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Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him up a high mountain and was transfigured before them, [his garments] becoming so dazzlingly bright that they were “whiter than the work of any bleacher could make them” (Mark 9:2-10). . . . More »

It seems that he practiced the trade of carpenter, as St. Mark seems to indicate [6:3]: “Is not this, surely, the carpenter?” (Spiritual Exercises, 271) Words of St. Ignatius. More »

This very practical psalm outlines just what it means to live a life pleasing to God. The truly faithful will not speak unkindly or take advantage of their neighbors, but will always try to do what they know is right. More »

Mary continues her role as mother of life with you and me and all of her spiritual children. As mother of Life himself, Mary mediates the life of Christ to us as the new Eve, as the Mother of the Church, and finally, as our mother. More »