intentions being answered. Lord you know the paths we take and continue to guide us.

Thanks to God for allowing us to be told we will be grandparents for the first time!

Thank you for your son did get the promotion...Thank you God!

My sister's spinal surgery went very well and is recovering, Thanks be to God.

Thank God for successful surgeries and treatment for those who prayer requests were submitted. Thank you prayer team and may God continue to bless you all.

Thank you again Lord Jesus for making the operation a success and giving my senior another chance in life. Now all that's left is for his swift and full recovery (and that there are no malignancies that were left behind and that none that will follow).

Thank you. And thank you prayer team.

I thank God for healing me from sickness and gastritis. For the last few days I had suffer cough, chest-pain, weakness and stomach ache. But God has restored my health. I am fully recovering and I am now able to go back with my normal routine. I am now stronger than before. I am now able to consume food and drink that I wasn’t able to consume before. I thank and praise God for healing. He is my Healer.

Praise and Glory to God for He is good...I was bless with a part-time job. Thank you for your prayers. May God richly bless this prayer ministry...Thank you


Thankful prayers for the recovery of Fr Fallon as he came out of coma. Lord continue to heal him as his next step is to walk.!

After my spouse Jackie incurred a heart attack on July 16, 2017; we have now received two good reports concerning her heart. She has just seen the doctor for the second time and the report was excellent. I would like to thank all those prayer warriors for interceding for her. Most of all Thank You Jesus! You are an awesome God. Thank You!


Mighty God I thank you for helping finish my doctoral studies. I thank you for the support from my families and friends. It has been a journey of hills and valleys, a strain on my marriage and at times I just wanted to give up. Thank you so much for loving me and guiding me...

I prayed my procedure would be uneventful and I would get a healthy outcome and I did. In Christ name I thank you.

I've been delivered from all of this stuff! Thank you Jesus. Amen

Thanks for all those who prayed for our prayer request for our daughter Maricor and her partner who have gone through their marriage celebration blissfully last 9 February. We askedfor prayers for them last, because they had gone through troubles in their relationship before their marriage. They gone through that trials successfully. Praise be to God!

Praised be to the Lord for His mercy for my son who has been healthy for nearly two years. And for the beginnings of faith I see starting to grow even as he resists!
Praised be the Lord. He heals the broken and binds up their wounds.

I want to thank God and my Savior for helping me realize I cannot reconcile relationship with or help a person who has a drug problem. I found out that person is still an addict and I am hurting myself expecting that they will get better, that we can be together or I matter to them. After 3 years of praying for us, now I can only pray for addict’s healing and to move on finding my own happiness. I feel like God gave me closure and wings. Amen

Praise report of hallucinations around my head are gone, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Thank you Father for the passing reference check and recent contact! I’m so grateful that you have heard and answered my prayers overnight. Glory to God!

Weight loss praise report! Thank you God for answering my prayers, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen

You prayed for my hernia operation and I Thank God for your prayers.The operation went smooth with little pain and i'm healing fine. I see the Doctor next week and i'm sure it go well. Thank you Jesus.

I have been praying for my nephew and also for his room-mate- specifically for the room-mate to find a worthy job for himself since September 2017. The other day, I had sent my nephew a newspaper clipping of a job ad with a large company looking to hire people. Unbeknownst to me, my nephew's room-mate got a job with this company at the same time as when I sent this article. And his room-mate never saw the news clipping of the job ad that I sent to my nephew! Thank you, God and to those who prayed for my nephew and his room-mate. Now I need to pray more for my nephew!

My son has a job and my daughter received a letter for housing. Thank you Jesus. Amen

Please accept our prayers of thanksgiving for Jackie, after she experienced a heart attack, which required four stents. Jackie has come through this ordeal with exceptional strength, primarily do to our faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ! We continue to pray for a full recovery. Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you Jesus for my daughter for having a safe trip, and for my granddaughter who had a safe delivery of a baby boy. I praise you!

My appetite prayer has gone through thank you Jesus. Amen

Thank you Lord that the lumps were not cancerous, they were cysts and can be taken care of very easily with no further issues.

Join me praise the Lord for what He has started doing in my life.
My monthly flow is gradually becoming normal. The heavy flow and fainting due to loss of blood is becoming the things of the past.
My surgery has also healed.
Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers.

