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Echoing to Others God’s Words of Affirmation

You can be strengthened by the affirming word of Father, Son, and Spirit. And from that strength, you can affirm others in their goodness by seeing them do good things and encouraging them to continue doing the good. More »

What Makes Your Grandchild Special?

The reason every child is special is because God gives each one special gifts and talents. It’s not about them; it’s about what God has given to them! More »

Open My Eyes, Lord!

Can we really hear God’s voice? Yes! God has revealed himself and his wisdom—a wisdom that was destined by God for our glory before time began. More »

A Woman Clothed with the Sun

What the assumption means is that Christ’s victory over death can be seen in Mary. What she enjoys now, in the presence of the Lord, awaits us as well. More »