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The Friend Closest to Your Heart

Jesus’ way of presenting the Holy Spirit made it evident that his followers were supposed to relate to the Spirit as a teacher, a counselor, a consoler—as someone who would help and guide them in their daily lives as Christians. In the Acts of the Apostles, we saw that Christ’s followers were in a dialogue with the Spirit, who actively directed and assisted them in their missionary activity. More »

Preparing for Pentecost

After Jesus’ ascension, the apostles gather in the upper room. “All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with some women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers: (Acts 1:14).
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St. Mark the Zealous

"MMaaarrrrrrkkkkkkkkk!” She shouted, letting all in our suburban utopia know that my presence was needed at home immediately. I could always tell when my mother was worried about my whereabouts. More »

More than I Could Ask or Imagine

It could never happen to me. But as I peered at the results of the pregnancy test, I saw that it had. My promiscuous lifestyle had caught up with me. The man with whom I had had an intimate encounter had only been in my life for a few weeks; I would never see or speak to him again. More »

Resurrection Faith

If Good Friday was the worst day in the disciples’ lives, imagine what the next couple of days must have felt like. With the trauma of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion still raw in their minds, they also had to begin contemplating a future without this rabbi whom they had followed for so long.
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The Fruits of Repentance

Have you ever tried to clean a sidewalk, a driveway, or a concrete patio? Of course, scrubbing and scrubbing with hot water will wipe away some of the dirt, but if you want to restore it to its original whiteness, you need something more.
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