The Word Among Us

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St. Thomas, Apostle

God wants to show himself to us, to have a personal relationship with us that goes deeper than simply believing the testimony of others. More »

Servant of the Word

John the Baptist was the last prophet heralding Jesus’ coming, and the first Christian witness and martyr. More »

Mary Visits Elizabeth

As many of us do, Mary had a heart full of things to ponder, overwhelming burdens and problems that, over time, she came to understand as fountains of truth. More »

Pray for Peace

The simple, wholehearted response of three young children to the message our Lady delivered at Fatima offers a shining example of how to be filled with Christ’s love and concern for the world. More »

“I AM”

At the moment that Jesus seemed most defenseless and weak, his identity became clearest: He is God’s Suffering Servant and our redeemer. More »