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Praying With—and Like—the Saints in Heaven

The Book of Revelation is filled with prayers of worship, adoration, and praise. Even in the parts that describe the violent upheavals of the end of the world, the angels and saints in heaven are still singing joyful songs of victory and love to Jesus. More »

Residents of countries in the Caribbean are picking up the pieces in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. In the US, millions more are doing the same. Seeing these images of devastation and human suffering, we remember other natural disasters in the recent past—hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis. And we wonder. More »

Why I Am Still a Priest

Sometimes it’s not clear to us what God’s call is in our lives. It can seem very mysterious. But what I’ve witnessed again and again, especially in my work now as vocation director for our diocese, is that if we believe that God is calling us and we respond in faith, he will confirm that call with a sense of his joy, presence, and peace. That has certainly been the case in my own life. More »

What’s the Good Word?

Most of us do a lot of talking, much of it about other people. Some of our people talk is just practical: “Are you still working on those invoices? Joe’s been waiting for them all morning!” Some of it is pretty personal: “Hey, I heard Joe’s wife walked out on him. Couldn’t take his drinking anymore.” More »

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

We tend to think that our life experiences or what other people say or do make us feel good or bad. We think that situations determine our moods and our reactions. On the surface, it seems like a reasonable assumption: Gary is depressed because he lost his job. I am angry and frustrated because my kids are misbehaving or my husband works too many hours. More »

Share Your Faith in This Year of Faith

The gospel really does have the power to save and redeem. It’s something that each of us can experience. And it’s something that each of us is called to proclaim. As we try to respond to the Lord’s call to go out into all the world, it’s important for us to see how much the Lord wants us to evangelize. More »

How to Talk about Abortion

When I was eighteen, I found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend said he’d kick me out of our apartment if I didn’t have an abortion, and my employer agreed that this was the only logical option. She even offered to make the arrangements. More »

“I Beg You to Forgive”

What is the key to good relationships? Trust, acceptance, respect, and love are certainly necessary. But every day we face sins and temptations that threaten to prevent us from giving and receiving the love and respect that are so vital. And experience tells us how easy it can be to give in or surrender to these temptation—and hurt the ones we love in the process. More »