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The Importance of Getting Dusty

“Ash Wednesday gives us this double blessing: a chance to accept that we are dust—but to believe that we are also becoming a “new creation” with hard work, and God’s grace.” More »

Ancient Keys That Unlock a New Life

“Because the psalms are inspired by the Holy Spirit, they can help us all sing a new song to the Lord, even as they guide us, correct us, and encourage us in our faith.” More »

The Benefits of “Rising Early”

The Feast of the Presentation serves as an opportunity to reflect on the expectant faith of Simeon and Anna. These two “early risers” can teach us how to wake up to what God is doing right now, in addition to waiting for God to answer our prayers. More »

The Benefits of Gratitude

How about a New Year’s resolution that will deepen your faith and improve your relationships? Spending a few minutes a day thanking God can have a life-changing impact on how you see the world. More »