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Holy Family Real Estate

It may seem like a quaint superstition or a superspiritual practice, but it worked! A rough-hewn carving, a donated statue, and trust in the saints’ intercession played a major role in the unfolding of God’s plan for this woman’s life. May we never lose sight of how simple faith can be—and how childlike God wants us to be! More »

Pondering the Christmas Story with Mary

While shepherds marveled over their vision of angels and the good news of God’s favor, Mary pondered the wondrous events surrounding her son’s birth. Even more, she opened her heart to receive the Spirit’s wisdom and revelation. What a beautiful model for us!
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Take Time for Advent Family Prayer

Advent is the perfect time to start new habits of prayer. If you’re not sure how to start, here are some tips for parents. There isn’t one right way—there are many! Whether you find time on the run or create a bedtime prayer routine, praying together can produce greater peace, greater hope, and greater faith during the holiday season. More »

Find the Glory of the Lord This Advent

Experiencing God’s glory isn’t just for the disciples who knew Jesus personally. It’s for all of us. You can have a personal encounter with Jesus this Advent. As you do, and as you find the glory of the Lord in prayer, it will naturally help you to be a little more loving to your family and friends this Christmas. More »