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Snow flutters around me as I make my way to the side entrance of the massive stone church. It is after eight and the evening air is cold and still. I nestle further into my coat as I crunch through the glistening snow. More »

Scripture tells us that “by wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Proverbs 24:3-4). More »

Today Pope Benedict is leading a pilgrimage to Assisi, the home of St. Francis, for “a day of reflection, dialogue, and prayer for peace and justice in the world.” Wherever we are, we can pray along, too. The “peace prayer” of St. Francis, which is probably not by the saint but which expresses his spirit, is especially appropriate today. More »

Did you know that the Hebrew word "selah" occurs seventy times in thirty-nine of the psalms? While we don’t know for certain what it means, many biblical scholars believe that selah was a musical term used to indicate a pause in a song, whether for emphasis or for reflection. More »

On this tenth anniversary of 9/11, let’s ask the Prince of Peace to pour out his healing Spirit on the whole world. More »

Dear Father, during the month of September, we pray for all teachers that they may convey your love and your truth. Lord, help them educate young people in authentic moral and spiritual values. More »