The Word Among Us

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Small things have power. We’re all familiar with this time-honored truth. We encounter it in the folk wisdom of proverbs like "an apple a day" and the nursery rhyme in which, "for want of a nail," everything "was lost"—from the horseshoe right through to the horse, rider, battle, war, and kingdom. More »

Ten-minute guides, ten-minute workouts, ten-minute meals, ten-minute devotionals—the bestsellers aimed at busy people often give the impression that everything can be accomplished in ten-minutes or less. This is hardly true of parenting. No way around it: Raising children demands a massive investment of time and energy. It takes long range planning, goal setting, and determination to persevere over the long haul. More »

Snow flutters around me as I make my way to the side entrance of the massive stone church. It is after eight and the evening air is cold and still. I nestle further into my coat as I crunch through the glistening snow. More »

This is the season of watchful waiting. We prepare our hearts to celebrate Jesus’ first coming, and we look ahead to his return in glory. As each Sunday liturgy proclaims, "We wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ." More »

"Just say no.” The familiar statement to deter kids from using drugs has become my husband’s battle cry. More »