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An Examination of Conscience for Lent

Remember what happens in Jesus’ parable of the sower and the seed (Mark 4:1-20)? Only the seed that falls on rich soil bears fruit. Jesus says these “are the ones who hear the word and accept it” (4:20). More »

The Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer opens us to God’s intervention in our lives. More »

Welcome Christ our Light!

Like the magi who meet Jesus at the end of the journey, we meet Jesus when we reflect on God’s word. More »

Enter Into Christ

In the journey into Christ’s prayer, we contemplate him, heed his lessons, and discover how he hears our prayer. More »

Immaculate Mary

The humanity of Jesus was sinless because he took sinless flesh from Mary. More »

What’s in It for Me?

One of the best and most time-honored devotional practices, for Catholics especially, is the Rosary. More »