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We pulled into the driveway of our “new” house on moving-in day, and my heart sank. I hadn’t remembered that it looked so bad. More »

It was a January midnight, and I was driving down Woodward Avenue, looking for a place to continue my evening of fun. Over there! I pulled up in front of a noisy bar. More »

Every year on February 2, as we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord, we remember the devout Jewish man who entered the Temple and saw the final chapter of his life unfold. More »

Some years ago, I was driving my daughter to a school event when a homeless woman came to my car window as I waited for a red light. She asked me for a dollar. I wanted to be a good example for my daughter, so I gave the woman five dollars. More »

"Serve me." These were the words I “heard” deep in my heart one evening five years ago as I was walking into my bedroom. Of course, I didn’t really hear them, but they were there loud and clear in my spirit just the same. More »

Many Christians think that the ultimate goal of the ecumenical movement—full unity of all the followers of Christ in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church that Jesus founded—is wishful thinking, a dream . . . impossible. More »