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It’s Never Too Late

“Do old things,” God whispered to me, as I asked him what I ought to do with all the time I now found on my hands. Shattering my ankle in six places had definitely not been on the agenda for my life. The accident had forced me to be off my feet for six months, and I had little to keep me occupied. More »

Making Ourselves Paracletes

The [Holy Spirit’s] title “Paraclete” not only speaks about God’s mercy toward us but also opens for us a whole new field of acts of mercy for one another. More »

Responding with Receptivity

After Joseph learned of the mystery of Mary’s pregnancy and took her as his wife, Matthew shows us Jesus already born in Bethlehem and the Magi on pilgrimage from the East. The family resides in a house by now. More »

Born to Save Us

As the New Year begins, many people make resolutions that are soon forgotten. The Church always encourages good resolutions at the beginning of the year but also brings us to the true “new beginning” that came about when Jesus was born of Mary. More »

Mary Immaculate

Mary continues her role as mother of life with you and me and all of her spiritual children. As mother of Life himself, Mary mediates the life of Christ to us as the new Eve, as the Mother of the Church, and finally, as our mother. More »

Thanksgiving All Year Long

The national holiday of Thanksgiving—celebrated in November in the United States and in October in Canada—is a perfect opportunity to think about gratitude. It can remind us and our families about the importance of being grateful—for the Lord as the source of life, and for one another—all year long. More »

Jubilantly Unemployed

After several decades in the food manufacturing industry, I rose to a position of respect and high compensation. But the year I turned fifty, my company fell on hard times. Tension began to mount in the factory, especially among those of us on the leadership team. I started to get defensive in the workplace. That’s when I realized I needed to adjust my priorities and seek God’s will for my career. More »