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He Walks Our Road

I do a lot of walking these days. I walk with my dog every morning, rain or shine. I breathe the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature—and I talk to the Lord. More »

Jesus Is with Us Always

Sometimes it seems that the Sunday Mass readings were meant just for us. That’s how I feel about Sunday's second reading. If you are like me, you really don’t like to suffer. More »

Do Something Beautiful for God

I’m so happy to be virtually “popping into” your home today—especially since I haven’t been popping in physically anywhere for quite a few weeks now. More »

Jesus Is Alive

Alleluia! Jesus is risen! His resurrection reveals a new kind of victory and strength. Easter reminds us that God’s love for each one of us is stronger than fear, illness, or even death. More »

The Power of Intercessory Prayer

In this era of pandemic and fear, intercessory prayer has never been more important—and possibly one of the few options that many of us can turn to when we want to help people who might be struggling. More »

The Lord’s Prayer

If you want to learn how to pray, start with the Lord’s Prayer. If you want to deepen your prayer life, the Lord’s prayer is where you begin again.
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