I want to praise my heavenly father in His
divine intervention in my fathers situation I give him praise and thanks gratitude for his daily mercies his grace his healing power in our lives his protection his unconditional love to me all my life father you are the one and only the beginning ans the end thank you for your blessings favour healing amen in the blood of Jesus amen

I praise you dear Lord with all my heart for all your goodness to me.
from Our Lady of Medjugore;
Monday, January 10, 1983
Confidences from Mirjana to Fr. Tomislav Vlasic: During the 18 months that I saw the Gospa, a great intimacy was established between us. I felt her maternal love. I could ask her all kinds of questions. Thus I asked her why God was so merciless in sending sinners to Hell for eternity.
"Men who go to Hell no longer want to receive any benefit from God. They do not repent nor do they cease to swear and to blaspheme. They make up their mind to live in Hell and do not at all contemplate leaving it."
(Man's refusal is an irreversible choice.)

Questioned on the subject of Purgatory, the Blessed Virgin says:
"There are different levels of which the lowest are close to Hell and the highest gradually draw near to Heaven. It is not on all souls day, but at Christmas, that the greatest numbers of souls leave Purgatory. There are in Purgatory, souls who pray ardently to God, but for whom no relative or friend prays for them on earth. God makes them benefit from the prayers of other people. It happens that God permits them to manifest themselves in different ways, close to their relatives on earth, in order to remind men of the existence of Purgatory, and to solicit their prayers close to God who is just, but good. The majority go to Purgatory. Many go to Hell. A small number go directly to Heaven."
Praise the Lord!

I praise you dear Lord with all my heart for all your goodness to me.
from Our Lady of Medjugore;
Monday, January 10, 1983
Confidences from Mirjana to Fr. Tomislav Vlasic: During the 18 months that I saw the Gospa, a great intimacy was established between us. I felt her maternal love. I could ask her all kinds of questions. Thus I asked her why God was so merciless in sending sinners to Hell for eternity.
"Men who go to Hell no longer want to receive any benefit from God. They do not repent nor do they cease to swear and to blaspheme. They make up their mind to live in Hell and do not at all contemplate leaving it."
(Man's refusal is an irreversible choice.)

Questioned on the subject of Purgatory, the Blessed Virgin says:
"There are different levels of which the lowest are close to Hell and the highest gradually draw near to Heaven. It is not on all souls day, but at Christmas, that the greatest numbers of souls leave Purgatory. There are in Purgatory, souls who pray ardently to God, but for whom no relative or friend prays for them on earth. God makes them benefit from the prayers of other people. It happens that God permits them to manifest themselves in different ways, close to their relatives on earth, in order to remind men of the existence of Purgatory, and to solicit their prayers close to God who is just, but good. The majority go to Purgatory. Many go to Hell. A small number go directly to Heaven."
Praise the Lord!

God is good! Have been praying for a year and a half. My husband got a job. We do have to move. But continually praying for God to line things up- place to live, myself a job, a good church family. Also for my husband's work be kind, helpful.

I can listen to love music, answered prayer and praise report submitted before God, in the name of Jesus. Amen Thank you.

Praise report for things that has happened to me, in the mighty name of Jesus I thank and praise my loving God. Amen

Active stance of the enemy is from my head, in the name of Jesus. I am healed and delivered of the enemy. Amen

Satellite is out of my eyes, in Jesus name!! Amen

Cary received a visit from the holy ghost again today. He was battling so much over the last 8 months so God has given Him restoration today. Praise God

Join me in thanking God for a successful wedding at 39 years.

Praise report. A friend of mine wanted to commit suicide and I witness and prayed for him and now he is ok. Thank you Jesus. Amen

Praise report of loosing weight. Thank you prayer warriors!

My Lord. You are my everything. I Praise your Holy name for reminding me of who you are and who I am. Thank you for loving me and turning me around. Thank you for changing me and purging my mind, body and soul. Thank you for hearing my prayers and not giving up on me. Your mercy, love and goodness is unmatched.

Thank you Heavenly Father for healing my throat and providing me with three interviews today. I also thank you for the confirmation of relationships concerns and changing my response to the usual. Praise your name for my bill extension and immediate inner peace.

Thank you for continued prayers for Tim and I; we had a nice and quiet Christmas together! Please pray for Tim's conversion!