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Have you ever noticed how much being in love can change someone? Think, for instance, of a man and woman engaged to be married. Their hearts are consumed with thoughts of one another. More »

“The Bible,” I was told when I was brand new to faith, “is a series of love letters from God to his people.” One of the characteristics of cherished words from someone who loves us is that they always seem to know just what to say to us when we are going through something hard, even if we can’t quite express what it is we’re going through ourselves. More »

The saints have a special way of moving us whenever we read about the way they prayed, served God, and lived their lives. All these heroes of Christianity, whether canonized or not, are in heaven right now, enjoying the presence of God and communion with him. More »

The theme for World Mission Day—October 23, 2011—is: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21). Are we willing to be sent? Clearly, the degree to which we are willing to evangelize is linked to the degree to which we have understood the great work that Jesus has done in us and in the church. More »

My mother called with the news one cold October night. “Hello, Janet? I just wanted you to know that Grandma Grace is dying.” She continued with details of how Grandma had begun refusing food two days before. More »

It is clear from this parable that the farmer has way more than necessary to meet his own family’s needs since he intends to build a bigger barn to store his surplus. The difficult part for most Christians is to discern how much we really need. More »