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For Those Who Have Ears to Hear . . .

There had been a flurry of activity—bread multiplied, storms calmed, and people healed. There had also been ominous confrontations with the more closed-minded members of Israel’s religious leadership. Plus, Jesus’ cousin and forerunner, John, had recently been executed by Herod. Everything, it seems, was coming to a head. More »

Why All Souls Day Is Important

What tremendous love God has for us! What an amazing promise he has made: “As Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). More »

Friends in Heaven

One of my boyfriends called it “stacking.” “You’re stacking,” he’d say, when he caught me unnecessarily reviewing every problem that I might possibly have in a lifetime all at once, rather than dealing with problems that were present and solvable. More »

Jesus Loves Me as I Am

I grew up in a Christian family, with a Christian father, mother, brother, and sister. How boring is that? And I’m talking really godly people who acted out the love of God—not just a family who went to church on Sundays. They weren’t perfect, but through them I learned about God and his love. More »

Hope Does Not Disappoint

Let’s face it. Life can be difficult at times. It doesn’t take any effort to come up with a list of woes that plague the world: War, famine, drug abuse, violence, and sexual abuse are just the first items that come to mind. More »

Learn to Share the Gospel

When we examine our attitude toward evangelization, it is clear that the degree to which we are willing to evangelize is linked to the degree to which we have understood the great work that Jesus has done in us and in the church. More »

You Are Not Alone

We all face times in our lives when we feel alone and confused. Our marriage may hit a rough patch, or our children may be struggling. More »