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Wind as an image of the Spirit is as old as the Bible itself. The book opens with these words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. More »

“Take care what you hear,” said a verse in the Gospel reading for the day (Mark 4:21-25). And so, when Julia opened her Bible, she prayed that she would pay attention to what she was about to “hear” in the passage she was reading. More »

Consider this: Right now, Jesus is in heaven interceding for you, even as he intercedes for the entire world. It’s right there in Scripture: The Letter to the Hebrews tells us that because Jesus’ priesthood is eternal, “he is able for all time to save those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them” (7:25). More »

The turning point in my priesthood was the day I decided to place prayer at the center of my life. You may assume that prayer is at the center of the life of every priest, or that priests do not have to struggle to find time to pray. More »

Nature illustrates the harmony of life in this world. For example, trees provide us with oxygen to sustain our lives while we provide them with the carbon dioxide they need. More »

"And live in love, as Christ loved us." —Ephesians 5:2 More »

The superscription puts this psalm in context: it was composed at a time when David had to use all his cleverness and even deviousness just to stay alive. Yet David knew that ultimately it was never his own strategy that saved him, and in these difficult circumstances, he sings one of the most memorable hymns of praise to God in the whole Bible. More »

The gospel . . . asks Christians to detach themselves from material goods, which are for the most part illusory, and to do their duty faithfully, constantly aspiring to heaven. May the believer remain alert and watchful to be ready to welcome Jesus when he comes in his glory. More »