The Word Among Us

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Prayers for Catholic Couples

By spending even ten minutes with your spouse to seek God’s blessing for your family, lives can change, love can grow, and relationships can be transformed by God’s grace. More »

Prayer Comes in All Shapes and Sizes

One of the important truths I have learned about prayer in my years back in the Church has been that prayer comes in all shapes and sizes . . . . We all have to find what works best for us. More »

The Trinity Is Our Life!

The Trinity is a mystery we will never be able to fully comprehend. Yet it is the heart and soul of our Christian life. More »

Experiencing the Spirit

Jesus intended his promise of the Holy Spirit to extend to all of his disciples, including those of the twenty-first century More »

Contemplating the Face of Jesus

God gave himself a human face, the face of Jesus, and consequently, from now on, if we truly want to know the face of God, all we have to do is to contemplate the face of Jesus! More »

The Breaking of the Bread

It is through the proclamation of God’s word and the breaking of the bread at Mass that the risen Lord remains present with us and with the whole church. More »

Jesus’ Victory over Death

Jesus’ death and resurrection opened heaven to all who would believe in him—a hope for life in him after death, and a reality to begin tasting here and now. More »