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Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the garden and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. (John 20:1) More »

St. Thomas Aquinas was known for his deep devotion to the Eucharist. When you attend Mass this week, pray this prayer written by him to help you prepare to receive Communion: More »

That word, “I am thirsty,” is of all the last words that Jesus spoke on the cross the most personal and the most intimate. More »

Even when we try to spend time with the Lord in daily prayer, once our work day begins, we often find ourselves engulfed in a busy, active life. More »

The first time Christ uttered the word “Abba” on this earth, he was likely looking into the eyes of St. Joseph. It’s a point that is worthy of mention. More »

Bartimaeus didn’t hesitate to call out to Jesus for help. However, unlike many of the other beggars of his day, he wasn’t asking for food or money but for something far more difficult: He wanted his sight restored (Mark 10:47-48,51). More »

“Just say no.” The familiar statement to deter kids from using drugs became my husband’s battle cry soon after our wedding, when he realized I was one of those smiling, pushover people who couldn’t say no to an ice cream salesman in the North Pole. More »