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Come to the Father

In 1902, a sociologist named Charles Cooley developed a theory called the “Looking Glass Self.” According to Cooley, the way we think about ourselves is formed in large part by what we think the most important people in our lives think about us. More »

Praying with Thanksgiving

Prayers of thanksgiving make up a big part of all my daily prayer times. I thank the Lord for all the marvels of his creation and love. I praise him for this vast universe of one hundred billion galaxies, for this beautiful planet he made as a dwelling for us, his sons and daughters, and for the Word made flesh, who dwelt among us as Jesus Christ, in whom we have salvation and eternal life. More »

Praying to the Rhythm of the Rosary

What do you suppose would happen if someone were to mention the title of your favorite song? Wouldn’t you, almost unconsciously, begin hearing the tune in your mind? Maybe you’d even start tapping your toes to the rhythm and humming along with the music. More »

Years ago I was privileged to be part of an excavation team working on a site in Israel along the coast of the Sea of Galilee. More »