The Word Among Us

Personal Spirituality Resource Articles

Personal Spirituality Resource Articles

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The Vocation to Family Life

The vocation to family life is . . . rooted in vows before God that call us to consecrate our families toward God’s unfolding project in the world. More »

Building Up Muscles of Trust

As you trust Jesus for the tiny things in your life, his faithfulness will be a source of confidence when you face the large things in life. More »

Beauty’s Purpose

The purpose of beauty is to make us stop—stop what we are doing; stop rushing around; stop, look, and see the goodness of God and reconnect with him. More »

Taking a Stand

Like the Hebrew midwives, we may have to risk, our reputation, our security, or even our lives for the sake of others. We can only do that when we put our trust in God, who will never fail to help us. More »