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I love to read the different conversion stories in the Bible. They always move me to evangelize. Some of my favorites include the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman in John 4, the story of Peter meeting Cornelius in Acts 10, and the story of the Philippian jailer in Acts 16. More »

Everything is new, as we begin the Easter season! For seven weeks, we hear about the new life that the apostles received at Pentecost. We learn about the new gathering of believers, which came to be called the church. And we discover how these first believers came to live out the new commandment to love one another. More »

It began as an ordinary day, like so many others. I was at home—eight months pregnant with my third child—feeding my one-year-old daughter and watching through the window as my son, Neil, played outside. More »

For years I fingered my rosary at night when I couldn’t sleep, repeating my childhood prayers without thinking much about their meaning. I wasn’t even fully aware of the “mysteries” I was supposed to be meditating on; I just wanted the mantra to lull me into slumber. More »

The Women at the Tomb

We have always asked how it was that the pious women were the first to see the Risen One and to be given the task of taking the news to the apostles. This was the surest way to make the resurrection hardly credible at all. More »

We Have Died with Christ

Jesus, their Master and friend, was gone, the victim of a cruel and seemingly purposeless death. All their rising hopes were inexplicably shattered. Each apostle had struggled to understand who Jesus really was and what he meant to accomplish. More »

The Place of the Skull

Golgotha is the Greek transcription given by Matthew (27:33, Mark (15:22), and John (19:17) of an Aramaic word explained by them to mean “skull.” More »

“In Remembrance of Me”

Imagine you were walking down the street with a large sum of money in your pocket —more money than you ever had before. What would you do? Would you forget about it, acting as if nothing were different from any other day? More »