The Word Among Us

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My first big clue that something was very wrong came in February 2009. I was on a Christian mission trip to Costa Rica, meeting with a small group of women. Suddenly I couldn’t understand a word they were saying. More »

The apostle Thomas is best remembered as the doubter—a stubborn realist who needed hard evidence before he would believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. More »

Spring is a time of anticipation. Winter has faded, and we all begin to look for signs of new life. The sun is closer to us and the earth is warmer. More »

Keep the Fire Burning

How do we accept the call to discipleship with eagerness, enthusiasm, and fervor, willing to lay our lives down for the Lord, no matter the cost? How do we keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in our hearts? . . . More »

Building a Godly Perspective

For a number of years, “WWJD” wristbands and bumper stickers were popular among young people. The initials stood for “What Would Jesus Do?” and were meant to help people ask in every situation, “How am I living right now?” “What am I thinking in this situation?” “What would Jesus do in the same circumstance?” This is the same urgent message that Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount: How are we living today, right now? More »