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Luke: 6:27-38

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” —Luke 6:38 More »

Let us join with Christians around the world in praying for these special intentions: More »

The year was 521 BC. The Temple, once an impressive piece of architecture and the dwelling place of Yahweh, had been burned to the ground and was now a shell of its former self. More »

Let us join with Christians around the world in praying for these special intentions: More »

Several years back, I was in a garden and admired the huge leaf of an elephant leaf plant. It just sat there absorbing the sun’s energy. I took a photo of that magnificent leaf because it was doing what I want to do: absorbing sunlight the way I should absorb God’s love. More »

Some would say that waiting patiently is a lost art in our society. Who enjoys waiting in heavy traffic? Who welcomes a delay at the doctor’s office, at a restaurant, or at the supermarket check- out? More »