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She’s so young to be in here!" That was my first thought on meeting Gloria. At forty-eight, this Mexican-American woman had recently been admitted to the nursing home I was visiting with my Legion of Mary group. More »

Brothers and sisters, let us join with the Holy Father and Christians around the world in praying for these special needs: More »

This reflection appears towards the end of Cardinal Martini’s thought-provoking chapter on the Visitation in "The Gospel Way of Mary: A Journey of Trust and Surrender". More »

On the feast of the Ascension, we are called to rejoice both in Jesus’ victory over sin and death and in the glorious life that he has secured for us. We pray that we would experience the new life that is ours in Christ. Three aspects of that new life stand out in today’s reading from Ephesians: More »

Brothers and sisters, let us join with the Holy Father and Christians around the world in praying for these special needs: More »

In the cool darkness of a Moscow night I stood, my face bathed in the warm light of a long, thin candle in my hand. I glanced around me at the many people, young and old, in the courtyard of a Russian Orthodox Church; all waiting and watching in silent expectation of the mystery of Christ’s redemption. More »

In a perfect world, Marietta Jaeger-Lane and Bill Pelke would probably have never met, let alone felt called to found an organization that promotes radical—some would say illogical—mercy. More »

As far as we know, Mark’s Gospel contains the earliest written Passion account of Jesus. His gospel gives us the framework of the church’s Holy Week celebration, beginning with the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem as the humble and suffering Messiah, and ending with his death on the cross and entombment. More »