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Eternal Father, your Son has promised that you would grant all the graces we ask of you in his name. Trusting in this promise, and in the name of and through the merits of Jesus Christ, I ask of you five special graces: More »

Years ago, I came across a wonderful little book called "Prison to Praise" by Merlin Carothers. Carothers was in military prison when a Christian told him to stop complaining about his problems and start praising God precisely for those problems. More »

Of all the kinds of healing, physical healing is perhaps the hardest for us to really believe in; it is far easier to believe that prayer can lead to repentance or can change a person psychologically. More »

When we have received our Lord and have him in our body, let us not then let him be alone. Let us not go out and be busy about other things and think no more about him. Anyone who would serve a guest this way is doing him little good. More »

For years I fingered my rosary at night when I couldn't sleep, repeating my childhood prayers without thinking much about their meaning. More »

Tom and Ann, two members of their parish’s prison outreach team, joined Fr. Joe one Sunday as he celebrated Mass for the men in a local correctional institution. More »

On a spring day in 1916, three children watched their family's sheep on a hillside in rural Portugal. Completely oblivious to the fact that their country was at war and that Pope Benedict XV was begging Mary's intercession and lamenting World War I as the “suicide of Europe,” the children sang, danced, and played games. More »

St. Faustina learned that God could always be trusted, because he loved her not only like a compassionate father but also like a sweet and gentle mother. More »