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Discerning of spirits is always a delicate matter in which we need prudence so as not to become deluded and confused. We risk deluding ourselves by ascribing all our mistakes to the devil without taking serious note of the evil we all have rooted inside us, and thus without coming against it. More »

Deep in our hearts, we all yearn for the Spirit’s presence. Often, however, obstacles can prevent us from knowing his grace more deeply. Below are five steps we can take to remove these obstacles and open our hearts to the Spirit’s transforming power. More »

He stands on a sun-bleached dune, his tangled hair blowing in the wind and his dark eyes bearing an intense, faraway look. His hand grips a well-worn staff, and his sheepskin cloak clings to his gaunt frame. More »

May you know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe." (Ephesians 1:18-19) More »

A Bible discussion group is another key that can help us unlock the treasures of God’s word. Participating in a discussion or study group—whether through a parish, a prayer group, or a neighborhood—offers us the opportunity to grow not only in our love for God’s word but also in our love for one another. We don’t have to be trained Scripture scholars to benefit from discussing and studying the Bible together. Bible study groups provide environments in which we can worship and pray together and strengthen our relationships with other Christians. The following guidelines can help a group get started and run smoothly. More »

It’s amazing. No single event has affected so many individual lives over the course of so many centuries as the resurrection of Jesus from the dead nearly two thousand years ago. More »

1. Be filled by God. There is a big difference between an empty gas tank and a full one. Likewise, God wants us to be regularly filling up on his grace, not running on empty. More »