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When Heaven Invaded Earth

What do you think about when you hear the word "invasion"? Do you perhaps recall the invasion of June 6, 1944, when millions of British, United States, and Canadian forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, to liberate Western Europe from Nazi control? More »

Search Me, O God!

Have you ever noticed how good we can be at noticing other people’s weaknesses, while still having a blind spot for our own? Fortunately, God is familiar with this tendency. More »

A Savior

One Christmas I was assisting at the midnight Mass presided over by the pope in St. Peter’s. It was time to intone the Roman Martyrology for the day of Christmas: More »

I Belong!

Advent is all about welcome—about preparing a way for the Lord and being received as members of Jesus’ family gathered at the manger. It’s about recognizing Christ in the people around us and welcoming them as openly as he would. It’s about removing every barrier and obstacle to the Spirit’s work. More »

Waiting in Joyful Hope

Have you ever noticed how much being in love can change someone? Think, for instance, of a man and woman engaged to be married. Their hearts are consumed with thoughts of one another. More »