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God Loves You!

Why did Jesus die for our sins? The answer was like a flash of sunlight illuminating the faith of the Church: because he loved us! More »

The Suffering Servant Is at Our Side

Suffering is an inescapable part of life. Whether it involves the minor bumps and bruises of daily living or deep traumas like terminal illness, sudden widowhood, or a nasty divorce, suffering touches all of our lives. More »

We pulled into the driveway of our “new” house on moving-in day, and my heart sank. I hadn’t remembered that it looked so bad. More »

Walking to Calvary

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to travel to the Holy Land? How much meaning Lent and Easter would have if we and our families could walk where Jesus suffered, died, was buried, and rose from the dead! More »

The Father Is Raising You Up

It’s ironic, but true: The closer we get to Jesus, the more sin we find in our hearts. It’s not because we have become more sinful. Rather, it’s because the Holy Spirit has put us under a more powerful microscope. More »

When I celebrate baptisms, I love to ask for the help of a child in the congregation, preferably an older sibling of the baby being baptized. More »

True and False Fasting

Fasting isn’t just about giving up food or drink. No, the fasting that we are called to each Lent is meant to focus us on God and his kingdom. More »