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The Worship in Heaven

The Book of Revelation is trying to help us understand that the beauty we see here on earth is nothing compared to the beauty that awaits us in heaven. More »

Reflecting on Luke’s Account of Jesus’ Birth

Luke’s purpose was, first, to declare that Jesus’ birth was an actual historical event and, second, to illustrate the poverty and anonymity of his birth. More »

Joseph, Faithful and Just

Joseph was a man who always listened to the voice of God; he was deeply sensitive to his secret will; he was a man attentive to the messages that came to him from the depths of his heart and from on high. More »

Honoring Mary, the New Eve

Throughout the ages, Mary has been recognized as the new Eve whose “yes” undid the “no” of the first Eve, just as Jesus is the new Adam who ushered in a new life for God’s people. More »