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Unconditional Joy

I keep the LORD always before me; with him at my right hand, I shall never be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, my soul rejoices. (Psalm 16:8, 9) More »

“I Beg You to Forgive”

What is the key to good relationships? Trust, acceptance, respect, and love are certainly necessary. But every day we face sins and temptations that threaten to prevent us from giving and receiving the love and respect that are so vital. And experience tells us how easy it can be to give in or surrender to these temptation—and hurt the ones we love in the process. More »

Responding to Death

The inevitability of death can cause us to respond in different ways. Some choose to entertain themselves regularly so that they never have to contemplate their mortality. More »


Most names don’t reveal very much about the person who carries them. But that’s not true of the angels whom we honor. Michael, whose name means “Who is like God,” is known for his great power in fighting against Satan and his demons. Gabriel’s name means “strength,” and he certainly gave strength to Mary when he told her she would be the Mother of God (Luke 1:28). Raphael’s name means “healer,” and he is the one who cured Tobit’s blindness (Tobit 11). More »

Speaking the Truth in Love

It’s often difficult to speak the truth in love to our friends and families. Such words can be difficult to both give and accept. But doing so enhances the virtue of humility in both the one who is speaking those words and the one who is hearing them. In fact, we do not love our neighbor when we fail to speak charitable words of correction when necessary. More »

How do you react in the face of a danger that seems to loom large? It could be a threat on the global stage, like international terrorism, war, economic crisis, natural disaster, or news of a possible flu epidemic. More »