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Step 1: Open Your Heart to the Lord. Choose a quiet place. You may want to be alone, or with your spouse, or with a close friend. More »

The superscription calls this “a song of praise,” and no more description is needed. The Lord is praised for his power and glory, but even more for his love. More »

Imagine a young father coming home from work. As he walks up the driveway, his three-year-old son spots him through the front window of their home. More »

Today’s feast [Sts. Peter and Paul] offers me the opportunity to meditate once again on Peter’s confession, the decisive moment in the journey of the disciples with Jesus. The synoptic gospels have it take place in the district of Caesarea Philippi (see Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-22). More »

From his early years, Ignatius had a sense of the presence of Mary. His writings present Mary as the one who conducts him into the presence of the Trinity. More »

Imagine yourself as one of Jesus’ followers, sitting in a field in Galilee, surrounded by hundreds, maybe even thousands of others, listening attentively to him speak. Along with everyone else, you are captivated by his wisdom and authority; you have the feeling that there is something special about this man. More »

This is a psalm of thanksgiving that expresses in poetry the spontaneous outpouring of joy we feel when God has answered our prayers. More »

The gospels tell us surprisingly little about Jesus’ routine or regular practice of prayer. In what seems to have been the earliest gospel, Mark notes that after Jesus’ initial successes in calling disciples, casting out a demon, and healing Peter’s mother-in-law and many other sick people, Jesus got up early in the morning and went to pray at a deserted place (1:35). More »