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Pray with All Your Heart

As we “stand in” for others and intercede, we will see our Father working powerfully among us. As incomprehensible as it sounds, we can change people’s lives with our prayers. More »

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

Authentic Christian faith can’t help but have an impact on a believer’s lifestyle choices. More »

Sing a New Song

The psalms embody the whole of Scripture as they compel and inspire God’s people to give him praise. More »

The Risen Jesus Is Present in Our Midst

Faith in the Risen Jesus transforms our life: frees it from fear, gives it firm hope, enlivens it with God’s love, which gives full meaning to existence. More »

Extravagant Love

Mary of Bethany was so moved by the sacrifice that Jesus would make for her and for the whole world that she felt compelled to pour her most precious possession on him in an act of thanksgiving and worship. More »