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Have Mercy, Lord!

The atmosphere in Jerusalem was charged with scandal. David’s adulterous relationship with Bathsheba resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. More »

Our Jewish forefathers gave expression to their faith in God through the psalms and were gripped by a profound awareness of what it means to stand as mere creatures before the presence of God. More »

The Beauty of the Rosary

As much as we may love Christ, the Virgin Mary can always lead us to a deeper love and a more uplifting perspective of faith in him. More »

Praying for Christian Unity

Began in 1908, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed from January 18-25. It is jointly supported and sponsored by the World Council of Churches, a body which includes, among others, most of the world's Orthodox churches as well as many Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed, United and Independent churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, representing the entire Catholic Church. More »

Baptism of the Lord

Why did Jesus, the Sinless One, submit himself to John’s baptism of repentance? At his baptism, Jesus accepted his mission as God’s suffering servant on behalf of all sinful men and women. More »

I Am Coming Soon

Ah, Christmas—that joyous, exciting, most wonderful time of the year! It seems that everyone, even the most secular among us, gets swept up in the magic of the season—buying gifts, hosting parties, and decorating their homes. We just can’t wait for Christmas to come! More »