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A Woman Clothed with the Sun

Through her assumption into heaven, Mary enjoys now what all disciples hope for—the resurrection of the body, life eternal in the presence of God. More »

The New Evangelizers.

How should the church evangelize young people? This is the question I had in mind as I entered the World Youth Day Vocation Center, located in Stadion Cracovii, the home turf for Kraków’s soccer team. More »

The Season of the Spirit

Nowhere else in the Bible than in the Acts of the Apostles will we find a better description of all that the Holy Spirit can do. Nowhere else do we read so many stories of how the Spirit transformed and empowered ordinary people and sent them into the world as his ambassadors. So let’s take a look at some of these stories to learn how the Spirit worked—and how he can work in our hearts today!
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