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Encountering the God Who Speaks

A fruitful, peaceful life is rooted in hearing God speak and sensing his presence in prayer. Allow his word to take root in your life. More »

For Our Sake

Now, today and every day, is the day of salvation. Take hold of the life-giving power of the cross that you may share in Christ’s victory! More »

The Resurrection of Jesus

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the love and power of God, that your heart might ring with the Easter shout, “He is risen!” More »

The Way of Mercy

As we are set free from past hurts, and the pain and bitterness that flow from them, we will be transformed into Christ, who is the source of healing and mercy for us. More »

Jesus’ Agony in the Garden

Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries is an opportunity to grow in abandonment and trust in God. More »

Turning from Self to God

God knows everything about you, including your potential. Step towards him this Lent through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. More »