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Though it doesn’t even use the term stem cell, Pope John Paul II’s encyclical, The Gospel of Life, while it is challenging reading, should be required for anyone who wants to think and pray through the issues raised by stem cell research. Why? Because the truth about life in its earliest stages can never be understood until we listen to what the Author of Life has to say about it. More »

It happened years ago. I was a college student on my first visit to another country. It was past midnight, and I was on the last train speeding out of Paris toward the suburbs where my French hosts lived—or so I thought, until I learned I had taken the wrong train. More »

Sometimes when God speaks, our natural reaction is fear. We don’t understand or can’t grasp what he’s saying. Or maybe we understand just enough to see potential difficulties or dread possible consequences. Sometimes so much seems unknown that reason fails and emotion takes over—fear. More »

God’s presence in the world often leads to wonderful events that awaken us to divine power going beyond the observable laws of nature. We use the word “miracle,” which can have several different but related meanings, to describe these inexplicable events. There are medical miracles and miracles officially recognized by the church. More »

The radio on the counter crackled. “Storm warnings posted along the entire northeast coastline,” the announcer said, “with high seas and gale force winds.” I smoothed another wrinkle with my fingers and pressed the steaming iron over the sleeve of my daughter’s blouse. More »

My husband, George, and I were overjoyed when we realized we were expecting our third child. Although this pregnancy was threatened by toxemia and possible premature delivery, our third precious daughter, Megan, was delivered on her due date. We recognized God’s goodness in her healthy birth and couldn’t wait to share our love with her. More »

When I hear the phrase, “Jesus saves,” I think of poorly lettered billboards on many a country road. I also remember an unpleasant incident when I was buttonholed by a street evangelist who asked: “Are you saved, brother?” But these unhappy experiences of insensitivity cannot change what is central for me, as for every Christian: Jesus does save. More »