The Word Among Us

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Brothers and sisters, let us join with the Holy Father and Christians around the world in praying for these special needs: More »

Jesus’ opponents flashed their credentials: “We are descendants of Abraham” (John 8:33). They must have thought they had it made. They came from the noble ancestry of Abraham and Moses and David. More »

All glory to you, Father, for your humble servant, St. Joseph. He was a truly righteous man, in whom there was no hypocrisy. At all times he followed your will, upholding your word by his every action. More »

At one time or another, many of us have felt especially aware of God’s presence and love. It may have been at Mass or in the quiet of our bedroom, but no matter what the environment or the situation, God became very real to us. More »

Brothers and sisters, let us join with the Holy Father and Christians around the world in praying for these special needs: More »

"In God, whose word I praise,/ in God I trust; I am not afraid." —Psalm 56:4 More »